Michael Sars Guest Seminar Series
Our Guest Seminar Series welcomes local, national and international speakers who share their work on a broad spectrum of research topics within the field of biology.

Main content
Spring 2025
10 January 2025
Dr. Romain Levayer
Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
Title: Toward a predictive understanding of cell death: from collective effects to single cell decision
Host: Inés Fournon Berodia/PhDs and postdocs committee
17 January 2025
Prof. Karin Pittman
Department of Biological Sciences, UiB
Title: How to keep fish healthy utilizing genetics, evolution, and cellular biology
Date: Friday 17 January
Host: Aishwarya Ravi/PhDs and postdocs committee
7 February 2025
Dr. Bastian Fromm
The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
Title: The genomic basis of animal complexity - insights from the MIRevolution project
Host: Max Jordi Makem Pekouankouang/PhDs and postdocs committee
21 February 2025
Prof. Aurora Martinez
Department of Biomedicine, UiB
Title: Regulatory mechanisms of dopamine synthesis: structural basis and pathogenic insights
Host: Timothy Lynagh
7 March 2025 - double feature!
EMBO Young Investigator Lecture by Dr. Omaya Dudin
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Title: Multicellular developmental diversity and the root of Animals
Dr. Gautam Dey
EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Title: Evolution and diversity in mitosis
Host: Inés Fournon Berodia/PhDs and postdocs committee
21 March 2025
Prof. Emre Yaksi
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, NTNU
Title: Searching for Evolutionary Traces of Vertebrate Thalamo-Cortical Systems in the Zebrafish Brain
Host: Lionel Christiaen
28 March 2025
Dr. Loïc Royer
Chan Zuckerberg Biohub San Francisco, USA
Title: Building a virtual embryo, one cell at a time
Host: Noah Bruderer/PhDs and postdocs committee
4 April 2025
Prof. Alicia Lundby
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Title: Identifying protein targets to mitigate pathological remodeling in hearts by proteomics investigations
Host: Timothy Lynagh
25 April 2025
Dr. Michael Dorrity
EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Title: TBA
Host: Kathrin Garschall/PhDs and postdocs committee
9 May 2025
Dr. Eve Gazave
Institut Jacques Monod, Paris, France
Title: TBA
Host: Lionel Christiaen
30 May 2025
Dr. Nicolas Minc
Institut Jacques Monod, Paris, France
Title: TBA
Host: Lionel Christiaen
Autumn 2025
19 September 2025
Prof. Amy Gladfelter
Duke University, Durham, USA
Title: TBA
Host: Ruth Styfhals/PhDs and postdocs committee
10 October 2025
Dr. Chema Martín-Durán
Queen Mary University of London, UK
Title: TBA
Host: Timothy Lynagh
26 January 2024
Prof. Shannon Olsson
Echo Network, Danish Academy of Technical Sciences, Copenhagen, Denmark
Title: The insect mind
Host: Aishwarya Ravi/PhDs and postdocs committee
2 February 2024
Prof. Sebastian Fraune
Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany
Title: Nematostella vectensis: a marine model for understanding microbiome establishment and microbiome-mediated plasticity
Host: Patrick Steinmetz
9 February 2024
Dr. Edward Wallace, Group Leader
The Institute of Cell Biology at the University of Edinburgh
Title: RNA-binding proteins that control fungal growth, and their surprising history.
Host: Pawel Burkhardt and Eivind Valen
Tuesday 13 February 2024 / Darwin Day 2024
Professor emerita of Genetics Eva Jablonka
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Title: Epigenetic Inheritance and the extended evolutionary synthesis.
Host: Lionel Christiaen and Melanie Burford
8 March 2024
Dr. Fabienne Lescroart, Group Leader
Marseille Medical Genetics, Aix-Marseille University, France
Title: Multiple roads to the heart and head muscles.
