The Renal Research Group

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Minneseminar til ære for Professor Bjarne M. Iversen

Det vil bli holdt et minneseminar til ære for avdøde professor Bjarne M. Iversen, den 22. og 23. mars på Hotell Norge, Bergen sentrum

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National Kidney Conference Bergen

Memorial Seminar In the Honour of Professor Bjarne M. Iversen,

March 2012, 22nd – 23rd



Preseminar Renal Researh Group. Thursday 22nd:10.00-12.00


10.00-10.05: Welcome. Einar Svarstad

10.05-11.00: Renal Research Group. Bjørn Egil Vikse

11.00-11.20: Proteomics in FFPE tissue. Kenneth Finne

11.20-11.40: Regulation of vascular tonus in afferent arterioles. Tone Dahl

11.40-12.00: Discussions and Summary



                     Thursday 22nd


12.30-13.30: Lunch

13.30-16.30: Basic Research

Chairman Bjørn Egil Vikse

13.30-14.15: Novel targets for therapy of chronic kidney disease. Christos Chatziantoniou, INSERM, Paris

14.15-14.45: The role of T-channels in Notch 3 mice. Frank Helle, UiB

14.45-15.00: Coffee break

15.00-15.45: Regulation of the Renal Microcirculation by Ryanodine Receptor Mediated Calcium Induced Calcium Release. William J. Arendshorst, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

15.45-16.15: Mechanisms in development of tubular atrophy. Sabine Leh, UiB

16.15-16.30: Coffee break


16.30-18.30: Clinical Epidemiology

Chairman Einar Svarstad

16.30-17.00: Chronic kidney disease as a risk factor for ESRD and death. Stein Hallan, NTNU

17.00-17.30: Preeclampsia and risk of chronic kidney disease. Bjørn Egil Vikse, UiB

17.30-18.00: Glomerulonephritis and risk of progressive chronic kidney disease. Rune Bjørneklett, UiB

18.00-18.30: Vasculitis and risk factors for ESRD and death. Knut Aasarød, NTNU

19.30:           Dinner


                     Friday 23rd


08.30-10.30: Hypertensive Kidney Disease

Chairman Rune Bjørneklett

08.30-09.15: The difference between ageing and hypertensive damage. Michael Hultström,

                     Uppsala and UiB

09.15-09.45: How to assess blood pressure in chronic kidney disease and dialysis patients. Ingrid Os, OUS

09.45-10.15: How to assess cardiac function in chronic kidney disease patients. Eva Gerdts, UiB

10.15-10.30: Coffee break


10.30-11.45: Prognostic Markers in Kidney Disease

Chairman Sabine Leh

10.30-11.15: A common classifier of fibrosis in renal allografts and in other solid organs

based on metzincins and related genes. Hans-Peter Marti, Inselspital, University of Bern

11.15-11.45: Role of kidney biopsies in Fabry disease. Camilla Tøndel, UiB

12.00-13.00: Lunch and Departure