- UiB
- Bergen Bullying Research Group
- Publications
Bergen Bullying Research Group publications. If a publication is openly available, the reference will include a link to the article on the journal website.
Main content
Hetland, J., Bakker, A., Nielsen, M. B., Espevik, R., & Olsen, O. K. (2024). Daily Interpersonal Conflicts and Daily Negative and Positive Affect: A Test of Affective Events Theory. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, In press.
Nielsen, M. B., Einarsen, S. V., Parveen, S., & Rosander, M. (2024). Witnessing workplace bullying — A systematic review and meta-analysis of individual health and well-being outcomes. Aggression and Violent Behavior. In press.
Bjorvatn, Waage, Djupedal, Blytt, Harris, Vedaa, Pallesen. Hvordan står det til med sykepleiere i Norge? Tidsskriftet Sykepleien 2023
Borge, R. H., Johannessen, H., Fostervold, K. I., & Nielsen, M. B. (2023). Office design, telework from home, and self-certified sickness absence: A cross-sectional study of main and moderating effects in a nationally representative sample. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment, and Health. Online first. Published online: 16 Jan 2023. doi:10.5271/sjweh.4078
Christensen, J. O., Emberland, J., Knardahl, S., & Nielsen, M.B. (2023). Pain, conflicted feelings about work, and sickness absence: A prospective study of the effects of number of pain sites and role conflicts on medically certified sickness absence. The Journal of Pain. In press.
Hamre, K. V., Einarsen, S. V., & Notelaers, G. (2023). Psychosocial safety climate as a moderator in role stressor-bullying relationships: a multilevel approach. Safety science, 164, 106165.
Glambek, M., Einarsen, S. V., Gjerstad, J., & Nielsen, M. B. (2023). Last in, first out? Length of service as a moderator of the relationship between exposure to bullying behaviors and work-related outcomes. Current Psychology, 1-13. https://doi.org/jzd9
Glambek, M., Einarsen, S., & Notelaers, G. (2020). Workplace bullying as predicted by non-prototypicality, group identification and norms: a self-categorisation perspective. Work & Stress, 34(3), 279-299. doi:http://dx.doi.org10.1080/02678373.2020.1719554
Nielsen, M. B., Johannesen, H., Christensen, J. O., & Finne, L. B. (2023). Emotional dissonance and burnout among child welfare workers: The moderating role of social support from colleagues, supervisors, and organization. Journal of Social Work, 14680173221143649.
Nielsen, M. B., Christensen, J. O., & Knardahl, S. (2023). The contribution of office design to the appraisal of job control – A longitudinal study. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, In press
Nielsen, M. B., Gjerstad. J., & Einarsen, S. (2023). The moderating role of transformational leadership in the relationships between job demands and turnover intentions. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 8(1), 1-17.
Nielsen, M. B., Parveen, S., & Finne, L. B. (2023). Forekomst av vold, trusler og netthets mot barnevernsansatte. Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern. In press.
Nielsen, M. B., Rosander, M., & Einarsen, S. (2023). Witnessing workplace bullying – Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual health and well-being outcomes. Systematic Reviews. In press.
Nielsen, M. B., Hetland, J., Harris, A., Notelaers, G., Gjerstad, J., & Einarsern, S. V. (2022). The impact of follower leadership position on transformational leadership as moderator of the association between work-related ambiguity and job satisfaction. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 970887.
Ng, K., Niven, K., & Notelaers, G. (2021). Does bystander behavior make a difference? How passive and active bystanders in the group moderate the effects of bullying exposure. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, No Pagination Specified-No Pagination Specified. doi:10.1037/ocp0000296
Olsen, O.K., Hystad, S.; Bøe, H.J., Eidhamar, Are (2023). Long-term post traumatic growth after moral- and victim-traumas among Norwegian UN military peacekeepers: the impact of emotional distress and leadership. Journal of Military Studies. DOI 10.2478/jms-2023-0003
Olsen, O. K., Ågotnes, K. W., Hetland, J., Espevik, R., & Ravnanger, C. A. (2023). Virtual team-cooperation from home-office: a quantitative diary study of the impact of daily transformational-and passive-avoidant leadership–and the moderating role of task interdependence. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1188753
Parveen, S., Birkeland Nielsen, M., Endresen Reme, S., & Finne, L. B. (2023). Exposure to client-perpetrated violence in the child welfare service: prevalence and outcomes using two different measurement methods. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(7-8), 5963-5992.
Pap, Z., Vîrgă, D., & Notelaers, G. (2021). Perceptions of Customer Incivility, Job Satisfaction, Supervisor Support, and Participative Climate: A Multi-Level Approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 4701.
Pap, Z., Vîrgă, D., Notelaers, G., & Maricuțoiu, L. (2020). A multilevel model of job insecurity and engagement. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 35(7/8), 529-541. doi:http://dx.doi.org10.1108/JMP-02-2020-0089
Reknes, I., Notelaers, G., Iliescu, D., & Einarsen, S. V. (2021). The influence of target personality in the development of workplace bullying. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 26(4), 291-303. doi:10.1037/ocp0000272
Rosander, M. & Nielsen, M. B. (2023). Workplace bullying in a group context: Are victim reports of working conditions representative for others at the workplace? Work and Stress. In press.
Rosander, M. & Nielsen, M. B. (2023). "Is there a blast radius of workplace bullying? Ripple effects on witnesses and non-witnesses. Current Psychology. Early online.
Salin, D., Baillien, E., & Notelaers, G. (2022). High-performance work practices and interpersonal relationships: laissez-faire leadership as a risk factor. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 854118.
Salin, D., & Notelaers, G. (2020). Friend or foe? The impact of high‐performance work practices on workplace bullying. Human Resource Management Journal, 30, 312-326. doi:http://dx.doi.org10.1111/1748-8583.12281
Salin, D., Baillien, E., & Notelaers, G. (2022). High-performance work practices and interpersonal relationships: laissez-faire leadership as a risk factor. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
Trépanier, S.-G., Peterson, C., Ménard, J., & Notelaers, G. (2023). When does exposure to daily negative acts frustrate employees’ psychological needs? A within-person approach. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 28(2), 65.
Van der Heijden, B. I. J. M., Kruyen, P. M., & Notelaers, G. (2020). The Importance of Intra-Organizational Networking for Younger Versus Older Workers: Examining a Multi-Group Mediation Model of Individual Task Performance Enhancement. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1-13. doi:http://dx.doi.org10.3389/fpsyg.2020.606383
Vandevelde, K., Baillien, E. J., & Notelaers, G. (2020). Person-environment fit as a parsimonious framework to explain workplace bullying. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 35(5), 317-332. doi:http://dx.doi.org10.1108/JMP-08-2018-0342
Vranjes, I., Griep, Y., Fortin, M., & Notelaers, G. (2023). Dynamic and multi-party approaches to interpersonal workplace mistreatment research. Group Organization & Management, 48(4), 995-1013.
Vranjes, I., Notelaers, G., & Salin, D. (2022). Putting workplace bullying in context: The role of high-involvement work practices in the relationship between job demands, job resources, and bullying exposure. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 27(1), 136.
Zahlquist, L., Hetland, J., Notelaers, G., Rosander, M., & Einarsen, S. V. (2023). When the Going Gets Tough and the Environment Is Rough: The Role of Departmental Level Hostile Work Climate in the Relationships between Job Stressors and Workplace Bullying. International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(5), 4464. https://doi.org/jzfd
Zahlquist, L., Hetland, J., Einarsen, S. V., Bakker, A. B., Hoprekstad, Ø. L., Espevik, R., & Olsen, O. K. (2023). Daily interpersonal conflicts and daily exposure to bullying behaviors at work: The moderating roles of trait anger and trait anxiety. Applied Psychology, 72(3), 893-914.
Ågotnes, K., Nielsen, M.B., Skogstad, A., Gjerstad, J., & Einarsen, S. (2023). The moderating effects of leadership practices on the relationship between role stressors and exposure to bullying – A longitudinal moderated-mediation design. Work and Stress. In press.
Baillien, E., Salin, D., Bastiaensen, C. V., & Notelaers, G. (2022). High performance work systems, justice, and engagement: Does bullying throw a spanner in the works? International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(9), 5583. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19095583. Click here to read the article.
Bakker, A. B., Hetland, J., Olsen, O. K., & Espevik, R. (2022). Daily transformational leadership: A source of inspiration for follower performance?. European Management Journal.
Blytt, K. M., Bjorvatn, B., Moen, B. E., Pallesen, S., Harris, A., & Waage, S. (2022). The association between shift work disorder and turnover intention among nurses. BMC nursing, 21(1), 1-8. Click here to read the article.
Djupedal, I. L. R., Pallesen, S., Harris, A., Waage, S., Bjorvatn, B., & Vedaa, Ø. (2022). Changes in the Work Schedule of Nurses Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Relationship with Sleep and Turnover Intention. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(14), 8682. Click here to read the article.
Flaa, T. A., Bjorvatn, B., Pallesen, S., Zakariassen, E., Harris, A., Gatterbauer-Trischler, P., & Waage, S. (2022). Sleep and sleepiness measured by diaries and actigraphy among Norwegian and Austrian helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS) pilots. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(7), 4311. Click here to read the article.
Hetland, J., Bakker, A. B., Espevik, R., & Olsen, O. K. (2022). Daily work pressure and task performance: The moderating role of recovery and sleep. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 857318.
Hoel, H., Lewis, D., Einarsdottir, A., & Notelaers, G. (2022). Openness about sexual orientation and exposure to workplace bullying. https://doi.org/10.16993/sjwop.164. Click here to read the article.
