Mohn Cancer Research Laboratory

Social activities

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Workplace wellbeing is important for maintaining a good work environment.

Here at Mohn Cancer Research Laboratory we therefore have several social events during the year. 

Picture collage of groups of people
Mohn kreftforskningslaboratorium

In addition to the annual summer party and Christmas dinner we also have other annual social activites like Easter bingo, "Festive Fridays" in December, Christmas calendar and decoration of office desk on birthdays.

In 2022 we also organized one social event per month with a different theme each time.

En samling av fargerike bilder av mat og andre ting
Mohn kreftforskningslaboratorium

When travelling to conferences we like to socialize as well and try to go sightseeing and have common dinners together in our spare time.

Picture collage of people
Mohn kreftforskningslaboratorium