UiB Learning Lab

Video og digital meetings

Overview of video tools

Harald Müller / Unsplash

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On this page you will find an overview of video services which are integrated in Mitt UiB. By using them you can record and share videos, record and stream lectures, organize digital meetings and teach in real-time. 

Panopto - Recording and sharing educational videos

What is Panopto?

  • Integrated solution for sharing teaching videos in Mitt UiB
  • Can be used as an independent service for storing media files without going through Mitt UiB
  • With Panopto, you can easily record multiple video sources with the Panopto app for Windows and Mac
  • With Panopto Browser Capture, you can record the screen directly from the browser, without installing any software
  • Sharing inside and outside Mitt UiB is done easily and can be adjusted at both video and folder level

Video Captions

Panopto has a built-in tool for automatic captioning, which is an important step in the direction of universal design. The automatic captions will not be perfect, and especially in Norwegian it will have some limitations. But the captions can be easily edited, and will greatly simplify the work of subtitling educational videos.

Automatic deletion

As a general rule, educational videos must be deleted when they no longer serve their purpose. To avoid collecting videos that are no longer to be used, UiB introduces routines for automatic deletion. The default setting will be for a video to be deleted 13 months after the last viewing. If you still want to keep the video, it can be saved for longer. You can also download your own videos and save them locally if you wish.

Privacy and data protection

When making educational videos, it is important to follow UiB's guidelines for Privacy and data protection

How do I get started?

You'll get started quickly with Panopto! There is a course in  MittUiB for detailed introduction and step-by-step instructions.

Videonotat - Recording and streaming lectures

A number of teaching rooms at UiB have recording equipment that enables recordings with or without streaming to be ordered and automatically started in the relevant time period. The service is integrated in Mitt UiB and is linked to a course that has booked teaching in one of the selected rooms through the University's scheduling system (TP). See list of all rooms equipped with videonotat.


To schedule a recording with or without streaming, go to a subject in Mitt UiB that has scheduled classes in a room with videonotat equipment. In the menu on the left you will find the link "Videonotat". If you are a lecturer in the course, you will be taken to a planning page where you can add or remove recordings that take place in rooms with videonotat equipment. You have two options: Record or Record and stream

Sometimes lecturers have booked rooms with Videonotat for recording lectures without students present. If you hide these lectures in TP to avoid notices in the calendar and that the students therefore attend, you will not be able to order video notes in Mitt UiB. One way to arrange this is to order Videonotat in Mitt UiB before ticking the hide in TP. Alternatively, when the course is already hidden, to remove the hiding temporarily until recording/streaming is ordered in MittUiB. Then, of course, the students will be able to see the announcement in the calendar, but only for a short period of time until hiding is activated.

During the recording

The recordings are pre-programmed when they are scheduled so that everything goes automatically. The recordings follow the course calendar, and start 1 minute after the lecture begins and end when the lecture is over. The same applies to live streaming, if this has been ordered. NB! The lecturer must use a microphone in the room, otherwise the recording will lack sound. We recommend a boom microphone as it produces the best sound. If there is no sound system in the room, there is a microphone in the room that records sound. If the lecturer wants to be part of the camera section, he or she must stand in front of the boards in the room. The camera is fixed in one position and will not follow movements or zoom in and out. Students can zoom into the image during playback.

Making the recording and the stream available

Making the recording and the stream available
Students press "Videonotat" in the left-hand menu of a subject in Mitt UiB to see streaming and recordings for the course in question. Lecturers can see the same by pressing "See the videos" on the planning page. If you wish, you can distribute a link to the page where the teaching is streamed. You can get this link by pressing the link icon on the planning page. If the lecturer wants to "unpublish" a video after recording (if you just want to stream, for example), this can be done from the planning page.


Streaming is an additional service that ensures that the recorded teaching is also delivered directly in real time to students/groups of students who cannot be physically present on campus. The recording that has been ordered and starts automatically is simultaneously streamed in real time.

Videonotat is not suitable for teaching that requires interaction between students sitting in the room and those sitting at home, as there is a slight delay in the output which makes it very difficult to communicate in real time. If you want to facilitate real-time communication in teaching digitally, we recommend using Zoom.

Cancelled lectures or change of room

If you cancel classes or move classes to another room, recordings and streaming must be canceled in Mitt UiB. Possible streaming in a new room can be ordered if the room has the necessary equipment. Cancellation must be made before the original start time for the lecture. The camera turns on automatically in rooms that have ordered videonotat, and there may be a risk that other users of the room are being recorded and streamed without them being aware of it. Therefore, there can be a breach of privacy.

Cancel recording in Mitt UiB

Go to the Videonotat tab on the course and click "Delete" on the teaching sessions that you no longer wish to record.

Privacy considerations and obligation to provide information in digital teaching

As a lecturer, you have an obligation to provide information to your students about lectures you record and stream using the videonotat service, see the guidelines for privacy in digital teaching, chapter 4.

Make students aware of the following, preferably on the subject page at Mitt UiB:

Lectures in this course will be streamed and recorded. The recordings will be available to those who are members of the course, i.e. students, lecturers and administrative staff. They will be available until all exams in the subject are over.

The streaming and recording starts one minute after the lesson is due to start according to the schedule and continues until the end of the lesson, including the break. As a student, you will not normally be seen and heard on the video, unless you move in front of the camera or speak close to the microphone. UiB will arrange the teaching rooms so that the risk of this is as small as possible.

NB: Do not distribute the streaming/recording or any part of it to people who are not members of the course. It is a violation of the Copyright Act, and may also be a violation of other people's privacy.

Reuse of old videonotat

If you need to reuse Videonotat, please contact the UiB Learning Lab

Help and support

The IT assistants at the faculties can help with microphones and equipment in the room. For other questions contact the UiB Learning Lab.

Zoom - digital meetings and teaching in real time

Zoom is a technical solution for digital meetings, video seminars and real-time teaching which facilitates digital two-way communication between you and your students. The solution is based on Zoom Total/Pro, and includes e.g. "breakout rooms" for smaller groups. The solution is, in the same way as Panopto, an integrated tool in Mitt UiB. Note that we recommend using this solution if you plan teaching with a high degree of interactivity/discussion. (Zoom User Guide)