Advanced Climate Dynamics Courses

ACDC 2022

The summer school will take place at Rondvassbu, Rondane National Park, Norway | 4th - 16th of September 2022. The topic is "Dynamics of the Global Water Cycle".

Rondvassbu cabin
Rondvassbu cabin
DNT Rondvassbu

Main content

Application process
The application deadline is June 1st, 2022. Apply using this online form

If you have any questions, please contact acdc@uib.no

Advanced graduate students (PhDs). Other applications will be considered on a case by case basis if there is space (admission is competitive). 

To mix students and lecturers with empirical and dynamical training within climate science and focus on understanding the basic principles and dynamics relating to the global water cycle.

Participants will receive 4 ECTS credits for the course, PhDs in Norway can receive 5ECTS with an extended project report to be submitted after the course is complete.

Key topics to be included: 
- Atmospheric moisure transport
- Hurricanes, storms, typhons and extreme weather
- Effect of the atmospheric water cycle on ocean circulation and ocean fresh water budgets
- Floods and flood variability
- Soilmoisture
- Water balance and agriculture
- The water cycle in paleo proxies
- Cryosphere, ice-ocean interaction and ice cores
- Sea level and ice sheets 

This summer school broadly treats the dynamics of the global cycle of fresh water among land, atmosphere, ocean, and ice reservoirs. Water cycling is treated over synoptic, seasonal, and longterm timescales from the perspectives of fundamental dynamics, empirical observations, and societal implications. Lectures will consist of a broad overview and then deeper research-level inquiries around themes of the oceanic and atmospheric transport of fresh water, extreme storm events and floods, soil moisture and its implications for agriculture, and ice-ocean interactions and implications for changes in sea level. A priority of the summer school is to identify a set of tractable research questions around the theme of the global water cycle - potentially spanning traditional disciplinary boundaries - and to make substantial group-level progress in researching answers to these questions. Some research projects are envisioned to leverage local information from the region, as well as dedicated time for field work during the school.


There is a nominal registration fee of 5000NOK. This covers accomodation, full board, and field excursions. Travel to and from the venue is not covered. Students who cannot attend without financial support can apply for support after admitance to the course.

Confirmed lecturers:
Marysa Laguë (University of Saskatchewan)
Ruth Mottram (Danish Meteorological Institute)

Nili Harnik (Tel Aviv University)
Axel Timmermann (IBS Center for Climate Physics)
David Battisti (University of Washington) 
Jake Gebbie (WHOI) 
Kerim H. Nisancioglu (UiB/BCCR/UiO)
Øyvind Paasche (UiB/BCCR)

Practical information
Updated information on the venue and practical details including program can be found here