Student Pages

Erasmus-exchange in Europe

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What is Erasmus?

Erasmus is the world’s largest educational program. Erasmus is financed by the European Union (EU) and includes its own grant program. It is possible to go on Erasmus exchange to all EU countries, the EEA countries Iceland and Liechtenstein, as well as North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. 

Who can go on Erasmus exchange?

Alle graduate students at UiB can go on Erasmus exchange! Students on bachelor’s, master’s and PhD programs can go on Erasmus exchange for 12 months per graduate level, while students on integrated programs can be on exchange up to 24 months. 

Exchange agreements

We have approximately 900 Erasmus agreements with 350 universities. Have you not decided where you want to go yet? Read about the different agreements! 


When you go on exchange via an Erasmus agreement, you receive an Erasmus grant financed by the EU (in addition to loans and grants from Lånekassen or other funding from outside EU). The scholarship is estimated on the number of months you are on exchange, confirmed by the host university by the end of your stay. 

You can apply for additional grants: