Molecular Imaging Center (MIC)

Sample Preparation Facilities

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You can drop your samples off for TEM or paraffin embedding/sectioning at our fully equipped laboratory and our highly qualified staff on MIC will prepare them for you.

After sample preparation we can offer you access to microscopes as an independent user or with the assistance of our skilled imaging technicians.

Please follow the below procedure for delivering samples:

  1. Contact Linda Sandven or Victoria Arnesen by e-mail and briefly explain the preparation you need and the amount of material you need to process.
  2. All users of the preparation lab need to be registered in our booking system, more info to be found here. Any questions please contact mic@uib.no.
  3. Before delivering samples you have to fill in a service request in the booking system, where you follow the steps in the TEM or paraffin sample submission forms.
  4. You will receive feedback regarding estimated delivery time and if possible estimated costs.
  5. When delivering samples please come at the appointed time. Samples that need to be processed right away have to be delivered within Thursdays before lunch.

Please note that we practice “first come, first served”. When your samples are ready you will receive an e-mail.