Host: Lionel Christiaen
15 March 2024
Chief of Acoustic Laboratory Prof. Giovanni Zambon and Dr. Valentina Zaffaroni Caorsi
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy
Title: The effect of anthropogenic noise on biodiversity.
Host: Marios Chatzigeorgiou
22 March 2024
Dr. Isabel Almudí, Group Leader
Department of Genetics, Microbiology, and Statistics at the University of Barcelona, Spain
Title: Omics approaches to understand the origin of new organs and the evolution of winged insects.
Host: Eudald Pascual Carreras/PhDs and postdocs committee
5 April 2024 (13.30)
Prof. Gunnar Mellgren
Hormone Laboratory Research Group, University of Bergen, Norway
Title: Cellular and Molecular Factors in Obesity
Host: Ronja Alica Angelika Göhde/PhDs and postdocs committee
12 April 2024
Dr. Kaja Skjærven
Project Leader, Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Norway
Title: Metabolic Programming for Aquaculture Production? Insights into Nutrition and Epigenetics, Broodstock and Offspring
Host: Patrick Steinmetz
16 April 2024
Dr. Ann Tarrant
Senior Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA
Title: Runway to Reality: The Starlet Sea Anemone in the "Real World"
Host: Patrick Steinmetz
19 April 2024
Dr. Raphaël Candelier
Laboratoire Jean Perrin, CNRS/Sorbonne University, France
Title: Goal-driven navigation in zebrafish larvae
Host: Marios Chatzigeorgiou
26 April 2024
Dr. Nina Cabezas-Wallscheid, Group Leader
Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg, Germany
Title: Regulation of hematopoietic stem cell dormancy.
Host: Patrick Steinmetz
3 May 2024
Dr. Kristina Noreikienė
Institute for Biosciences at the University of Vilnius, Lithuania
Title: Thriving in multi-stress environments: lessons from a humic lake perch
Host: Marios Chatzigeorgiou and Oleg Tolstenkov
Tuesday 14 May 2024 at 11 am
Professor Frank Conlon
Departments of Biology and Genetics, University of North Carolina, USA
Title: Mechanisms of cardiac sex differences
Host: Lionel Christiaen
24 May 2024
Dr. Alberto Stolfi, Assistant Professor
School of Biological Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Title: Gene regulatory mechanisms underlying the life cycle transitions of the tunicate Ciona
Host: Lionel Christiaen
7 June 2024
Dr. Savani Anbalagan, Group Leader
Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
Title: If there is a receptor for Nitric oxide, is there a receptor for Oxygen?
Host: Marios Chatzigeorgiou
21 June 2024
Dr. Maija Slaidiņa, Assistant Director at Eitri Medical Incubator
Dr. Torleif Markussen Lunde, Head of VIS Startup and head of the ocean incubator 70Blå
Title: Innovation? Yes, please!