Kjørstad, K., Faaland, P. M., Sivertsen, B., Kallestad, H., Langsrud, K., Vethe, D., Vestergaard, C. L., Harris, A., Pallesen, S., & Scott, J. (2022). Sleep and Work Functioning in Nurses Undertaking Inpatient Shifts in a Blue-Depleted Light Environment. BMC nursing, 21:187.
Ng, K., Niven, K., & Notelaers, G. (2022). Does bystander behavior make a difference? How passive and active bystanders in the group moderate the effects of bullying exposure. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 27(1), 119. https://doi.org/10.1037/ocp0000296.
Nielsen, M. B., Finne, L. B., Parveen, S., & Einarsen, S. V. (2022, 2022-June-14). Assessing Workplace Bullying and Its Outcomes: The Paradoxical Role of Perceived Power Imbalance Between Target and Perpetrator [Original Research]. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.907204. Click here to read the article.
Nielsen, M. B., Parveen, S., & Finne, L. B. (2022, 2022/07/27). Workplace mistreatment and insomnia: a prospective study of child welfare workers. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00420-022-01910-3. Click here to read the article.
Nielsen, M. B., Hetland, J., Harris, A., Notelaers, G., Gjerstad, J., & Einarsen, S. (2022). The impact of follower leadership position on transformational leadership as moderator of the association between work-related ambiguity and job satisfaction. Frontiers in Psychology, In press.
Salin, D., Notelaers, G., & Baillien, E. (2022). High-performance work practices and interpersonal relationships: laissez-faire leadership as a risk factor. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.854118. Click here to read the article.
Sunde, E., Harris, A., Nielsen, M. B., Bjorvatn, B., Lie, S. A., Holmelid, Ø., Vedaa, Ø., Waage, S., & Pallesen, S. (2022). Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis on the associations between shift work and sickness absence. Systematic Reviews, 11(1), 1-9. Click here to read the article.
Sunde, E., Mrdalj, J., Pedersen, T. T., Bjorvatn, B., Grønli, J., Harris, A., Waage, S., & Pallesen, S. (2022). Bright light exposure during simulated night work improves cognitive flexibility. Chronobiology International, 1-16. Click here to read the article.
Sørlie, H. O., Hetland, J., Bakker, A. B., Espevik, R., & Olsen, O. K. (2022). Daily autonomy and job performance: Does person-organization fit act as a key resource? Journal of Vocational Behavior, 103691.
Vedaa, Ø., Djupedal, I. L. R., Svensen, E., Waage, S., Bjorvatn, B., Pallesen, S., Lie, S. A., Nielsen, M., & Harris, A. (2022). Health-promoting work schedules: protocol for a large-scale cluster randomised controlled trial on the effects of a work schedule without quick returns on sickness absence among healthcare workers. BMJ Open, 12(4), e058309. Click here to read the article.
Vranjes, I., Notelaers, G., & Salin, D. (2022). Putting workplace bullying in context: The role of high-involvement work practices in the relationship between job demands, job resources, and bullying exposure. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 27(1), 136. https://doi.org/10.1037/ocp0000315
Zahlquist, L., Hetland, J., Einarsen, S. V., Bakker, A. B., Hoprekstad, Ø. L., Espevik, R., & Olsen, O. K. Daily interpersonal conflicts and daily exposure to bullying behaviors at work: The moderating roles of trait anger and trait anxiety. Applied Psychology. Click here to read the article.
Olsen, M. B., Sannes, A.-C., Yang, K., Nielsen, M. B., Einarsen, S. V., Christensen, J. O., Pallesen, S., Bjørås, M., Gjerstad. S. (2022). Mapping of pituitary stress-induced gene regulation connects Nrcam to negative emotions. iScience, In press.
Parveen, S., Nielsen, M. B., Reme, S., & Finne, L. B., (2022). Exposure to Client-Perpetrated Violence in the Child Welfare Service: Prevalence and Outcomes Using Two Different Measurement Method. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, In press.
Rosander, M. & Nielsen, M. B. (2022). Workplace bullying and tiredness at work: A cross-lagged prospective study of causal directions and the moderating effects of a conflict management climate. Journal of Occupational Health, Advance publication.
Rosander, M. & Nielsen, M. B. (2022). Perceived Ability to Defend Oneself Against Negative Treatment at Work: Gender Differences and Different Types of Bullying Behaviours. Applied Psychology: An International Review, In Press.
Sannes, A. C., Christensen, J. O., Matre, D., Nielsen, M. B., & Gjerstad, J. (2022). Patterns of pain complaints and insomnia symptoms predicted by abusive supervision in the Norwegian working population: A Latent Class Analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Pain. https://doi.org/10.1515/sjpain-2022-0094
Aarestad, S. H., Harris, A., Einarsen, S. V., Gjengedal, R. G., Osnes, K., Hannisdal, M., & Hjemdal, O. (2021). Exposure to bullying behaviours, resilience, and return to work self-efficacy in patients on or at risk of sick leave. Industrial Health. Click here to read the article.
Espevik, R., Johnsen, B. H., Saus, E. R., Sanden, S., & Olsen, O. K. (2021). Teamwork on patrol: investigating teamwork processes and underlaying coordinating mechanisms in a police training program. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 702347
Hetland, J., Bakker, A. B., Demerouti, E., Espevik, R., & Olsen, O. K. (2021). Work pressure and recovery during a cross-atlantic voyage: A test of the stressor-detachment model. International Journal of Stress Management. https://doi.org/10.1037/str0000170.
Hoprekstad, Ø. L., Hetland, J., & Einarsen, S. V. (2021, 2021/11/17). Exposure to negative acts at work and self-labelling as a victim of workplace bullying: The role of prior victimization from bullying. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02453-5. Click here to read the article.
Ng, K., Niven, K., & Notelaers, G. (2021). Does bystander behavior make a difference? How passive and active bystanders in the group moderate the effects of bullying exposure. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1037/ocp0000296.
Olsen, O. K., Pallesen, S., & Myrseth, H. (2021). Gaming in the military: A longitudinal study of changes in gaming behavior among conscripts during military service and associated risk factors. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 591038
Olsen, O. K., Johansen, R.B. & Hystad, S. (2021). Do ideals differ and matter? An investigation of authentic leadership ideals among norwegian military officers across generations – and its impact on leadership practice. Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies, 4(1), pp. 13–25. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31374/sjms.58
Pallesen, S., Bjorvatn, B., Waage, S., Harris, A., & Sagoe, D. (2021, 2021-March-23). Prevalence of Shift Work Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(652). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.638252. Click here to read the article.
Pallesen, S., Thun, E., Waage, S., Vedaa, Ø., Harris, A., Blytt, K. M., Kaur, P., & Bjorvatn, B. (2021). Stability and Change of the Personality Traits Languidity and Flexibility in a Sample of Nurses: A 7–8 Years Follow-Up Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 3194. Click here to read the article.
Pap, Z., Vîrga˘, D., & Notelaers, G. (2021). Perceptions of Customer Incivility, Job Satisfaction, Supervisor Support, and Participative Climate: A Multi-Level Approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 713953.
Rajalingam, D., Nymoen, I., Nyberg, H., Nielsen, M. B., Einarsen, S. V., & Gjerstad, J. (2021). Workplace bullying increases the risk of anxiety through a stress-induced β2-adrenergic receptor mechanism: a multisource study employing an animal model, cell culture experiments and human data. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00420-021-01718-7. Click here to read the article.
Reknes, I., Notelaers, G., Iliescu, D., & Einarsen, S. V. (2021). The influence of target personality in the development of workplace bullying. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.
Waage, S., Pallesen, S., Moen, B. E., Vedaa, Ø., Thun, E., Vikanes Buchvold, H., Blytt, K. M., Harris, A., & Bjorvatn, B. (2021, 2021/06/03). Changes in work schedule affect the prevalence of shift work disorder among Norwegian nurses – a two year follow-up study. Chronobiology International, 38(6), 924-932. https://doi.org/10.1080/07420528.2021.1896535. Click here to read the article.
Waage, S., Pallesen, S., Vedaa, Ø., Buchvold, H., Blytt, K. M., Harris, A., & Bjorvatn, B. (2021, 2021/06/21). Sleep patterns among Norwegian nurses between the first and second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC nursing, 20(1), 105. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-021-00628-w. Click here to read the article.
Berthelsen, M., Hansen, M. B, Nissen, A., Nielsen, M. B., Knardahl, S., & Heir, T. (2021). The Impact of a Workplace Terrorist Attack on the Psychosocial Work Environment: A Longitudinal Study From Pre- to Post-disaster. Frontiers in Public Health, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.708260
Hamre, K. V., Fauske, M. R., Reknes, I., Nielsen, M. B., Gjerstad, J., & Einarsen, S. V. (2021). Preventing and Neutralizing the Escalation of Workplace Bullying: The Role of Conflict Management Climate. International Journal of Bullying Prevention, pp. 1-11.
Løvvik, C., Øverland, S., Nielsen, M. B., Jacobsen, H. B., Reme, S. E. (2021). Associations between workplace bullying and later benefit recipiency among workers with common mental disorders. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. In press.
Nielsen, M. B., Christensen, J. O, & Knardahl, S. (2021). Working at home and alcohol use. Addictive Behavior Reports, 14, 100377.
Nielsen, M. B., Pallesen, S., Einarsen, S. V., Harris, A., Rajalingam, D., & Gjerstad, J. (2021). Associations between exposure to workplace bullying and insomnia: A cross-lagged prospective study of causal directions. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. In press.
Sannes, A. C., Christensen, J. O., Nielsen, M. B., & Gjerstad, J. (2021). The association between abusive supervision and anxiety in female employees is stronger in carriers of the CRHR1 TAT haplotypen. Current Research in Behavioral Sciences. In press.
