The summer school will take place at Arctic Station, Qeqertarsuaq, Greenland | 20th of August - 2nd of September 2023. The topic is "Past and Future Changes in Greenland Climate".
Main content
The Advanced Climate Dynamics Courses (ACDC) and the Greenland Ice Sheet Ocean (GRISO) science network are hosting a joint summer school at Arctic Station in Qeqertarsuaq, Greenland.
Application process
The application deadline is March 15th, 2023. Apply using this online form
If you have any questions, please contact
Advanced graduate students (PhDs). Applications from those who have recently completed PhDs will also be considered. Note that admission is highly competitive.
To mix students and lecturers with empirical and dynamical training within climate science and focus on understanding the basic principles and dynamics relating to past and future changes in Greenland climate.
There is likely to be an opportunity to take part in local outreach in either Qeqertarsuaq or in Ilulissat, this will be confirmed after admissions.
Participants will receive 4 ECTS credits for the course.
The cost of the school is 3,000USD per student, which covers accommodation, food, and field excursions. We expect that the summer school will be able to cover this expense for applicants with documented need of financial support. A decision on requests for financial support will be made after the applications have been evaluated.
Note, that participants are expected to pay for their own travel to and from Ilulissat (estimated return trip from Copenhagen to Ilulissat is 1,500USD). In a few rare cases, we may be able to support travel costs. Please detail in your application to what extent your participation is dependent on receiving financial support.
Confirmed lecturers:
Fiamma Straneo (Scripps Oceanography/UC San Diego)
Kerim Hestnes Nisancioglu (University of Bergen/Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research)
David Battisti (University of Washington)
Donald Slater (Universtiy of Edinburgh)
Camilla Snowman Andersen (GEUS Copenhagen)
Practical information
Information on the venue can be found here and updated practical details including program will be posted here in due time.