Host: Lionel Christiaen
16 August 2024
Prof. Maurice Elphick
School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Title: Discovering missing links in neuropeptide evolution and function
Host: Emily Claereboudt/PhDs and postdocs committee
23 August 2024
Prof. Nils Brose
Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen, Germany
Title: Dynamic regulation of presynaptic function and plasticity in health and disease
Host: Ronja Alica Angelika Göhde/PhDs and postdocs committee
Monday 26 August 2024
Dr. Alexander Klimovich, Principal Investigator
Zoological Institute, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany
Title: Molecular interplay of conserved and novel genes shapes the neurogenesis of Hydra
Host: Oleg Tolstenkov
30 August 2024
Dr. Patrick Lemaire, Senior Scientist
University of Montpellier and CNRS, France
Title: Digital ascidian embryos: natural variation and the logical rules of animal embryogenesis
Host: Lionel Christiaen
27 September 2024
Dr. Tessa Montague
Columbia University, New York, USA
Title: The neural basis of cuttlefish camouflage
Host: Lionel Christiaen and Pawel Burkhardt
4 October 2024
Dr. Kay Schink, Associate Professor
Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo
Title: Phosphoinositides in control of cellular membrane dynamics
Host: Pawel Burkhardt
11 October 2024
Prof. Karl Johan Tronstad
Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen
Title: Metabolic Phenotypes: Key Indicators of Human Health and Disease
Host: Patrick Steinmetz
18 October 2024
Dr. Emily Mitchell, Assistant Professor
Department of Zoology and University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge University, UK
Title: Unlocking the secrets of early animal evolution
Host: Pawel Burkhardt
25 October 2024
Dr. Sheena Tiong
Institute of Biological Sciences, Universiti Malaya
Title: Roles and Fate of Earliest-Born Cortical Neurons
Host: Marios Chatzigeorgiou
1 November 2024
Dr. Anton Nikolaev, Lecturer in Neuroscience
University of Sheffield, UK
Title: Plasticity in the zebrafish sensory systems
Host: Marios Chatzigeorgiou, Oleg Tolstenkov
8 November 2024
Dr. Karen de Jong and Dr. Lise Doksæter Sivle
Institute for Marine Research, Bergen, Norway
Title: Effects of underwater noise on marine ecosystems
Host: Sissel Norland/PhDs and postdocs committee
15 November 2024
Dr. Manuel Liebeke
The University of Kiel / Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology
Title: Metabolism under the lens - spatial metabolomics reveals host-microbe interactions
Host: Emily Claereboudt/PhDs and postdocs committee
22 November 2024
Dr. Romain Levayer
Institut Pasteur, Paris, France.
Title: Toward a predictive understanding of cell death: from collective effects to single cell decision
Host: Inés Fournon Berodia/PhDs and postdocs committee
29 November 2024
Dr. Susana Coelho
Director of the MPI for Biology, Tübingen, Germany
Title: Genetic and genomic basis of brown algal mating rituals
Host: Inés Fournon Berodia/PhDs and postdocs committee
13 December 2024
Prof. Ana Širović
NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
Title: Impact of anthropogenic sound on fish and plankton
Hosts: Sissel Norland, Marios Chatzigeorgiou
10 February, 2023
Etienne Bourgouin
Paris Aquarium, Paris, France
Title: "Jellyfish, one of the three strategic pillars of Paris Aquarium".
Host: Burkhardt Lab
10 March, 2023
Prof. Robert Kittel
Department of Animal Physiology, Institute of Biology, Leipzig University, Germany
Title "Plasticity and Diversity of the Presynaptic Active Zone"
Host: Burkhardt Lab
24 March, 2023
Prof. Gunnar von Heijne
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, Sweden
Title: "Cotranslational protein folding"
Host: Ronja Göhde/PhDs and postdocs committee
28 April, 2023
Associate Professor Arne Skodvin Kristoffersen
Department of Physics and Technology at UiB
Title: "Green fjords, remote sensing, and a bit of fluorescence".
Host: Marios Chatzigeorgiou
5 May, 2023
Prof. Nathalie Reuter
Computational Biology Unit and Department of Chemistry, University of Bergen, Norway
Title: Dissecting peripheral protein-membrane interfaces.
Host: Tim Lynagh
12 May, 2023
Dr. Matilde Galli, Group Leader
Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht, Netherlands
Title: Regulation and function of developmentally controlled polyploidization.
Host: Eudald Pascual Carreras/PhDs and postdocs committee
26 May, 2023
Dr. Sandra Duharcourt, Group Leader
Institut Jacques Monod, University Paris Cité, France
Title: Epigenetics and genome dynamics: what can we lern from the ciliate Paramecium?
