Articles, chapters, books and other published texts from the Digitox-project.
Main content
Journal articles:
Trine Syvertsen, Faltin Karlsen and Jørgen Bolling (2019) Digital detox på norsk. Norsk medietidsskrift (open access)
Trine Syvertsen and Gunn Enli (2019) Digital detox: Media resistance and the promise of authenticity, Convergence, Online first, May 2019
Faltin Karlsen and Trine Syvertsen (2016) You Can’t Smell Roses Online: Intruding Media and Reverse Domestication (open access), special issue of Nordicom review
Books and book chapters:
- Trine Syvertsen (2019) 'Loving and hating media', book chapter in Fritt från fältet, festschrift to Gøran Bolin, download open access here
- Trine Syvertsen (2017) Media Resistance: Protest, Dislike, Abstention (book, open access), Palgrave
Other texts:
- Trine Syvertsen (2019) Chronicle in the journal Kommunikasjon: Digital detox - en ny medietrend 29. januar 2019