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Psykisk helsehjelp etter flukten
En håndbok for praktikere i psykologi og medisin
Gro Mjeldheim Sandal og Per Einar Binder (redaktører)
Psykisk helsehjelp etter flukten er en praksisnær håndbok for alle som møter flyktninger i sitt arbeid. Den tar for seg utfordringene og mulighetene som kan oppstå når flyktninger skaper et nytt liv i Norge. Gjennom elleve kapitler belyser sentrale fagpersoner i feltet temaer som identitet og meningsskaping, forklaringsmodeller for psykiske plager, tolkebruk, og behandling av alvorlige traumer, tortur og psykoser.
Tilnærmingen er ressursorientert, og i boken utforskes også hvordan kollektive ressurser kan mobiliseres for å støtte psykisk helse i flyktningmiljøer. Forfatterne understreker viktigheten av kulturell ydmykhet og faglig kompetanse i møte med flyktninger. Boken tar opp eksistensielle spørsmål, inkludert betydningen av religiøsitet og gudstro i terapeutisk arbeid. Den gir også innsikt i forebyggende tiltak for barn og unge, samt familiebaserte intervensjoner.
Med kombinasjonen av refleksjon over teoretiske rammeverk og praktiske, forskningsbaserte intervensjoner er denne boken en ressurs for psykologer, leger og andre fagpersoner som arbeider med flyktningers psykiske helse. Den har til hensikt å bygge broer av forståelse og empati, og fremmer en helhetlig tilnærming til psykisk helsehjelp for mennesker med flukterfaring.

Who am I? Om finding and creating identity
Per Einar Binder
Identity is created through an existential quest. It's about creating your path in life. And finding one's place in the world. Identity takes shape in close relationships when you are seen and ignored, loved and hated, recognized and condemned. At the same time, identity emerges from the values and narratives of the surrounding society. A fast-changing and confusing society puts great pressure on the individual. Many people seek identity through achievement and external success because it feels necessary. More and more people seek refuge in myths that gender and nationality are the essence of who they are. Free, creative and exploratory identities are a benefit to society. The question of who we are needs the opportunity for a diversity of answers. But exploration and choice are also demanding, sometimes painful.

Cross-Cultural Psychology
David L. Sam and John W. Berry (editors)
The consequences of globalization and mass migration are such that, it has been estimated, over 200 million people are living in countries other than where they were born. And as formerly homogeneous societies evolve into multicultural entities with traditional social and geographic boundaries giving way to increasingly complex representations of identity, new—and urgent—questions for psychologists, social scientists, and policymakers arise.
As research in and around cross-cultural psychology burgeons as never before, this new four-volume collection from Routledge meets the need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of a rapidly growing and ever more complex corpus of literature. Edited by two leading scholars, the collection is organized into four principal sections: Basic Issues; Theory and Method; Substantive Findings in Basic Processes; and Substantive Findings in Applied Issues. Cross-Cultural Psychology provides a one-stop ‘mini library’ of foundational and canonical work. The collection also includes cutting-edge analyses and discussions of theory and research, alongside major works addressing policy implications.

Space safety and Human Performance
Tommaso Sgobba, Barbara G. Kanki, Jean-Francois Clervoy, Gro Sandal (Editors)
Winner of the 2019 PROSE Awards by the Association of American Publishers in the subject category Engineering and Technology.
Space Safety and Human Performance provides a comprehensive reference for engineers and technical managers within aerospace and high technology companies, space agencies, operators, and consulting firms. The book draws upon the expertise of the world’s leading experts in the field and focuses primarily on humans in spaceflight, but also covers operators of control centers on the ground and behavior aspects of complex organizations, thus addressing the entire spectrum of space actors. During spaceflight, human performance can be deeply affected by physical, psychological and psychosocial stressors. Strict selection, intensive training and adequate operational rules are used to fight performance degradation and prepare individuals and teams to effectively manage systems failures and challenging emergencies. The book is endorsed by the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS).

Kulturelt mangfold på arbeidsplassen -
Gro Mjeldheim Sandal (redaktør)
Multinasjonale selskaper og et globalisert arbeidsmarked skaper kulturelt mangfold i arbeidslivet. Denne boken tar for seg utfordringene i forbindelse med denne situasjonen og virkemidlene man kan bruke for å møte dem. Boken beskriver arbeidslivet som møteplass for mennesker fra ulike kulturer både i norsk sammenheng, i internasjonale organisasjoner og under arbeidsoppdrag i utlandet. Her presenteres både teoretiske perspektiver og utfordringer og praktiske virkemidler knyttet til teamarbeid, tilpasningsstrategier, rekruttering og gruppeprosesser.
Boken henvender seg til alle som er interesserte i spørsmål knyttet til kulturelt mangfold i arbeidslivet, for eksempel ledere, tillitsvalgte og HMS-personell. Boken egner seg også som pensum ved universiteter og høyskoler.

The Cambridge Handbook of Acculturation Psychology -
David L. Sam and John W. Berry (editors)
Research and practice in the field of acculturation psychology is continually on the rise. Featuring contributions from over fifty leading experts in the field, this handbook compiles and systemizes the current state of the art by exploring the broad international scope of acculturation. The collection introduces readers to the concepts and issues; examines various acculturating groups (immigrants, ethnic minorities, indigenous peoples, expatriates, tourists, refugees and asylum seekers); highlights the global contexts for acculturation in a variety of societies; and focuses on acculturation of a number of special groups, such as young people, the workplace, and outcomes for health and well-being. This comprehensive new edition addresses major world changes over the last decade, including the increase in global migration, religious clashes, and social networking, and provides updated theories and models so that beginners and advanced readers can keep abreast of new developments in the study of acculturation.