Host: James Gahan/PhDs and postdocs committee
9 June, 2023
Prof. Uri Frank, Principal Investigator
Centre for Chromosome Biology and Regenerative Medicine Institute, University of Galway
Title: The adult stem cells of the cnidarian Hydractinia
Host: Steinmetz Group
18 August, 2023
Dr. Thomas Söllner, Group Leader
Heidelberg University Biochemistry Center (BZH), Heidelberg
Title: Molecular machinery and mechanisms mediating and controlling neurotransmitter release
Host: Ronja Göhde, Burkhardt Lab
8 September, 2023
Dr. Daniela Panáková, Group Leader
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany
Title: Integrating mechanical cues with Planar Cell Polarity signaling in heart development
Host: Lionel Christiaen
27 September, 2023
Dr. Lena van Giesen, Associate Professor
Norwegian University for Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Title: Do what you can where you are with what you have- Insights from marine invertebrate sensory systems.
Host: Tim Lynagh
29 September, 2023
Prof. Stefan Gründer
Institute of Physiology, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Title: Peptide-gated ion channels of Hydra: stoichiometry and ligand-binding site
Host: Tim Lynagh
Monday 2 October, 2023
Dr. Phillip Cleves, Principal Investigator
Department of Embryology, The Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington D.C.
Title: Molecular and cellular bases of coral symbiosis and its breakdown
Host: Steinmetz Group
13 October, 2023
Dr. Sebastián Rodrigo Najle, Postdoctoral researcher
Single-cell Genomics and Evolution Lab, Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain
Title: Placozoan single-cell genomics and the emergence of the neuronal gene expression program
Host: Pawel Burkhardt
27 October, 2023
Dr. Eve Seuntjens, Principal Investigator
Department of Biology, KU Leuven, Belgium
Title: Building and wiring the unusually large brain of Octopus vulgaris
Host: Eudald Pascual Carreras/PhDs and postdocs committee
3 November, 2023
Prof. Simon Sprecher
Department of Biology, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Title: Mechanistic and evolutionary insights into the making and forgetting of memories
Host: Pawel Burkhardt
17 November, 2023
Prof. Anders Goksøyr
Department of Biological Sciences, UiB
Title: Endocrine disruption in marine organisms: nuclear receptors as key mediators
Host: Tim Lynagh
24 November, 2023
Dr. Blair W. Benham-Pyle, Principal Investigator
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA
Title: Deconstructing and Reconstructing Whole-body Regeneration: Identifying cells and molecules important regenerative capacity in Schmidtea mediterranea.
Host: Eudald Pascual Carreras/PhDs and postdocs committee
1 December, 2023
Prof. Jody Rosenblatt
Randall Centre for Cell and Molecular Biophysics, King's College London
Title: Epithelial Cell extrusion: an exciting beginning to an end
Host: Inés Fournon Berodia/PhDs and postdocs committee
14 December, 2023
Dr. Nathalie Jurisch-Yaksi, Associate Professor
Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, NTNU, Trondheim
Title: The remarkable cilia in the brain: from sensory detection to flow generation
Host: Pawel Burkhardt
14 January, 2022
Guest Speaker - Meg Veruki
Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen
"Structure and function of neurons in the inner retina"
Host: Lynagh Lab
21 January, 2022
Guest Speaker - Ragnhild Irene Jacobsen
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
“Of mice and worms: identifying inputs to single neurons, and chasing bioluminescent signals in the sea”
Host: Christiaen Lab
29 April, 2022
Guest Speaker - Øyvind Fiksen
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen
"Ecological mechanics in the ocean: encounter rates, physiology and behaviour"
Host: Christiaen Lab
6 May, 2022
Guest Speaker - Ditte Andersen
University of Copenhagen
"A Drosophila Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor (TNFR) restricts cytoplasmic TRAF3 levels to control gut metabolism and tissue homeostasis"
Host: Steinmetz Lab
15 June, 2022
Guest Speaker - Joe Thornton
Department of Ecology & Evolution,The University of Chicago
"Evolutionary histories of an ancient transcription factor"
Host: Lynagh Lab
17 June, 2022
Guest Speaker - Aino Hosia
University Museum of Bergen, Department of Natural History
"Exploring the diversity of Medusozoa and Ctenophora"
Host: Burkhardt Lab
26 August, 2022
Guest Speaker - Shashank Gandhi
UC Berkeley, USA
"From embryos to organoids: neural crest at the heart of development"
Host: Christiaen Lab
23 September, 2022
Guest speaker - Clive R Bramham
Department of Biomedicine, UiB
"Arc as a master regulator of synaptic plasticity: toward a molecular understanding of how the brain works."
