Bergen Bullying Research Group

Main content

D'Cruz, P., Noronha, E., Notelaers, G., & Rayner, C. (Eds.). (2021). Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment: Concepts, Approaches and Methods (Vol. 1). Springer. Click here to read the book. 









Einarsen, S. V., Hoel, H., Zapf, D., & Cooper, C. L. (Eds.). (2020). Bullying and harassment in the workplace: Theory, research and practice (Vol. 3). CRC Press. 










Einarsen, S., Hoel, H., Zapf, D. & Cooper, C.L. (2011).  Bullying and harassment in the workplace. Developments in theory, research and practice (Vol. 2). Boca Raton, FL; CRC press, Taylor and Francis. 









Van de Vliert, E. (2009). Climate, affluence, and culture. New York: Cambridge University Press.