Sannes, A. C., Risøy, A., Christensen, J. O., Nielsen, M. B., & Gjerstad, J. (2021). Spinal pain in employees exposed to abusive supervision: Evidence of a sex and CRHR1 CTC haplotype interaction. Molecular Pain. In press.
Rosander, M. & Nielsen, M. B. (2021). Witnessing Bullying at Work: Inactivity and the Risk of Becoming the Next Target. Psychology of Violence, In press.
Aarestad, S. H., Einarsen, S. V., Hjemdal, O., Gjengedal, R. G. H., Osnes, K., Sandin, K., Hannisdal, M., Bjørndal, M. T., & Harris, A. (2020). Clinical Characteristics of Patients Seeking Treatment for Common Mental Disorders Presenting With Workplace Bullying Experiences. Frontiers in Psychology, 11(3038). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.583324. Click here to read the article.
Bakker, A. B., Hetland, J., Olsen, O. K., Espevik, R., & De Vries, J. D. (2020). Job crafting and playful work design: Links with performance during busy and quiet days. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 103478. Click here to read the article.
Berthelsen, M., Hansen, M. B., Nissen, A., Nielsen, M. B., Knardahl, S., & Heir, T. (2020). Effects of exposure to workplace terrorism on subsequent doctor certified sickness absence, and the modifying role of psychological and social work factors: a combined survey and register study. BMC Public Health. In press.
Christensen, J. O., Nielsen, M. B., Sannes, A.-C., & Gjerstad, J. (2020). Leadership style, headache and neck pain: The moderating role of the catechol‐O‐methyltransferase (COMT) genotype. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. In press.
Einarsen, K., Nielsen, M.B., Hetland, J.,Olsen, O.K., Zahlquist, L., Gemzøe Mikkelsen, E., Koløen, J., & Einarsen, S.V. (2020). Outcomes of a Proximal Workplace Intervention Against Workplace Bullying and Harassment: A Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial Among Norwegian Industrial Workers. Frontiers in Psychology, 31 August 2020 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02013
Flaa, T. A., Bjorvatn, B., Pallesen, S., Røislien, J., Zakariassen, E., Harris, A., & Waage, S. (2020). Subjective and objective sleep among air ambulance personnel. Chronobiology International, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1080/07420528.2020.1802288. Click here to read the article.
Glambek, M., Einarsen, S. V., & Notelaers, G. (2020). Workplace bullying as predicted by non-prototypicality, group identification and norms: a self-categorisation perspective. Work & Stress, 1-21. doi:10.1080/02678373.2020.1719554
Glambek, M., Skogstad, A., & Einarsen, S. V. Does the number of perpetrators matter? An extension and re-analysis of workplace bullying as a risk factor for exclusion from working life. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 1-8. doi:10.1002/casp.2456
Hamre, K. V., Einarsen, S. V., Hoprekstad, Ø. L., Pallesen, S., Bjorvatn, B., Waage, S., Moen, B. E., & Harris, A. (2020). Accumulated long-term exposure to workplace bullying impairs psychological hardiness: a five-year longitudinal study among nurses. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7), 2587. Click here to read the article.
Hoprekstad, Ø. L., Hetland, J., Wold, B., Torp, H., & Valvatne Einarsen, S. (2020). Exposure to Bullying Behaviors at Work and Depressive Tendencies: The Moderating Role of Victimization From Bullying During Adolescence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 0886260519900272.
Nielsen, M. B., Harris, A., Pallesen, S., & Einarsen, S. V. (2020). Workplace bullying and sleep–A systematic review and meta-analysis of the research literature. Sleep Medicine Reviews. doi:10.1016/j.smrv.2020.101289. Click here to read the article.
Nielsen, M. B., Rosander, M., Blomberg, S., & Einarsen, S. V. (2020). Killing two birds with one stone: how intervening when witnessing bullying at the workplace may help both target and the acting observer. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 1-13. Click here to read the article.
Nielsen, M. B., Christensen, J. O., Emberland, J. S., Skogstad, M., Knardahl. S., & Finne, L. B. (2020). Psychometric properties and validation of the Brief NORSCI safety perceptions and climate inventory in the Norwegian waste management industry. Waste Management. Accepted.
Nielsen, M. B., Christensen, J. O., Hetland, J., & Finne, L. B. (2020). Organizational prevention and management strategies for workplace aggression among child protection workers: A project protocol for the Oslo Workplace Aggression Survey (OWAS). Frontiers in Psychology, In press.
Nielsen, M. B., Emberland, J. E., & Knardahl, S. (2020). Office design as a risk factor for disability retirement - A prospective registry study of Norwegian employees. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 47 (1), 22.
Olsen, O. K., Hetland, J., Matthiesen, S. B., Hoprekstad, Ø. L., Espevik, R., & Bakker, A. B. (2020). Passive avoidant leadership and safety non-compliance: A 30 days diary study among naval cadets. Safety Science. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2020.105100
Olsen, O.K., Heesch, P.v., Søreide, C og Hystad, S. (2020). Trust After Just 45 Seconds? An Experimental Vignette Study of How Leader Behavior and Emotional States influence Immediate Trust in Strangers. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:2921.doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.0292
Rajalingam, D., Nymoen, I., Jacobsen, D. P., Eriksen, M. B., Dissen, E., Nielsen, M. B., Einarsen, S., & Gjerstad, J. (2020). Repeated social defeat promotes persistent inflammatory changes in splenic myeloid cells; decreased expression of β-arrestin-2 (ARRB2) and increased expression of interleukin-6. BMC Neuroscience. In press.
Reknes, I., Glambek, M., & Einarsen, S. V. (2020). Injustice perceptions, workplace bullying and intention to leave. Employee Relations: The International Journal.
Salin, D., & Notelaers, G. (2020). Friend or foe? The impact of high‐performance work practices on workplace bullying. Human Resource Management Journal, 30(2), 312-326.
Sannes, A. C., Christensen, J. O., Nielsen, M. B., & Gjerstad, J. (2020). The influence of age, gender and the FKBP5 genotype on subjective health complaints in the Norwegian working population. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Online first.
Sunde, E., Mrdalj, J., Pedersen, T., Thun, E., Bjorvatn, B., Grønli, J., Harris, A., Waage, S., & Pallesen, S. (2020). Role of nocturnal light intensity on adaptation to three consecutive night shifts: a counterbalanced crossover study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 77(4), 249-255. https://doi.org/10.1136/oemed-2019-106049. Click here to read the article.
Sunde, E., Pedersen, T., Mrdalj, J., Thun, E., Grønli, J., Harris, A., Bjorvatn, B., Waage, S., Skene, D. J., & Pallesen, S. (2020). Blue-Enriched White Light Improves Performance but Not Subjective Alertness and Circadian Adaptation During Three Consecutive Simulated Night Shifts. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 2172. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02172. Click here to read the article.
Sunde, E., Pedersen, T., Mrdalj, J., Thun, E., Grønli, J., Harris, A., Bjorvatn, B., Waage, S., Skene, D. J., & Pallesen, S. (2020). Alerting and Circadian Effects of Short-Wavelength vs. Long-Wavelength Narrow-Bandwidth Light during a Simulated Night Shift. Clocks & sleep, 2(4), 502-522. Click here to read the article.
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Vandevelde, K., Baillien, E., & Notelaers, G. (2020). Person-environment fit as a parsimonious framework to explain workplace bullying. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 35(5), 317-332. doi:10.1108/JMP-08-2018-0342
Vedaa, Ø., Harris, A., Waage, S., Bjorvatn, B., Thun, E., Buchvold, H. V., Djupedal, I. L. R., & Pallesen, S. (2020). A longitudinal study on the association between quick returns and occupational accidents. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health. https://doi.org/10.5271/sjweh.3906. Click here to read the article.
Ågotnes, K. W., Skogstad, A., Hetland, J., Olsen, O. K., Espevik, R., Bakker, A. B., & Einarsen, S. V. (2020). Daily work pressure and exposure to bullying-related negative acts: The role of daily transformational and laissez-faire leadership. European Management Journal. doi:10.1016/j.emj.2020.09.011. Click here to read the article.
Arnold B. Bakker, Jørn Hetland, Olav Kjellevold Olsen og Roar Espevik (2019). Daily strengths use and employee well-being: The moderating role of personality, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 92, 144–168.
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Einarsen, K., Salin, D., Einarsen, S. V., Skogstad, A., & Mykletun, R. J. (2019). Antecedents of ethical infrastructures against workplace bullying: The role of organizational size, perceived financial resources and level of high-quality HRM practices. Personnel Review, 48(3), 672-690. doi:10.1108/PR-10-2017-0303
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Fosse, T. H., Skogstad, A., Einarsen, S. V., & Martinussen, M. (2019). Active and passive forms of destructive leadership in a military context: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 1-15. doi:10.1080/1359432X.2019.1634550. Click here to read the article.
Garde, A. H., Harris, A., Vedaa, Ø., Bjorvatn, B., Hansen, J., Hansen, Å. M., Kolstad, H. A., Koskinen, A., Pallesen, S., & Ropponen, A. (2019). Working hour characteristics and schedules among nurses in three Nordic countries–a comparative study using payroll data. BMC nursing, 18(1), 12. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-019-0332-4. Klikk her for å lese artikkelen.
Hoprekstad, Ø. L., Hetland, J., Bakker, A. B., Olsen, O. K., Espevik, R., Wessel, M., & Einarsen, S. V. (2019). How long does it last? Prior victimization from workplace bullying moderates the relationship between daily exposure to negative acts and subsequent depressed mood. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28(2), 164-178. doi:10.1080/1359432X.2018.1564279
Jacobsen, D. P., Eriksen, M. B., Rajalingam, D., Nymoen, I., Nielsen, M. B., Einarsen, S., & Gjerstad, J. (2019). Exposure to workplace bullying, microRNAs and pain; evidence of a moderating effect of miR-30c rs928508 and miR-223 rs3848900. Stress, 1-10.