Host: Lynagh Lab
30 September, 2022
Guest speaker - Manfred Alsheimer
Biozentrum, University Würzburg, Germany
“Guiding chromosomes and shaping nuclei: The exceptional role of the nuclear envelope in meiosis and sperm differentiation.”
Host: Chourrout Lab
14 October, 2022
Guest speaker - Srinivasa Subramaniam, PhD
University of Florida Scripps, U.S.
"Decoding hurdles in Huntington disease"
Host: PhD/Postdoc Committee
21 October, 2022
Guest speaker - Aissam Ikmi
EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
"Design principles of early animals: a cnidarian view."
Host: Steinmetz Lab
28 October, 2022
Guest speaker - Radu Aricescu
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, UK
"The wide wild world of GABAA receptors"
Host: Burkhardt Lab
4 November, 2022
Guest speaker - Kaisa Haglund
Oslo University Hospital, Norway
"Molecular mechanisms of cytokinetic abscission in vivo."
Host: Lynagh Lab
11 November, 2022
Guest Speaker - Thibaut Brunet
Pasteur Institute, France
“The origin of animal morphogenesis: insights from choanoflagellates.”
Host: Burkhardt Lab
25 November, 2022
Guest Speaker - Cordelia Imig
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
"Dissecting the molecular mechanisms that determine signaling and functional heterogeneity of chemosensitive gut endocrine cells."
Host: Burkhardt Lab
2 December, 2022
Guest Speaker - Nadine Vastenhouw
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
"The spark of life. A role for nuclear organization in transcription regulation."
Host: Valen Lab
8 October, 2021
Guest speaker - Nils Halberg
Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen
Epigenetic Control of Obesity-induced Tumor Initiation in Breast Cancer
12 November, 2021
Guest speaker - Charalampos Tzoulis
Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen
NAD replenishment therapy for Parkinson’s disease: from the lab bench to trials of experimental therapy
19 November, 2021
Guest speaker - Aurelia Lewis
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen
PI3K signalling in the nucleolus
26 November, 2021
Guest speaker - Sushma Grellscheid
Department of Biological Sciences and CBU, Department of Informatics, University of Bergen
Cell Biology Meets Soft Matter Physics to Characterise the Mechanical Properties of Biomolecular Condensates
3 December, 2021
Guest speaker - Iain Johnston
Department of Mathematics and Associate Group Leader, CBU, University of Bergen
Corals, crops, ctenophores... avoiding organelle mutational meltdown across eukaryotes
28 February, 2020
Guest speaker - Robert Lucas
University of Manchester
Animal opsins, from functional characterisation to optogenetic application
27 January, 2020
Guest Speaker - Martin How
University of Bristol
Polarization as an alternative to colour in animal vision
21 February, 2020
Guest speaker - David McClay
Trinity College of Arts and Sciences, Duke University
Top down and Bottom up approaches to understand morphogenesis
20 February, 2020
Guest speaker - Evelyn Houliston
Institut de la Mer de Villefranche, IMEV
Gastrulation in the hydrozoan Clytia
14 February, 2020
Guest Speaker - Kenneth H Wolfe
UCD Conway Institute
Origin of yeast’s natural genome engineering system, mating-type switching
26 November, 2019
Guest Speaker - Roberto Feuda
University of Leicester
Towards a system-level understanding of the evolution of the nervous system
22 November, 2019
Guest Speaker - Uli Technau
University of Vienna
The evolution of mesoderm and its derivatives - lessons from a diploblastic sea anemone
25 October, 2019
Guest Speaker - Jakob Vinther
University of Bristol
Comb Jelly origins — A palaeontological perspective
18 October, 2019
Guest Speaker - Andrea Pauli
Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP)
Small proteins with big roles – from coordinating cell migration to mediating species-specific fertilization
27 September, 2019
Guest Speaker - Karen Echeverri
Marine Biological Laboratory, The University of Chicago
Molecular mechanisims of regeneration: lessons from axolotls
3 May, 2019
Guest Speaker - Ass. Prof. Scott Nichols
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Denver
Evolution of epithelial organization and dynamics in animals
