- UiB
- Bergen Bullying Research Group
- Publications
PhD Dissertations
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Zahlquist, L. (2024). Antecedents and developmental pathways to workplace bullying: The role of individual, situational and contextual factors. PhD, University of Bergen, Bergen.
Aarestad, S. H. (2022). Treating the aftermath of exposure to workplace bullying and preventing exclusion from working life. The effect of individual resiliencce, return to work self-efficacy, and work-focused metacognitive and cognitive treatment. PhD, University of Bergen, Bergen.
Hoprekstad, Ø. L. (2022). Exposure and reactions to workplace bullying: The role of prior victimization from bullying. PhD, University of Bergen, Bergen.
Ågotnes, K. W. (2022). Work-related risk factors for workplace bullying: The moderating effect of laissez-faire leadership. PhD, University of Bergen, Bergen.
Rajalingam, D. (2020). The impact of workplace bullying and repeated social defeat on health and behavioral outcomes: A biopsychosocial perspective. PhD, University of Bergen, Bergen.
Nordmo, M. (2019). Sleep and naval performance. The impact of personality and leadership.
Reknes, I. (2016). Exposure to workplace bullying among nurses. Healt outcomes and individual coping. PhD, University of Bergen, Bergen.
Glambek, M. (2016). Workplace bullying and expulsion in working life. A representative study addressing prospective associations and explanatory conditions. PhD, University of Bergen, Bergen.
Aasland, M. S. (2012). Destructive leadership: Conceptualization, measurement, prevalence and outcomes. PhD, University of Bergen, Bergen.
Vie, T. L. (2012). Cognitive appraisal, emotions and subjective health complaints among victims of workplace bullying: A stress-theoretical approach. PhD, University of Bergen, Bergen.
Notelaers, G. (2011). Workplace bullying: A risk control perspective. PhD, University of Bergen, Bergen.
Bjørkelo, B. (2010). Whistleblowing at work: Antecedents and consequences. PhD, University of Bergen, Bergen.
Hauge, L. J. (2010). Environmental antecedents of workplace bullying: A multi-design approach. PhD, University of Bergen, Bergen.
Nielsen, M. B. (2009). Methodological issues in research on workplace bullying. Operationalisations, measurements, and samples. PhD, University of Bergen, Bergen.
Glasø, L. (2006). Affects and emotional regulation in leader-subordinate relationships. PhD, University of Bergen, Bergen.
Matthiesen, S. B. (2006). Bullying at work. Antecedents and outcomes. PhD, University of Bergen, Bergen.