Martinez lab

Bio3D-web: New online tools for protein structure analysis

Bio3D-web is a new online tool for the analyses of sequence, structure and conformational heterogeneity of protein families. The tool is developed by researcher Dr. Lars Skjærven, member of the the Biorecognition group, in collaboration with Prof. Barry J. Grant at the University of Michigan.

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Lars Skjærven

Main content

Bio3D-web is an online application for analyzing the sequence, structure and conformational heterogeneity of protein families. This application facilitates the identification of protein structure sets for analysis, their alignment and refined structure superposition, sequence and structure conservation analysis, mapping and clustering of conformations, and the quantitative comparison of their predicted structural dynamics.

Bio3D-web requires no programming knowledge and thus decreases the entry barrier to performing advanced comparative sequence, structure and dynamics analysis. Bio3D-web is powered by the previously described Bio3D R package for structural bioinformatics (Grant et al., 2006; Skjærven et al., 2014).

The application is recently published in Bioinformatics, and can be accessed freely from http://thegrantlab.org/bio3d-web/.