Host: Burkhardt group
26 April, 2019
Guest Speaker - Dr. Audrey Dussutour
IVEP team, University of Toulouse, France
Decision making and learning abilities in non neural organisms, evidence from slime molds
Host: Burkhardt Group
12 April, 2019
Guest Speaker - Nicole King (PI)
Life Science Addition, University of California, Berkeley
Light regulated morphogenesis in a shape-shifting choanoflagellate
Host: Burkhardt/Hejnol group
29 March, 2019
Guest Speaker - Kristen Koenig (PI)
Center for Systems Biology, Harvard University
Cephalopod lens development and the evolution of visual system complexity
Host: Hejnol group
22 March, 2019
Guest Speaker - Group Leader Arnau Sebe-Pedros
Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona
Early metazoan cell type diversity and regulation by single-cell RNA-seq analysis
Host: Hejnol group
22 February, 2019
Guest Speaker - Group Leader Ines Drinnenberg
Institut Curie, Paris
Histone repertoire changes are associated with changes in genome organisation: Loss of CenH3 in holocentric insects
Host: Gahan/Garschall
15 February, 2019
Guest Speaker - Prof. Brigitte Galliot
Department of Genetics and Evolution, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Hydra, a model for regeneration and slow aging
Host: Simona Chera
1 February, 2019
Guest Speaker - Prof. Eugen Kerkhoff
University Hospital Regensburg
Actin/myosin functions in exocytic transport processes
Host: Burkhardt Group
4 December, 2018
Guest Speaker - Leonid Moroz, Ph.D.
The Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience, University of Florida
Genealogy of Neurons: Deciphering Brain Evolution through the Lens of Single-cell genomics
Host: Burkhardt Group
30 November, 2018
Guest Speaker - Benyamin Rosental, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor
Comparative Immunology lab Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Evolutionary origin of the mammalian hematopoietic system found in a colonial chordate
Host: Rentzsch Group
16 November, 2018
Guest Speaker - Ass. Prof. Andrew Swan, PhD
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Windsor, Ontario Canada
APC/C-Cort, a meiosis-specific Anaphase Promoting Complex, contributes to sex determination in Drosophila
Host: Thompson Group
9 November, 2018
Guest Speaker - Heather Marlow, Group Leader
Genomics and Epigenomics of Animal Development, Department of Developmental and Stem Cell Biology, Institut Pasteur, Paris
Transcriptomic programs underlying cell fate determination in the sea anemoneNematostella vectensis
Host: Steinmetz Group
12 October, 2018
Guest Speaker - Prof. Dr. Annika Guse
Guse Lab, Centre for Organismal Studies Heidelberg, Heidelberg University
Uncovering the molecular mechanisms of coral-algal symbiosis using Aiptasia as a model system
Host: Steinmetz Group
20 September, 2018
Dr. David Garfield
Department of Evolutionary Biology, Humboldt-Universität, Germany
Characterising developmental robustness and evolution from single-cells to population genetics
Sars Group Leader candidate
20 September, 2018
Dr. Elizabeth Hambleton
Centre for Organismal Studies, Universität Heidelberg, Germany
Molecular mechanisms and evolution of animal-algal symbiosis
Sars Group Leader candidate
20 September, 2018
Dr. Laurel Hiebert
Villefranche-sur-mer Developmental Biology Laboratory, France
The origins of life history stages and modules in nemerteans and ascidians
Sars Group Leader candidate
20 September, 2018
Dr. Timothy Lynagh
The Pless Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Evolution of neurotransmitter receptors
Sars Group Leader candidate
20 September, 2018
Dr. Jacob Musser
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg Germany
Single-cell RNAseq in sponges sheds light on the first animal cell types
Sars Group Leader candidate
20 September, 2018
Dr. Christina Zakas
Department of Biology, New York University, USA
Finding the genetic basis of evolutionary transitions in development using a polychaete model
Sars Group Leader candidate
8 June, 2018
Guest Speaker - Dr. Maike Kittelmann
Department of Biological and Medical Sciences, Oxford Brookes University
Resolving synapse and organelle formation with 3D Electron microscopy
Host: Burkhardt Group
1 June, 2018
