UiB Learning Lab

Learning platform Mitt UiB

Mitt UiB (Canvas) is the digital learning platform used at the University of Bergen. There you can find the courses you are going to teach and a number of digital tools you can use for teaching. The students also find links to other tools, for example Leganto and Litteraturkiosken. Mitt UiB is the place where digital teaching happens.

Main content

Basics of how to use Mitt UiB

In Mitt UiB you will find several courses that help you get started with using Mitt UiB:

Get started with Mitt UiB
User guide for employees (in Norwegian)
Use of quizzes in Mitt UiB (in Norwegian)

Canvas is used by many countries, and it is therefore easy to find user guides in many languages ​​with simple searches on the internet.
Canvas Instructor Guide in English

User support - who can you contact?

There is a group at the Learning Lab which provides user support centrally at the university. You can reach us via UiB Hjelp. You are welcome to request that we contact you and share the screen. You also get a lot of help from each of the information centres at the faculties. Each faculty has at least 1 super user.

Customized training for you and your professional environment

We also offer customized training and guidance in the use of Mitt UiB, and can help the professional environment to develop good (digital) working, teaching and assessment methods adapted to the unique nature of the professional environment. Use the link on the right to contact us.