The Logic and Artificial Intelligence (LAI) group studies the foundations of reasoning about information in socio-technical systems of interacting agents. We consider interactions both with people and with computational agents. Our work finds applications in several different sub-areas of Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems particularly including logic-based knowledge representation and reasoning. Key interests of our research include pure and applied modal logic (in particular epistemic and strategic), machine ethics and normative systems, aggregation of information, judgments and preferences, reasoning about social networks, and networks of text and people.
We are internationally renown in the field of Multi Agent Systems, as well as AI Ethics. Our members are part of senior program committees of the key conferences for the discipline such as IJCAI, AAMAS, EUMAS, LOFT, TARK, LORI, LAMAS, DALI, and hold board positions in the scientific associations responsible for organising some of these venues. We have organised several events in Bergen in the past, such as DEON 2013, EUMAS2018 (eumas 2018), Nordic Logic Summer School (NLS 2022) and the eleventh Scandinavian Logic Symposium 2022 , Norwegian AI Symposium 2023. We also regularly host international research visits and lectures. The group organises a seminar one a month.
Starting with 2024 we are part of the Algorithmic Foundations of Trustworthy AI project, funded by the Trond Mohn Foundation.
The group counts 3 professors, 3 associate professors, 1 postdoc and 3 phd students.
The head of the LAI group is Professor Thomas Ågotnes.