Guest Speaker – Prof. Francesc Cebrià
Professor Titular, Departament de Genètica, Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona
Regulation of stem cell differentiation during planarian regeneration
Host: Rentzsch Group
22 May, 2018
Guest Speaker – Dr. Jordi Solana
Department of Biological and Medical Sciences, Oxford Brookes University
Using single-cell technologies and planarians to study stem cells, their differentiation and their evolution.
Host: Rentzsch Group
4 May, 2018
Guest Speaker – Prof. Uri Frank
Centre for Chromosome Biology, School of Natural Sciences, National University of Ireland, Galway
Hydractinia i-cells and their roles in regeneration and sexual reproduction.
Host: Rentzsch Group
20 April, 2018
Guest Speaker - Dr. Yehu Moran
Senior Lecturer and Group Leader, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Studies on cnidarian microRNAs shed new light on the evolution of post-transcriptional regulation
Host: Rentzsch Group
19 March, 2018
Guest Speaker - Dr. Néva Meyer
Assistant Professor of Biology, Clark University
Function of BMP signaling in the annelid Capitella teleta and implication for nervous system evolution
Host: Hejnol Group
9 March, 2018
Guest Speaker - Prof. Dr. Gregor Bucher
Dept. of Evolutionary Developmental Genetics, Georg-August-University Göttingen
Beyond bicoid: The Tribolium model system reveals a novel mechanism of axis formation
Host: Rentzsch Group
23 February, 2018
Guest Speaker - Prof. Dr. Christian Mosimann
SNSF Assistant Professor, Institute of Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zürich
Decoding the emergence and cell fate control of the lateral plate mesoderm
Host: Steinmetz Group
29 September, 2017
Guest Speaker - Prof. Dr. Jan Huisken
Director of Morgridge Medical Engineering Morgridge Institute for Research, Wisconsin
Quantifying embryonic development with a smart and gentle light sheet microscope
Host: Valen Group/Krause
27 September, 2017
Researcher candidate - Oleg Tolstenkov
Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Scienses, Goethe University, Frankfurt
Enlighten the worm crawling: Optogenetic dissection of neuronal circuit controlling locomotion in C. elegans
Host: Glover Group
22 September, 2017
Guest Speaker - Henrik Bringmann, Group Leader
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Control and regenerative functions of sleep
Host: Chatzigeorgiou Group
15 September, 2017
Guest Speaker - Prof. Vincent Laudet
Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls-sur-mer UPMC/CNRS
A natural (and molecular) history of metamorphosis and thyroid hormones
Host: Hejnol Group
30 August, 2017
Research Fellow candidate - Emmanuel Haillot
Department of Genetics, Development & Cell Biology (GDCB) University of Iowa, USA
Establishment of the dorsal-ventral axis in the sea urchin embryo Paracentrotus lividus and the annelid embryo Platynereis dumerilii
Host: Hejnol Group
25 August, 2017
Postdoc candidate - Kathrin Garschall
Department of Ecology and Evolution University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Uncovering the Genetic Basis of Aging and Longevity in D. melanogaster
Host: Steinmetz Group
30 June, 2017
Guest Speaker - Prof. Frank Hauser
Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen
Evolution of GnRH-like neuropeptide signaling systems in protostomes
Host: Hejnol Group
29 June, 2017
Guest Speaker - Prof. Maurice Elphick
The Organismal Biology Department, Queen Mary University of London
The evolution and comparative physiology of neuropeptide signalling: insights from echinoderms
Host: Hejnol Group
23 June, 2017
CANCELLED Guest Speaker - Nadine Vastenhouw, Group Leader
Max-Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden
Transcriptional control in time and space
Host: Hejnol Group
16 June, 2017
Guest Speaker - Prof. Tatjana Sauka-Spengler
Radcliffe Department of Medicine, Oxford University
Pioneering chromatin for neural crest specification
Host: Hejnol Group/Martìn Duràn
2 June, 2017
Guest Speaker - Prof. Erich Bornberg-Bauer
Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, The Westfalian Wilhelms University of Münster
Emergence of de novo protein coding genes from ‘dark genomic matter’ – – fact or fiction?