León Pérez, J. M., Sánchez Iglesias, I., Rodríguez Muñoz, A., & Notelaers, G. (2019). Cutoff scores for workplace bullying: The Spanish Short-Negative Acts Questionnaire (S-NAQ). Psicothema, 31 (4), 482-490.
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Nielsen, M. B., Indregard, A. M. R., Krane, L., & Knardahl, S. (2019). Workplace bullying and medically certified sickness absence: Direction of associations and the moderating role of leader behavior. Frontiers in Psychology. 10, 767. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00767
Nielsen, M. B. & Knardahl, S. (2019). The impact of office design on medically certified sickness absence. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 46(3), 330-334.
Nielsen, M. B., Pallesen, S., Harris, A., & Einarsen, S. (2019). Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of research on the associations between workplace bullying and sleep. Systematic Reviews, 7(1), 232.
Nikolova, I., Schaufeli, W., & Notelaers, G. (2019). Engaging leader–Engaged employees? A cross-lagged study on employee engagement. European Management Journal, 37(6), 772-783.
Nissen, A., Hansen, M. B., Nielsen, M. B., Knardahl, S., & Heir, T. (2019). Employee safety perception following workplace terrorism: a longitudinal study. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 10(1), 1478584. doi:10.1080/20008198.2018.1478584
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Nordmo, M., Olsen, O.K., Hetland, J, Espevik, R., Bakker, A.B., og Pallesen, S. (2019). It's been a hard day's night: A diary study on hardiness and reduced sleep quality among naval sailors. Personality and Individual Differences,153. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2019.109635
Notelaers, G., Törnroos, M., & Salin, D. (2019). Effort-Reward Imbalance: A Risk Factor for Exposure to Workplace Bullying. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1-5.
Pallesen, S., Jacobsen, D. P., Nielsen, M. B., & Gjerstad, J. (2019). The 5-HTTLPR rs25531 LALA-genotype increases the risk of insomnia symptoms among shift workers. Sleep Medicine, 60, 224-229.
Rajalingam, D., Jacobsen, D. P., Nielsen, M., Einarsen, S. V., & Gjerstad, J. (2019). Exposure to workplace bullying, distress, and insomnia: the moderating role of the miR-146a genotype. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1204. Click here to read the article.
Reknes, I., Einarsen, S. V., Gjerstad, J., & Nielsen, M. B. (2019). Dispositional Affect as a Moderator in the Relationship Between Role Conflict and Exposure to Bullying Behaviors. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(44). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00044. Click here to read the article.
Reknes, I., Visockaite, G., Liefooghe, A., Lovakov, A., & Einarsen, S. V. (2019). Locus of Control Moderates the Relationship Between Exposure to Bullying Behaviors and Psychological Strain. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(1323). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01323. Click here to read the article.
Reknes, I., Einarsen, S., Gjerstad, J., & Nielsen (2019). Dispositional affect as a moderator in the relationship between role conflict and exposure to bullying behaviors. Frontiers in Psychology, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00044.
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Vedaa, Ø., Harris, A., Erevik, E. K., Waage, S., Bjorvatn, B., Sivertsen, B., . . . Pallesen, S. (2019). Short rest between shifts (quick returns) and night work is associated with work-related accidents. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 1-7. doi:10.1007/s00420-019-01421-8
Vedaa, Ø., Pallesen, S., Erevik, E., Svensen, E., Waage, S., Bjorvatn, B., Sivertsen, B., & Harris, A. (2018). 0176 Long Working Hours are Inversely Related to Prospective Sick Leave: A Four-year Registry Study. Sleep, 41, A69. https://doi.org/10.1093/sleep/zsy061.175. Click here to read the article.
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Zakariassen, E., Waage, S., Harris, A., Gatterbauer-Trischler, P., Lang, B., Voelckel, W., . . . Bjorvatn, B. (2019). Causes and Management of Sleepiness Among Pilots in a Norwegian and an Austrian Air Ambulance Service—A Comparative Study. Air medical journal, 38(1), 25-29. doi:10.1016/j.amj.2018.11.002. Click here to read the article.
Zhao, M., Chen, Z., Glambek, M., & Einarsen, S. V. (2019). Leadership Ostracism Behaviors from the target’s perspective: A content and behavioral typology model derived from interviews with Chinese employees. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1197. Click here to read the article.
Bakker, A. B., Hetland, J., Olsen, O. K., & Espevik, R. (2018). Daily strengths use and employee well‐being: The moderating role of personality. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.
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Cappelen, K., Harris, A., & Aase, K. (2018). Variability in staff perceptions of patient safety culture in Norwegian nursing homes—a longitudinal cross-sectional study. Safety in Health, 4(1), 9. Click here to read the article.
Christensen, J O., Nielsen, M. B., Finne, L. B., & Knardahl, S. (2018). Comprehensive profiles of psychological and social work factors as predictors of site-specific and multi-site pain. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 44(3):291-302.
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Glambek, M., Skogstad, A., & Einarsen, S. (2018). Workplace bullying, the development of job insecurity and the role of laissez-faire leadership: A two-wave moderated mediation study. Work & Stress, 1-16. Click here to read the article.
Glasø, L., Skogstad, A., Notelaers, G., & Einarsen, S. (2018). Leadership, affect and outcomes: symmetrical and asymmetrical relationships. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 39(1), 51-65. doi:10.1108/LODJ-08-2016-0194
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Hetland, J., Hetland, H., Bakker, A. B., & Demerouti, E. (2018). Daily transformational leadership and employee job crafting: The role of promotion focus. European Management Journal. Click here to read the article.
Jacobsen, D. P., Nielsen, M. B., Einarsen, S., & Gjerstad, J. (2018). Negative social acts and pain: evidence of a workplace bullying and 5-HTT genotype interaction. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health.
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Jacobsen, D. P., Nielsen, M. B., Einarsen, S, & Gjerstad, J. (2018). Negative social acts and pain; evidence of a workplace bullying and 5-HTT genotype interaction. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 44(3), 283-290.
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Helga Myrseth, Sigurd William Hystad, Reidar Säfvenbom, and Olav Kjellevold Olsen (2018). Perception of specific military skills – the impact of perfectionism and self-efficacy. J Military studies, 1-15.DOI 10.2478/jms-2018-0002
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Salin, D., & Notelaers, G. (2018). The effects of workplace bullying on witnesses: violation of the psychological contract as an explanatory mechanism? The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-21.
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Helga Myrseth, Olav Kjellevold Olsen, Einar Kristian Borud, and Leif Åge Strand (2017). Predictors of Gaming Behavior among Military Peacekeepers – Exploring the Role of Boredom and Loneliness in Relation to Gaming Problems, J. Military Studies. ; 8(1): 1–10. DOI 10.1515/jms-2017-0001
Helga Myrseth, Guy Notelaers, Leif Åge Strand, Einar Kristian Borud & Olav Kjellevold Olsen (2017). Introduction of a new instrument to measure motivation for gaming: the electronic gaming motives questionnaire. Addiction, 112, s. 1658-1668.
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Pallesen, P. Gundersen, H, Kristoffersen, M, Bjorvatn, B, Thun, E, Harris, A. The effects of sleep deprivation on soccer skills. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 0 (0) 1-18, 2017. DOI: 10.1177/0031512517707412
Pallesen, S., Nielsen, M. B., Magerøy, N., Andreassen, C. S., & Einarsen, S. (2017). An Experimental Study on the Attribution of Personality Traits to Bullies and Targets in a Workplace Setting. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1045.
Reknes, I., Notelaers, G., Magerøy, N., Pallesen, S., Bjorvatn, B., Moen, B.E., & Einarsen, S. (2017). Aggression from patients or next of kin and exposure to bullying behaviors: A conglomerate experience. Nursing research and Practice. DOI:10.1155/2017/1502854
Salin, D., & Notelaers, G. (2017). The effect of exposure to bullying on turnover intentions: the role of perceived psychological contract violation and benevolent behaviour. Work & Stress, 1-20. doi:10.1080/02678373.2017.1330780
Valdersnes, K. B., Eid, J., Hystad, S. W., & Nielsen, M. B. (2017). Does psychological capital moderate the relationship between worries about accidents and sleepiness? International Maritime Health, 68(4), 245-251.
Vander Elst, T., Notelaers, G., & Skogstad, A. (2017). The reciprocal relationship between job insecurity and depressive symptoms: A latent transition analysis. Journal of organizational behavior.
Vedaa, Ø., Mørland, E., Larsen, M., Harris, A., Erevik, E., Sivertsen, B., Bjorvatn, B., Waage, S., Pallesen, S. Sleep detriments associated with limited rest time between shifts: a diary study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Accepted February 2017.
Wengaard, E., Kristoffersen, M., Harris, A., & Gundersen, H. (2017). Cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with selective attention in healthy male high-school students. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11.
Birkeland, M. S., Nielsen, M. B., Knardahl, S. & Heir, T. (2016). Time-lagged relationships between leadership behaviors and psychological distress after a workplace terrorist attack. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 89(4), 689-697.
Brendbekken, R., Eriksen, H. R., Grasdal, A., Harris, A., Hagen, E. M., & Tangen, T. (2016). Return to Work in Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: Multidisciplinary Intervention Versus Brief Intervention: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of occupational rehabilitation, 1-10.
Cappelen, K., Aase, K., Storm, M., Hetland, J., & Harris, A. (2016). Psychometric properties of the Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture in Norwegian nursing homes. BMC health services research, 16(1), 446.
