Bjørn Christiansens hus, Auditorium 129 (Christies gate 12)
09:00–10:30: Session 7
Session Chair: Helen Leslie-Jacobsen, Universitetet i Bergen
09:00-09:30: Ben Chennells, Durham University: “Breaking and Remaking: The Body in Creative Acts in Eddic Mythology”
09:30-10:00: Adele Kreager, University of Cambridge: “‘Þykki mér hann ok eigi heill til ganga’: Bodily Fragmentation and Identity in Old Norse Literature”
10:00-11:30: Lee Colwill, University of Cambridge: “Female Masculinity in Mábilar rímur sterku”
10:30–11:00: Coffee Break
11:00–12:30: Session 8
Session Chair: Sofie Laurine Albris, Universitetet i Bergen
11:00-11:30: Joshua Neil, University of Nottingham: “TBC”
11:30-12:00: Jessica Treacher, University of Nottingham: “Old Norse Arboreal Toponyms: Perceptions of the Wooded Landscape in Anglo-Saxon England”
12:00-12:30: Jeanette Beatrice Geirsdottir, Universitetet i Bergen: “The Knockando Runestone: Methodological Approaches to Runic Inscriptions”
12:30–13:30: Lunch
13:30–15:00: Session 9
Session Chair: Jens Eike Schnall, Universitetet i Bergen
13:30-14:00: Matthew Gan, Durham University: “Late to Tale: Variations on a Motif in Old Norse”
14:00-14:30: Kimberley Anderson, University of Cambridge: “Disobedient Guests in the Íslendingasögur”
14:30-15:00: Cassidy Croci, University of Nottingham: “The Social Network of Skalla-Grímr: Relationship building in Settlement Period Iceland”
15:00–15:30: Coffee Break
15:30–17:00: Session 10
Session Chair: Erik Niblaeus, University of Cambridge
15:30-16:00: Rebecca Drake, University of York: "Navigation and the North Atlantic maritime world view in Örvar-Odds saga and The Alliterative Morte Arthure"
16:00-16:30: Alisa Valpola-Walker, University of Cambridge: “A Humorous Past: Intertextuality and Parody in Sturlaugs saga starfsama”
16:30-17:00: Aaron Sheldon, University of York: “The Ties that Bind: Exploring Love in Old Norse Families”