Host: Chourrout Group/Henriet, Hejnol Group/Martín-Durán
12 May, 2017
Guest Speaker - Prof. Mark Blaxter
The Blaxter Lab, Institute of Evolutionary Biology, The University of Edinburgh
Ghosts of symbioses past: fossils of Wolbachia in nuclear genomes reveal the complex history of a dynamic nematode–bacterial symbiosis
Host: Chourrout Group/Henriet
8 May, 2017
Guest Speaker - James Gagnon
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology – Schier Lab Harvard University
Whole organism lineage tracing with genome editing
Host: Valen Group
5 May, 2017
Guest Speaker - Prof. Graham Budd
Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University
New perspectives on the Cambrian explosion - hunting down the first animals
Host: Steinmetz Group
27 April, 2017
Sars 20th Anniversary Ceremony
26 April, 2017
Dr. Charlotte Aumeier
Biosciences and Biotechnology Institute of Grenoble
Actin-microtubule synergy determines symmetry
Sars Group Leader candidate
26 April, 2017
Dr. Elizabeth Williams
Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen Germany
Environmental and neuropeptidergic regulation of marine invertebrate metamorphosis
Sars Group Leader candidate
26 April, 2017
Dr. Eivind A.B. Undheim
Centre for Advanced Imaging, University of Queensland Australia
Exploring an arsenal: towards a holistic understanding of venom evolution
Sars Group Leader candidate
26 April, 2017
Dr. Ildiko Somorjai
Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland, Univ. of St. Andrews
Amphioxus: conservation and novelty of a living fossil
Sars Group Leader candidate
26 April, 2017
Dr. Anastasios Pavlopoulos
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Janelia Research Campus, USA
Multi-level studies of developmental morphogenesis
Sars Group Leader candidate
26 April, 2017
Dr. José M. Martín-Durán
University of Bergen, Sars Centre, Hejnol Group
The diversification of animal development
Sars Group Leader candidate
26 April, 2017
Dr. Pawel Burkhardt
Marine Biological Association, Plymouth UK
Choanoflagellates and the evolutionary origin of synapse signalling complexes
Sars Group Leader candidate
7 April, 2017
Guest Speaker - Dr. José Luis Gómez-Skarmeta, PI
The Gómez-Skarmeta Lab, Centro Andaluz de Biologia del Desarrollo, CABD/CSIC/UPO
Evolution of regulatory landscapes
Host: Hejnol Group/Martìn Duràn
17 April, 2017
Guest Speaker - Prof. Greg Wray, PI
Wray Lab, Duke University
Rapid evolution of larval morphology in sea urchins through rewiring of a developmental gene regulatory network
Host: Chourrout Group/Henriet
Next guest seminar
28 March 2025
Chan Zuckerberg Biohub San Francisco, USA
Title: Building a virtual embryo, one cell at a time
Host: Noah Bruderer/PhDs and postdocs committee