
New Norwegian NMR Platform

The Research Council of Norway will fund 16 new research infrastructures. One of them is the Norwegian NMR Platform, which has been awarded 51.4 MNOK for new NMR equipment.

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The Norwegian NMR Platform will be hosted by the Department of Chemistry, University of Bergen, in collaboration with UiO and NTNU, among others. From UiB, the platform is backed by Department of Biomedicine and Department of Molecular Biology. The main instrument in the platform will be a 850 MHz located at UiB. In addition there will be two 700 MHz instruments, located at UiO and NTNU.

The new platform will provide a much needed and anticipated upgrade in the Norwegian NMR infrastructure, bringing Norway back on level with the rest of Europe. The NMR researchers will with the new equipment be able to study more complex systems, e.g. larger proteins.

The establishment of the Norwegian NMR Platform would not have been possible without the collaboration between UiB, UiO, and NTNU.  The writing group consisting of Frode Rise (UiO), Øyvind Halskau (UiB), and Finn L. Aachmann (NTNU) has, together with project manager Willy Nerdal, been essential in the application process. 

More information: Press release from the research council