Einarsen, S., Skogstad, A., Rørvik, E., Lande, Å. B., & Nielsen, M. B. (2016). Climate for conflict management, exposure to workplace bullying and work engagement: a moderated mediation analysis. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-22.
Glambek, M., Skogstad, A., Einarsen, S. (2016). Do the bullies survive? A five year, three-wave prospective study of indicators of expulsion in working life among oeroetrators of workplace bullying. Industrial Health, 54, 68-73.
Guenter, H., van Emmerik, H., Schreurs, B., Kuypers, T., van Iterson, A., & Notelaers, G. (2016). When Task Conflict Becomes Personal: The Impact of Perceived Team Performance. Small group research, 47(5), 569-604.
Jaradat, Y. Nielsen, M. B., Kristensen, P., Bjertness, E., Stigum, H., Nijem, K., & Bast-Pettersen, R. (2016). Workplace aggression, psychological distress, and job satisfaction among Palestinian nurses: a cross-sectional study. Applied Nursing Research. 32¸ 190-198.
Knardahl, S., Sterud, T., Nielsen, M. B., Nordby, K.-C. (2016). Arbeidsplassen og sykefravær. Arbeidsforhold av betydning for sykefravær. Tidsskrift for Velferdsforskning, 19(2), 179-199.
Leon-Perez, J. M., Notelaers, G., & Leon-Rubio, J. M. (2016). Assessing the effectiveness of conflict management training in a health sector organization: evidence from subjective and objective indicators. European journal of work and organizational psychology, 25(1), 1-12.
Meland, A., Ishimatsu, K., Pensgaard, A. M., Wagstaff, A., Fonne, V., Garde, A. H., & Harris, A. (2015). Impact of mindfulness training on physiological measures of stress and objective measures of attention control in a military helicopter unit. The International journal of aviation psychology, 25(3-4), 191-208.
Myrseth, H., Pallesen, S., Molde, H., Havik, O. E., & Notelaers, G. (2016). Psychopathology and personality characteristics in pathological gamblers: identifying subgroups of gamblers. Journal of Gambling Issues, 32, 68-88.
Nielsen, M. B., Christiansen. S., Indregard, A.-M. R., Emberland, J. S., Elka, S., Knardahl, S. (2016). The new workplace II: Protocol for a prospective full-panel registry study of work factors, sickness absence, and exit from working life among Norwegian employees. SpringerPlus 5, 243.
Nielsen, M. B., Einarsen, S., Notelaers, G., & Nielsen, G. H. (2016). Does exposure to bullying behaviors at the workplace contribute to later suicidal ideation? A three-wave longitudinal study. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 42(3), 246-250.
Nielsen, M. B., Glasø. L., & Einarsen, S. (2016). Exposure to workplace harassment and the Five Factor Model of personality: A meta-analysis. Personality and Individual Differences, 104, 195-206.
Nielsen, M. B., Indregard, A. M. R., & Øverland, S. (2016). Workplace bullying and sickness absence – A systematic review and meta-analysis of the research literature. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment, & Health, 42(5), 359-370.
Nielsen, M., Skogstad, A., Matthiesen, S.B. & Einarsen, S. (2016). The importance of a multidimensional and temporal design in research on leadership and workplace safety. The Leadership Quarterly, 27; 142-155.
Olsen, Pallesen, Torsheim & Espevik. (2016): The effect of sleep deprivation on leadership behaviour in military officers: an experimental study. Journal of Sleep Research, Volume 25, Issue 6, 683–68
Ree, E., Lie, S. A., Eriksen, H. R., Malterud, K., Indahl, A., Samdal, O., & Harris, A. (2016). Reduction in sick leave by a workplace educational low back pain intervention: A cluster randomized controlled trial. Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine, 44(6), 571-579.
Reknes, I., Einarsen, S., Pallesen, S., Bjorvatn, B., Moen, B. E., & Magerøy, N. (2016). Exposure to bullying behaviors at work and subsequent symptoms of anxiety: the moderating role of individual coping style. Industrial health, 54(5), 421-432.
Reme, S. E., Tveito, T. H., Harris, A., Lie, S. A., Grasdal, A., Indahl, A., . . . Gismervik, S. (2016). Cognitive Interventions and Nutritional Supplements (The CINS Trial): A Randomized Controlled, Multicenter Trial Comparing a Brief Intervention With Additional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Seal Oil, and Soy Oil for Sick-Listed Low Back Pain Patients. Spine, 41(20), 1557-1564.
Vedaa, Ø., Pallesen, S., Waage, S., Bjorvatn, B., Sivertsen, B., Erevik, E., Svensen, E., Harris, A. Short rest between shifts increases the risk of sick leave: a prospective registry study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Online First 08 November 2016. Doi: 10.1136/oemed-2016-103920
Vedaa, Ø., Krosbakken, E., Grimsrud, I.D., Bjorvatn, B., Sivertsen, B., Magerøy, N., Einarsen, S. & Pallesen, S. (2016). Prospective study of predictors and consequencesof insomnia: personality, lifestyle, mental health, and work-related stressors. Sleep Medicine, 20; 51-58.
Astrauskaite, M., Notelaers, G., Medisauskaite, A., & Kern, R. M. (2015). Workplace harassment: Deterring role of transformational leadership and core job characteristics. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 31(1), 121-135.
Bammens, Y., Notelaers, G., & Van Gils, A. (2015). Implications of family business employment for employees’ innovative work involvement. Family Business Review, 28(2), 123-144.
Bergheim, K., Nielsen, M. B., Mearns, K., & Eid, J. (2015). The relationship between psychological capital, job satisfaction, and safety perceptions in the maritime industry. Safety Science, 74, 27-36.
Birkeland, M. S., Nielsen, M. B., Knardahl, S., & Heir, T. (2015). Associations between work environment and psychological distress after a workplace terror attack: The importance of role expectations, predictability and leader support. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0119492. doi:10.1371.
Einarsen, S., & Nielsen, M. B. (2015). Workplace bullying as an antecedent of mental health problems: a five-year prospective and representative study. International archives of occupational and environmental health, 88(2), 131-142.
Glambek, M., Skogstad, A., & Einarsen, S. (2015). Take it or leave: a five-year prospective study of workplace bullying and indicators of expulsion in working life. Industrial health, 2014-0195.
Hystad, Kjellevold Olsen, Espevik & Säfvenbom (2015). On the stability of psychological hardiness: A three-year longitudinal study. Military Psychology, 27(3), 155-168
Nielsen, M. B., Finne, L. B., Christensen, J. O., & Knardahl, S. (2015). Job demands and alcohol use: Test of a moderated mediation model. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment, & Health, 41(1), 43-53.
Nielsen, M. B. & Knardahl, S. (2015). Is workplace bullying related to the personality traits of victims? A two year prospective study. Work & Stress. 29(2), 128-149.
Nielsen, M B., Nielsen, G. H., Notelaers, G., & Einarsen, S. (2015). Workplace bullying and suicidal ideation. A three-wave longitudinal study. American Journal of Public Health. 105(11), e23-e28.
Nielsen, M. B. Tangen, T., Idsoe, T., Matthiesen, S. B., & Magerøy, N. (2015). Post-traumatic stress disorder as a consequence of bullying at work and at school. A literature review and meta-analysis. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 21, 17-24.
Nissen, A., Hansen, M. B., Nielsen, M. B., & Heir, T. (2015). Perception of Threat and Safety at Work among Ministerial Employees after the 2011 Oslo Bombing. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 28(6), 650-662.
Poilpot-Rocaboy, G., Notelaers, G., & Hauge, L. J. (2015). Exposition au harcèlement psychologique au travail: Impact sur la satisfaction au travail, l’implication organisationnelle et l’intention de départ. Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, 21(4), 358-379.
Salin, D. (2015). Risk factors of workplace bullying for men and women: the role of the psychosocial and physical work environment. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 56 (1), 69-77.
Schreurs, B., Guenter, H., van Emmerik, I. H., Notelaers, G., & Schumacher, D. (2015). Pay level satisfaction and employee outcomes: the moderating effect of autonomy and support climates. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(12), 1523-1546.
Astrauskaite, M., Kern, R. M., & Notelaers, G. (2014). An individual psychology approach to underlying factors of workplace bullying. The Journal of Individual Psychology, 70(3), 220-244.
Breevaart, Bakker, Hetland, Demerouti, Kjellevold Olsen & Espevik (2014). Daily transactional and transformational leadership and daily employee engagement. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology; 87, 1, 138–157.
Einarsen, S., Kaland, C., Hurley, M., Pedersen, L.L.N. & Aasland, M.S. (2014). Destruktiv ledelse: Vurderes kvinnelige og mannlige ledere forskjellig? MAGMA. Tidsskrift for Økonomi og Ledelse, 17; 68-76.
Einarsen, S. & Nielsen, M. B. (2015). Workplace bullying as an antecedent of mental health problems: A five year prospective and representative study. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 88(2), 131-142.
Glambek, M., Matthiesen, S. B., Hetland, J., & Einarsen, S. (2014). Workplace bullying as an antecedent to job insecurity and intention to leave: a 6‐month prospective study. Human Resource Management Journal, 24(3), 255-268.
Leon-Perez, J. M., Notelaers, G., Arenas, A., Munduate, L., & Medina, F. J. (2014). Identifying victims of workplace bullying by integrating traditional estimation approaches into a latent class cluster model. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 29(7), 1155-1177.
Malinauskiene, V. & Einarsen, S., (2014) Workplace bullying and posttraumatic stress symptoms amon family physicians in Lithuania: An occupation and region specific approach. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 27 (6); 919-932.
