
Main content
Mountain Lab is a concept developed by a group og doctors who were cazy about two things: Mountains and research, especially the kind of research requiring clinical trials under difficult conditions. Every year, the group will conduct a clinical trial in the mountains of Hemsedal, Norway, with a different theme each time.
The research questions applicable for investigation may span over a large variety of medical diciplines, for example anaestetiology, traumatology, toxicology, general practice, cardiology etc.
Until now, Sven Christjar Skaiaa, Guttorm Brattebø and Øyvind Thomassen have been initiating the efforts, with help and support from the other members of the group.
The concept of MountainLab is still young and developing, and open for everyone with ideas and/ or questions for further development.
The clinical trials of MountainLab itself is conducted throughout one week during the late winter months where different scientists are invited to join and share their expertise. There may be one or more groups conducting experiments simultaniously. Preferably, the different groups will help eachother in planning, protocol development, implementation and evaluation of their trials.
Geographic affiliation
For the past years, MountainLab have been localized Hemsedal because of exeptional local contacs, local knowledge, good access to test subjects and personell from the local ski centre who have provided equipment and logistics, in addition to reasonable accomodation.
There is nothing impossible about moving MountainLab around the country in order to simplify certain experiments, as long as these locations can provide test subects, research facilities and reasonable accomodation.
Every clinical trial is responsible for its own funding.
MountainLab should be finacially independent, and therefore not have any continous sponsors or financial assosiates.