Department of Philosophy

News archive for Department of Philosophy

The CNA group is very happy to announce that the Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet) will fund the further development of CNA with NOK 12,000,000 (about 1,2 M EUR) over the coming years.
Michael Baumgartner's paper on "Qualitative Comparative Analysis and robust sufficiency" was published in Quality & Quantity (2021): https://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-021-01157-z
L. Casini and M. Baumgartner (2021), The PC Algorithm and the Inference to Constitution, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. doi: 10.1086/714820. Online supplementary material; [penultimate draft]
New procedure estimating the robustness of configurational causal models introduced in a paper in Sociological Methods & Research
A procedure for optimizing the fit of configurational causal models has been introduced in a new paper published in Sociological Methods & Research.