Nielsen, M. B., Magerøy, N., Gjerstad, J. & Einarsen, S. (2014). Workplace bullying and subsequent health problems/Mobbing i arbeidslivet og senere helseplager. Journal for the Norwegian Medical Association/Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening, 12/13, 1233-1238.
Nielsen, M. B. & Knardahl, S. (2014). Coping strategies: A prospective study of patterns, stability, and relationships with psychological distress. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 55, 142-150.
Reknes, I., Pallesen, S., Magerøy, N., Moen, B.E., Bjorvatn, B., & Einarsen, S. (2014). Exposure to bullying behaviors as a predictor of mental health problems among Norwegian nurses: Results from the prospective SUSSH-survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 51(3), 479-487.
Reknes, I., Einarsen, S., Knardahl, S., & Lau, B. (2014). The prospective relationship between role stressors and new cases of self‐reported workplace bullying. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 55(1), 45-52. DOI: 10.1111/sjop.12092.
Salin, D., Tenhiälä, A., Roberge, M.-E., Berdahl, J. L. (2014). 'I wish I had . . .': Target reflections on responses to workplace mistreatment. Human Relations, 67(10), 1189-1211.
Skogstad, A., Aasland, M.S., Nielsen, M.B. Hetland, J., Matthiesen, S.B. & Einarsen S. (2014). The relative effects of constructive, laissez-faire and tyrannical leadership on subordinate job satisfaction; results from two prosepctive and representative studies. Zeitschrift fur Psychologie, 222 (4): 221-232.
Skogstad, A., Hetland, J., Glasø, L., & Einarsen, S. (2014). Is avoidant leadership a root cause of subordinate stress? Longitudinal relationships between laissez-faire leadership and role ambiguity. Work & Stress, 28(4), 323-341.
Stoffers, J. M., Van der Heijden, B., & Notelaers, G. (2014). Towards a moderated mediation model of innovative work behaviour enhancement. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 27(4), 642-659.
Visted, E., Vøllestad, J., Nielsen, M. B., & Nielsen, G. (2014). The Impact of Group-Based Mindfulness Training on Self-Reported Mindfulness: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Mindfulness. DOI 10.1007/s12671-014-0283-5
Bergheim, K., Eid, J., Hystad, S. W., Nielsen, M. B., Mearns, K., Larsson, G., & Luthans, B. (2013). The Role of Psychological Capital in Perception of Safety Climate among Air Traffic Controllers. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 20(2), 232-241.
Brandebo, Sjöberg, Larsson, Eid & Kjellevold Olsen (2013).Trust in a military context: What contributes to trust in superior and subordinate leaders? Journal of Trust Research; 3, 2: 125-145.
Escartin, J., Salin. D. & Rodriguez-Caballeira, A. (2013). El acoso laboral o mobbing: Similitudes y diferencias de género en su severidad percibida. [Workplace bullying or mobbing: Gender similarities and differences in its perceived severity]. Revista de Psicología Social, 28(2), 211-224.
Espevik & Kjellevold Olsen (2013). A new model for understanding teamwork onboard: the shipmate model. International Maritime Health; 64, 2: 89–94
Havig, A. K., Skogstad, A., Veenstra, M., & Romøren, T. I. (2013). Real teams and their effect on the quality of care in nursing homes. BMC health services research, 13(1), 499.
Kant, L., Einarsen, S. Torsheim, Skogstad, A. (2013): Beware the angry leader: Trait anger and trait anxiety as predictors of petty tyranny. Leadership Quarterly, 24 (1), 106-124.
Nielsen, M. B. (2013). Bullying in work groups: The impact of leadership. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 54(2), 127-136.
Nielsen, M. B., Bergheim, K., & Eid, J. (2013). Relationships between work environment factors and workers’ well-being in the maritime industry. International Maritime Health, 64(2) 80-88.
Nielsen, M. B., Eid, J., Hystad, S. W., Sætrevik, B., & Saus, E. R. (2013). A brief safety climate inventory for petro-maritime organizations. Safety Science, 58, 81-86.
Nielsen, M. B, Eid, J., Larsson, G., & Mearns, K. (2013). Authentic leadership and its relationship to risk perception and safety climate. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 34(4), 308-325.
Nielsen, M. B. & Einarsen, S. (2013). Can observations of workplace bullying really make you depressed? A response to Emdad et al. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 86(6), 717-721.
Nielsen, M. B., Glasø, L. Matthiesen, S. B., Eid, J.. & Einarsen, S. (2013). Bullying and risk-perception as health hazards on oil rigs. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 28(4), 367-383.
Nielsen, M. B., Tvedt, S. D., & Matthiesen, S. B. (2013). Prevalence and Occupational Predictors of Psychological Distress in the Offshore Petroleum Industry: A Prospective Cohort Study. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 86(8), 875-885.
Notelaers, G., Baillien, E., De Witte, H., Einarsen, S., & Vermunt, J. K. (2013). Testing the strain hypothesis of the Demand Control Model to explain severe bullying at work. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 34(1), 69-87.
Notelaers, G., & Einarsen, S. (2013). The world turns at 33 and 45: Defining simple cutoff scores for the Negative Acts Questionnaire–Revised in a representative sample. European journal of work and organizational psychology, 22(6), 670-682.
Olsen, Pallesen, S. & Espevik (2013). The impact of partial sleep deprivation on military naval officers’ ability to anticipate moral and tactical problems in a simulated maritime combat operation. International Maritime Health; 64, 2: 61–65
Salin, D. & Hoel, H. (2013). Workplace bullying as a gendered phenomenon. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 28(3), 235 – 251.
Schreurs, B., Guenter, H., Schumacher, D., Van Emmerik, I., & Notelaers, G. (2013). Pay‐Level Satisfaction and Employee Outcomes: The Moderating Effect of Employee‐Involvement Climate. Human Resource Management, 52(3), 399-421.
Van de Vliert, E., Einarsen, S., & Nielsen, M. B. (2013). Are national levels of employee harassment cultural covariations of climato-economic conditions? Work & Stress, 27(1), 106-122.
Burke, R.J., Matthiesen, S.B., Einarsen, S., Fiksenbaum, L. & Soiland, V. (2012). Workaholism components among Norwegian oil rig workers. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 12(2), 25-40.
Germeijs, V., Luyckx, K., Notelaers, G., Goossens, L., & Verschueren, K. (2012). Choosing a major in higher education: Profiles of students’ decision-making process. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 37(3), 229-239.
Glasø, L., & Notelaers, G. (2012). Workplace bullying, emotions, and outcomes. Violence and victims, 27(3), 360-377.
Johnsen, Meeùs, Meling, Rogde, Eid, Espevik, Kjellevold Olsen & Sommerfelt-Pettersen (2012). Cultural differences in emotional intelligence among top officers on board merchant ships. International Maritime Health, 63, 2: 90–95
Mathisen, G.E., Øgaard, T. & Einarsen, S (2012). Situational and individual antecdents of workplace victimization. International Journal of Manpower, 33 (5), 539-555.
Mathisen, G.E., Einarsen, S. & Mykletun, R. (2012). Creative leaders promote creative organizations. International Journal of Manpower, 33 (4), 367-382.
Nielsen, M. B. & Einarsen, S. (2012). Outcomes of workplace bullying. A meta-analytic review. Work & Stress, 26(4), 309-332.
Nielsen, M.B. & Einarsen, S (2012). Prospective relationships between workplace sexual harassment and psychological distress. Occupational Medicine, 62, 226-228.
Nielsen, M.B., Hetland, J., Matthiesen, S.B. & Einarsen, S. (2012). Longitudinal relationships between workplace bullying and psychological distress. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 38 (1), 38-46.
Notelaers, G.V., Baillien, E., DeWitte, H., Einarsen S. & Vermunt, J. (2012). Testing the strain hypothesis of the Demand Control Model to explain severe bullying at work. Economic and Industrial Democracy, DOI: 10.1177/0143831X12438742
Schreurs, B. H., Van den Broeck, A., Notelaers, G., van der Heijden, B., & De Witte, H. (2012). The relationship between job demands, job resources, strain, and work enjoyment: a matter of age? Gedrag en organisatie, 25(1), 5-27.
Vie, T., Glasø, L & Einarsen, S (2012). How does it feel. Workplace bullying, emotions and muskeloskeletal complaints. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 53, 165–173
Baillien, E., Notelaers, G., De Witte, H., & Matthiesen, S. B. (2011). The relationship between the work unit’s conflict management styles and bullying at work: Moderation by conflict frequency. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 32(3), 401-419.
Berthelsen, M., Skogstad, A., Lau, B. & Einarsen, S. (2011). Do they stay or do they go? A longitudinal study of intentions to leave and exclusion from working life among targets of workplace bullying. International Journal of Manpower, 32 (2), 178-193.
Bjørkelo B., Einarsen, S., Nielsen, M.B. & Matthiesen, S.B. (2011). Silence is gold? Characteristics and experiences of self reported whistleblowers in Norway. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 20 (2), 206-238.
Dagsland, Å. H. B., Mykletun, R. & Einarsen, S. (2011) Apprentices' Expectations and Experiences in the Socialisation Process in their Meeting with the Hospitality Industry. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 11 (4), 395–415.
Escartin, J., Salin. D. & Rodriguez-Caballeira, A. (2011). Conceptualizations of workplace bullying: gendered rather than gender-neutral? Journal of Personnel Psychology, 10(4), 157-165.
Glasø, L. Bele, E. Nielsen, M. B., & Einarsen, S. (2011). Bus drivers’ exposure to bullying and harassment at work and their trait anger, job engagement, turnover intentions and health. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 52(5), 484.493.
