Staff Mobility Week

Apply for participation

To participate at SMW-24, you will need to go through an application process. You don´t need to be an expert or have many years of experience working within a special field in order to be accepted. However, you will need to show that you are motivated and interested in the topic of the group you are applying to participate in.

Main content

Application form is here.

Here is the application form.

Who can apply?

SMW-24 is targeting international colleagues from HEIs across Europe and beyond.
We especially hope to get participants from our partners in CHARM. 

Usually, we accept only one person from a university into a thematic track. So if you have colleagues who also want to apply, you would need to apply for participation in different tracks. 

Application period:

Apply within the end of February 2024. If there still are available places in March, we will inform about that on the SMW-web portal (here), and the application period for one or more groups will be prolonged. 

Application process

After the deadline we will process all the applications and send an invitation/confirmation to those we have chosen for smw-24. We will also make a waiting-list, and you will be informed if you are on this.
When all places are taken, we will send out a message to those we were unable to offer participation in SMW-24. 

Interested in applying to more than one group?

If you are interested in more than one group, you will need to fill in one application form for each group. 

Applying as a group?

Do not apply as a group, and if you don´t want to participate by yourself without your best friend also joining the staff week - we would recommend that you apply for another staff week. There are many great staff weeks out there!