How to foster Quality in Earth Science Education?
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iEarth workshop
How to foster Quality in earth science education?
Auditorium 5, Department of earth science, 3.floor, Allegaten 41, University of Bergen
Bergen, 8 of June 2017
Program committee: Jostein Bakke and Bjarte Hannisdal
08:30 Registration and coffee
09:00 Welcome by Head of Department Gunn Mangerud
Faculty development and culture for quality (chair; Jostein Bakke)
09:15 Faculty development and how to create a culture for change among faculty staff (Gabriele Weaver, TFD UMASS)
10:00 InterAct at UiO – how to get engaged teachers? (Knut Mørken, UiO)
10:30 Coffee
Excursion and field work in earth science (chair; Bjarte Hannisdal)
10:45 Teaching in the field – experiences from Svalbard (Lene Håkansson, UNIS)
11:15 Mobile applications for excursions and field work (Joachim Jacobs, UiB)
11:45 Geomatics in Earth science (Simon Buckley, UNI Research)
12:15 Lunch in the hall outside the Department of Earth scinece
New teaching forms and new technology in Earth science (chair; Karianne Lilleøren)
13:15 Alternative evaluation forms in higher education (Karen Mair, UiB)
13:45 Experiences from running a MOOC (Asgeir Sorteberg, UiB)
14:15 GeoCLASS: E-learning in geoscience at UiB and UiO (Leiv-J. Gelius, professor i geofag ved UiO)
14:45 Coffee and refreshments
The iEarth consortium and the road ahead (chair; Lena Håkansson)
15:00 Bjarte Hannisdal – How to teach Earth System Science?
15:30 iEarth – what’s next – discussion (Panel; Ulysses Ninnemann (?), Ivar Nordmo, Bjarte Hannisdal, Matthias Lundmark, Jostein Bakke)
16:15 Closing remarks – Gabriele Weaver