Glasø, L., Notelaers, G., & Skogstad, A. (2011). The importance of followers' emotions in effective leadership. Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology, 3(2).
Hauge, L.J., Einarsen, S., Knardahl, S., Lau, B., Notelaers, G. & Skogstad, A. (2011). Leadership and role stressors as departmental level predictors of workplace bullying. International Journal of Stress Management, Vol. 18, No. 4, 305–323
Hauge, L.J., Skogstad, A., Einarsen, S. (2011). Role stressors and exposure to workplace bullying: Causes or consequences of what and why? European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 20 (5), 610 -630.
Havig, A. K., Skogstad, A., Kjekshus, L. E., & Romøren, T. I. (2011). Leadership, staffing and quality of care in nursing homes. BMC health services research, 11(1), 327.
Havig, A. K., Skogstad, A., Veenstra, M., & Romøren, T. I. (2011). The effects of leadership and ward factors on job satisfaction in nursing homes: a multilevel approach. Journal of clinical nursing, 20(23‐24), 3532-3542.
Hetland, H., Hetland, J., Schou Andreassen, C., Pallesen, S., & Notelaers, G. (2011). Leadership and fulfillment of the three basic psychological needs at work. Career Development International, 16(5), 507-523.
Hetland, H., Skogstad, A., Hetland, J., & Mikkelsen, A. (2011). Leadership and learning climate in a work setting. European Psychologist, 16(3), 163-173.
Peder Hyllengren, Gerry Larsson, Maria Fors, Misa Sjöberg, Jarle Eid, Olav Kjellevold Olsen, (2011) "Swift trust in leaders in temporary military groups", Team Performance Management, Vol. 17 Iss: 7/8, pp.354 – 368.
Mathisen, G.E., Einarsen, S. & Mykletun, R. (2011). The relationship between supervisor personality, supervisors’ perceived stress and workplace bullying. Journal of Business Ethics, 99, 637-651.
Matthiesen, S. & Einarsen, S. (2010). Bullying in the workplace: Definition, prevalence, antcedents and consequences. International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior,13 (2) 202-248.
Nielsen, M.B., Matthiesen, S.B. & Einarsen, S. (2010). The impact of methodological moderators on the prevalence of workplace bullying. A meta-analysis. Journal of Occupational and Organisational Psychology, 83, 955-979.
Notelaers, G.Vermunt, J.K., Baillien, E., Einarsen, S. & DeWitte, H. (2011). Exploring risk groups and risk factors for workplace bullying. Industrial Health, 49; 73-88.
Notelaers, G., DeWitte, H. & Einarsen, S. (2010). A job characteristics approach to workplace bullying. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 19 (4) 487-504.
Rodríguez-Muñoz, A., Notelaers, G., & Moreno-Jiménez, B. (2011). Workplace bullying and sleep quality: The mediating role of worry and need for recovery. Psicología Conductual, 19(2), 453.
Skogstad, A., Torsheim, T. & Einarsen, S. (2011). Testing the work environment hypothesis ofbullying on a group level of analysis: Psychosocial factors as precursors of observed workplace bullying. Applied Psychology; An international Review, 60 (3), 475-495.
Salin, D. (2011). The significance of gender for third parties’ perceptions of negative interpersonal behaviour: labelling and explaining negative acts. Gender, Work, and Organization, 18(6), 571-591.
Schreurs, B., Van Emmerik, H., De Cuyper, N., Notelaers, G., & De Witte, H. (2011). Job demands-resources and early retirement intention: Differences between blue-and white-collar workers. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 32(1), 47-68.
Vie, T., Glasø, L. & Einarsen, S. (2011). Health outcomes of self-labelling as a victim of workplace bullying. Journal of Psychosomatic research, 70(1), 37-43.
Aanes, M., Mittelmark, M., & Hetland, J. (2010). Interpersonal Stress and Poor Mental Health: The Mediating Role of Loneliness. European Psychologist, 15(1), 3-11
Aasland, M. S., Skogstad, A., Notelaers, G., Nielsen, M. B., & Einarsen, S. (2010). The prevalence of destructive leadership behaviour. British Journal of Management, 21(2), 438-452.
Baillien, E., Rodriguez-Munoz, A., De Witte, H., Notelaers, G., & Moreno-Jimenez, B. (2010). The Demand–Control model and target's reports of bullying at work: A test within Spanish and Belgian blue-collar workers. European journal of work and organizational psychology, 20(2), 157-177.
Bjørkelo, B., Matthiesen, S. B., & Einarsen, S. (2010). Predicting proactive behaviour at work: Exploring the role of personality as an antecedent of whistleblowing behaviour Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Early view.
Glasø, L., Einarsen, S., Matthiesen, S. B., & Skogstad, A. (2010). The dark side of leaders: A representative study of interpersonal problems among leaders. Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology, 2(2). 3-14.
Hauge, L. J., Skogstad, A., & Einarsen, S. (2010). The relative impact of workplace bullying as a social stressor at work. Scandinavian journal of psychology, 51(5), 426-433.
Hoel, H., Glasø, L., Hetland, J., Cooper, C. L., & Einarsen, S. (2010). Leadership styles as predictors of self‐reported and observed workplace bullying. British Journal of Management, 21(2), 453-468.
Nielsen, M. B., Bjørkelo, B., Notelaers, G., & Einarsen, S. (2010). Sexual harassment: Prevalence, outcomes and gender differences assessed by three different estimation methods. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 19(3), 252-274.
Nielsen, M. B., Matthiesen, S. B., & Einarsen, S. (2010). The impact of methodological moderators on prevalence rates of workplace bullying. A meta‐analysis. Journal of occupational and organizational psychology, 83(4), 955-979.
Notelaers, G., De Witte, H., & Einarsen, S. (2010). A job characteristics approach to explain workplace bullying. European journal of work and organizational psychology, 19(4), 487-504.
Olsen, O. K., Pallesen, S., & Eid, J. (2010). The impact of Partial Sleep Deprivation on Moral Reasoning in Military Officers. Sleep, 33(8): 1086–1090
Olsen, O. K., Eid, J., & Larsson, G. (2010). Leadership and Ethical Justice Behavior in a High Moral Intensity Operational Context. Journal of Military Psychology, suppl.1, 22, 137-156
Parzefall, M. & Salin, D. (2010). Perceptions of and reactions to workplace bullying: A social exchange perspective. Human Relations, 63(6), 761-780.
Schreurs, B., Van Emmerik, H., Notelaers, G., & De Witte, H. (2010). Job insecurity and employee health: The buffering potential of job control and job self-efficacy. Work & Stress, 24(1), 56-72.
Aasland, M. S., Skogstad, A., Notelaers, G., Nielsen, M. B., & Einarsen, S. (2009). The prevalence of destructive leadership behaviour: A representative prevalence study. British Journal of Management. 21(2), 438-452.
Aasland, M. S., Skogstad, A., Notelaers, G., Nielsen, M. B., & Einarsen, S. (2009). The Normality of Destructive Leadership Behaviour: A representative prevalence study. British Journal of Management, Early online.
Burke, R.J., Matthiesen, S.B., Einarsen, S., Fiksenbaum, S. & Soiland, V. (2009). In the Eye of the Beholder: How Workaholics perceive their Supervisor's Leadership Behavioural Styles. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 6, 1(January-March 2009).
De Cuyper, N., Notelaers, G., & De Witte, H. (2009). Job insecurity and employability in fixed-term contractors, agency workers, and permanent workers: associations with job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment. Journal of occupational health psychology, 14(2), 193.
De Cuyper, N, Notelaers, G., & De Witte. H. (2009). Transitioning between temporary and permanent employment: A two-wave study on the entrapment, the stepping stone and the selection hypothesis. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82, 67–88
Due, P., Merlo, J., Harel-Fisch, Y., Damsgaard, M. T., Holstein, B., Hetland, J. Currie, C., Nic Gabhainn, S., Gaspar de Matos, M, & Lynch, J. (2009). Socioeconomic inequality in exposure to bullying during adolescence: a comparative, cross-sectional, multilevel study in 35 countries. American journal of public health, 99(5), 907-914.
Einarsen, S., Glasø, L. Vie, T., & Pedersen, H., (2009). Mobbing og trakassering i arbeidslivet: En veiledning. Oslo: Idébanken.
Einarsen, S, Hoel, H. & Notelaers, G. (2009). Measuring exposure to bullying in the workplace: Development and validity for the revised Negative Acts Questionnaire. Work and Stress, 23; 24-44.
Glasø, L., Nielsen, M. B., & Einarsen, S. (2009). Interpersonal problems among targets and perpetrators of workplace bullyinq. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39(6), 1316–1333.
Glasø, L., Nielsen, M. B., Einarsen, S., Haugland, K., & Matthiesen, S. B. (2009). Grunnleggende antagelser og symptomer på posttraumatisk stresslidelse blant mobbeofre (A study of basic life assumptions and post-traumatic stress disorder among victims of workplace bullying). Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 46, 153-160.
Hauge, L. J., Skogstad, A., & Einarsen, S. (2009). Individual and situational predictors of workplace bullying: Why do perpetrators engage in the bullying of others? Work & Stress, 23(4), 349-358.
Lind, K., Glasø, L., Pallesen, S., & Einarsen, S. (2009). Personality Profiles among Targets and Non-targets of Workplace Bullying. European Psychologist, 14(3), 231-237.
Nielsen, G. H., Vøllestad, J., Schanche, E., & Nielsen, M. B. (2009). Får jeg det til? En kartlegging av studentterapauters bekymringer (Will I manage it? A study of worries among student therapists) . Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 46(3), 240-245.
