
Online Workshop: Protein N-terminal Processing and Proteolysis

Free online workshop hosted by EPIC-XS

Main content

Welcome to a free online workshop organized by The European Proteomics Infrastructure Consortium providing access (EPIC-XS) on the topic of protein N-terminal processing and proteolysis.


Thursday 25th February 2021 15:45 – 18:00

15:45Participants join, technical issues (if any) addressed
15:55Welcome by Chairperson, Thomas Arnesen


16:00 - 17:00 Protein N-terminal processing and proteolysis
Chair: Thomas Arnesen (University of Bergen)

First series of talks from PhD students from the groups of Thomas Arnesen, University of Bergen; Kris Gevaert, VIB-UGent Center for Medical Biotechnology, Gent; and Jesper Olsen, University of Copenhagen

16:00Several modes of protein regulation by the acetyltransferase NAA10, Nina McTiernan (University of Bergen)
16:15Very little evidence for the contribution of non-coding transcripts to the complexity of the cytosolic proteome, Annelies Bogaert (VIB)
16:30A potential role for NatA mediated N-terminal acetylation in protein turnover, Ulises Hernández Guzmán (University of Copenhagen, Olsen lab)
16:45Q&A with the speakers, moderated by Thomas Arnesen
17:00End of session


17:00 - 18:00 Protein N-terminal processing and proteolysis 
Chair: Paola Picotti (ETH, Zurich)

Second series of talks, postdoctoral fellow from the group of Paola Picotti, ETH Zurich; Petr Man (Petr Man lab) IMIC Czech Republic, and Biognosys CEO Oliver Rinner

17:00Barcoding the structural proteome with proteolytic probes, Valentina Cappelletti (ETH, Zurich)
17:15Advantages of expanded protease portfolio in HDX-MS and protein characterization, Petr Man, (IMIC Czech Republic, Lab of structural Biology and Cell Signalling)
17:30Applying limited proteolysis (LiP) for drug target deconvolution. An industry perspective. Oliver Rinner, Biognosys
17:45Q&A with the speakers, moderated by Paola Picotti
18:00End of session and end of workshop


Please register for the workshop here: EPIC-XS Online Workshop Registration

The Zoom meeting link will be sent to all registered participants a few days in advance. Note that while this workshop is a free online event, places are reserved for EPIC-XS members and affiliated groups. Once the maximum capacity has been reached, non-affiliated registrants will be contacted to inform them of their eligibility.

For information on upcoming EPIC-XS workshops in Computational, Clinical, Spatial, and Top-Down Proteomics and our workshop on Proteomics and Transcriptomics, check out the EPIC-XS event page.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 823839.