Published articles
Articles published by members of the reserach group on the subject of Mountain Medicine
Main content
- Wik L, Brattebø G, Østerås Ø, Assmus J, Irusta U, Aramendi E, Mydske S, Skaalhegg T, Skaiaa SC, Thomassen Ø.
Physiological effects of providing supplemental air for avalanche victims. A randomised trial.
Resuscitation. 2022 Mar;172:38-46. Epub 2022 Jan 19. PMID: 35063621.
- Mydske, S., Thomassen, Ø.
Is prehospital use of active external warming dangerous for patients with accidental hypothermia: a systematic review.
Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 28, 77 (2020).
- Thomassen O, Skaiaa SC, Assmuss J, Østerås Ø, Heltne JK, Wik L, Brattebo G.
Mountain rescue cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a comparison between manual and mechanical chest compressions during manikin cardio resuscitation.
Emerg Med J. 2017 May 5.
- Skaiaa SC, Thomassen Ø.
Skredulykker og behandling av skredtatte.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2016 Mar 15;136(5):430-2.
- Skaiaa SC, Brattebø G, Assmus J, Thomassen O.
The Impact of Environmental Factors in Pre-Hospital Thermistor-based Tympanic Temperature Measurement: A pilot field study.
Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2015 Sep 24;23:72.
- Karlsen AM, Thomassen O, Vikenes BH, Brattebø G.
Equipment to prevent, diagnose, and treat hypothermia: a survey of Norwegian pre-hospital services.
Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2013 Aug 12;21:63.
- Hedelin H, Thomassen Ø.
Wilderness Medicine requires improvisation and evidence-based knowledge.
Lakartidningen. 2013 Jun 18-Jul 2;110(25-26):1230-1.
- Marland S, Ellerton J, Andolfatto G, Strapazzon G, Thomassen O, Brandner B, Weatherall A, Paal P.
Ketamine: use in anesthesia.
CNS Neurosci Ther. 2013 Jun;19(6):381-9.
- Thomassen Ø, Færevik H, Østerås Ø, Sunde GA, Zakariassen E, Sandsund M, Heltne JK, Brattebø G.
Comparison of three different prehospital wrapping methods for preventing hypothermia--a crossover study in humans.
Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2011 Jun 23;19:41.
- Thomassen O, Skaiaa SC, Brattebo G, Heltne JK, Dahlberg T, Sunde GA.
Does the horizontal position increase risk of rescue death following suspension trauma?
Emerg Med J. 2009 Dec;26(12):896-8.
- Thomassen O, Skaiaa SC.
High-altitude cerebral edema with absence of headache.
Wilderness Environ Med. 2007 Spring;18(1):45-7.
- Thomassen Ø, Brattebø G, Rostrup M.
Carbon monoxide poisoning while using a small cooking stove in a tent.
Am J Emerg Med. 2004 May;22(3):204-6.