Nielsen, M. B., Skogstad. A., Matthiesen, S. B., Glasø, L., Aasland, M. S., & Einarsen, S. (2009). Prevalence of workplace bullying in Norway: Comparisons across time and estimations methods. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 18(1), 81 – 101.
Salin, D. (2009). Organisational responses to workplace harassment: an exploratory study. Personnel Review, 38(1), 26-44.
Skogstad, A., & Notelaers, G. (2009). Unnasluntring på jobben–et problem i norsk arbeidsliv? Om kontraproduktiv atferd på jobben og tilbaketrekking fra arbeidsrollen. Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 26(2), 153-176.
Wiium, N., Aarø, L. E., & Hetland, J. (2009). Psychological Reactance and Adolescents' Attitudes Toward Tobacco‐Control Measures. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39(7), 1718-1738.
Aasland, M.S., Shogstad, A. & Einarsen, S. (2008). The dark side of leadership: Defining and describing destructive forms of leadership behaviour. People and Organisations, 15(3), 20 -28.
Baillien, E., Neyens, I., De Witte, H., & Notelaers, G. (2008). From conflict escalation to workplace bullying: an analysis with the conflict management styles of the Dual Concern Theory. Gedrag & Organisatie, 21(2), 113-136.
Baillien, E., De Witte, H., Notelaers, G., & Neyens, I. (2008). Construction of a risk assessment tool to prevent workplace bullying. Gedrag & Organisatie, 21(3), 254-277.
Berthelsen, M., Skogstad, A., Hauge, L. J., Nielsen, M. B., & Einarsen, S. (2008). Mobbing og utstøting i arbeidslivet: Resultater fra en landsrepresentativ og longitudinell undersøkelse. Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen.
Bille, M., Skogstad, A. & Einarsen S. (2008). Handlingsprogrammer mot mobbing i arbeidslivet: definisjoner og innhold. Søkelys på Arbeidslivet, 25 (2); 243-263.
Bjørkelo, B., Matthiesen. S. & Einarsen, S. (2008). Varslingens mange ansikter: en oppsummering av forskning og litteratur om varsling i arbeidslivet . Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 25; (1) 3-19.
Bjørkelo, B., Ryberg, W., Matthiesen, S. B., & Einarsen, S. (2008). ”When you talk and talk and nobody listens”: A mixed method case study of whistleblowing and its consequences International Journal of Organisational Behaviour, 13(2), 18-40.
Burke, R. J., Matthiesen, S. B., Einarsen, S., Fiskenbaum, L., & Soiland, V. (2008). Gender differences in work experiences and satisfactions of Norwegian oil rig workers. Gender in Management, 23(2), 137-147.
De Lange, A. H., De Witte, H., & Notelaers, G. (2008). Should I stay or should I go? Examining longitudinal relations among job resources and work engagement for stayers versus movers. Work & Stress, 22(3), 201-223.
Einarsen, S., Glasø, L. & Nielsen, M.B. (2008). Mobbing i arbeidslivet: En litteraturstudie. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 45, 308-317.
Glasø, L., & Einarsen, S. (2008). Emotion regulation in leader-follower relationships. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 17(4), 482-500.
Mathisen,G.E., Mykletun, R. & Einarsen, S. (2008). Bullying and harassment in the restaurant industry; Fiction or fact? Good or bad? Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 49, 59-68
Mathisen, G.E., Martinsen, Ø. & Einarsen, S. (2008). The relationships between creative personality composition, innovative team climate, and team innovativeness; An input-process-output perspective. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 42 (1); 13-31.
Matthiesen, S. B., Einarsen, S., & Skogstad, A. (2008). Is workplace conflict and workplace bullying the same? International Journal of Psychology, 43(3), 391.
Moreno-Jiménez, B., Rodríguez, A., Salin, D. & Morante Benadero, M. (2008). Workplace bullying in southern Europe: Prevalence, forms and risk groups in a Spanish sample. International Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 13(2), 95-109.
Nielsen, M. & Einarsen, S. (2008). Sampling in Research on Interpersonal Aggression. Aggressive Behaviour, 34, 265- 272.
Nielsen, MB., Matthiesen, SB. & Einarsen, S. (2008). Sense of coherence among targets of bullying at work. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 13(2); 128-136.
Notelaers, G. (2008). Towards a job characteristics approach to explain workplace bullying. International Journal of Psychology, 43(3), 202.
Salin, D. (2008). The prevention of workplace bullying as a question of human resource management: measures adopted and underlying organizational factors. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 24(3), 221-231.
Skogstad, A., Glasø, L., & Hetland, J. (2008). Er ledere i kraft av sin stilling beskyttet mot mobbing? Resultater fra en landsrepresentativ undersøkelse. Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 25(1), 119-142.
Van de Vliert, E., & Einarsen, S. (2008). Cultural construals of destructive versus constructive leadership in major world niches. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 8, 275-294.
Burke, R. J., & Matthiesen, S. B. (2007). Work Motivation Patterns Underlying Workaholism Components. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 3(3).
Einarsen, S. Aasland, M.S. & Skogstad, A. (2007). Destructive leadership: A definition and a conceptual model. Leadership Quarterly, 18, 207- 216.
Einarsen, S. & Hauge, L.J. ( 2007) Antecedentes y consecuencias del acoso psicológico en el trabajo: Una revisión de la literatura. Spanish Journal of Work and Organisatinal Psychology, 22, 3, 251-273.
Einarsen, S., Tangedal, M., Skogstad, A., Matthiesen, S. B., Aasland, M. S., Nielsen, M. B., et al. (2007). Et brutalt arbeidsmiljø? En undersøkelse om mobbing, konflikter og destruktiv ledelse i norsk arbeidsliv (A brutal work-environment? A survey on bullying, conflicts, and destructive leadership in Norwegian working life). Bergen: Bergen Bullying Research Group, Universitetet i Bergen.
Glasø, L, Matthiesen, S. B., Birkeland Nielsen, M., & Einarsen, S. (2007) Do victims of workplace bullying portray a general personality victim profile? Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 48,313-319.
Glasø, L., Nielsen, M.B. & Einarsen, S. (2007). Mobbing i arbeidslivet: Forekomst, årsaker og konsekvenser. Søkelys på Arbeidslivet, 1/07, 83-93.
Hauge, L. J., Skogstad, A., & Einarsen, S. (2007). Relationships between stressful work environments and bullying: Results of a large representative study. Work & Stress, 21(3), 220-242.
Matthiesen, S.B & Einarsen, S. (2007). Perpetrators and victims of bullying at work: Role stress and individual differences. Violence and Victims, 22, 6; 735-753.
Nielsen, M.B. & Einarsen, S. (2007). Kartlegging av mobbing i arbeidslivet - Negative Acts Questionnaire. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 44, 2; 151-153.
Notelaers, G., De Witte, H., van Veldhoven, M., & Vermunt, J. K. (2007). Construction and validation of the Short Inventory to Monitor Psychosocial Hazards. Médecine du Travail & Ergonomie / Arbeidsgezondheidszorg en Ergonomie, 44(1), 11-18.
Poortvliet, P. M., Janssen, O., Van Yperen, N. W., & Van de Vliert, E. (2007). Achievement goals and interpersonal behavior: How mastery and performance goals shape information exchange. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 1435-1447.
Skogstad, A., Einarsen, S., Torsheim, T., Aasland, M. S., & Hetland, H. (2007). The destructiveness of laissez-faire leadership behavior. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 12(1), 80-92.
Skogstad, A., Matthiesen, S. B., & Einarsen, S. (2007). Organizational change: A precursor for workplace bullying? International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 10(1), 58-94.
Van de Vliert, E. (2007). Climates creates cultures. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 1, 53-67.
Van de Vliert, E. (2007). Climatoeconomic roots of survival versus self-expression cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 38, 156-172.
Yang, H., Van de Vliert, E., & Shi, K. (2007). Interpersonal relationship and lay third parties’ side-taking preference: A cross-cultural study among Chinese and Dutch. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 38, 438-457.
Glasø, L., & Einarsen, S. (2006). Experienced affects in leader-subordinate relationships. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 22, 49-73.
Glasø, L., Ekerholt, MK., Barman, S. & Einarsen, S. (2006). The instrumentality of emotion in leader-subordinate relationships. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 1, 3; 255-273.
Notelaers, G., De Witte, H., Vermunt, J., & Einarsen, S. (2006). Pesten op het werk, gewikt en gewogen: Een latente klassen benadering op basis van de negatieve acts-vragenlijst (How to measure bullying at work? A latent class analysis of the Negative Acts Questionnaire). Gedrag en Organisatie, 19(2), 149-160.
Notelaers, G., Einarsen, S., De Witte, H., & Vermunt, J. (2006). Measuring exposure to bullying at work: The validity and advantages of the latent class cluster approach. Work & Stress, 20(4), 288-301.
Olsen, O. K., Eid, J., & Johnsen, B. H. (2006). Moral Behavior and Transformational Leadership in Norwegian Naval Cadets. Journal of Military Psychology, 18, 37-56
Einarsen, S., Hoel, H., & Nielsen, M. B. (2005). Mobbing i arbeidslivet: Et vanskelig begrep på et utbredt fenomen. Magma, 8, 34-44.
Nielsen, M. B., Matthiesen, S. B., & Einarsen, S. (2005). Ledelse og personkonflikter: Symptomer på posttraumatisk stress blant ofre for mobbing fra ledere. Nordisk Psykologi, 57(4), 391-415.
Nielsen, M. B., Aasland, M. S., Matthiesen, S. B., Skogstad, A. & Einarsen, S. (2004). Destruktiv ledelse. Magma, 7, 80-90.
Nielsen, M. B., Aasland, M. S., Matthiesen, S. B. & Einarsen, S. (2004). Mobbing i arbeidslivet. Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2, 8-13.