Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities
PhD course

VITHF905 - Theory of Science and Ethics

VITHF905 engages Ph.D. candidates in research ethics and in key areas of theory of science with an emphasis on the humanities and the relationship between research and society.

Bilde av bygg på HF-fakultetet med tre i front
The Faculty of Humanities at the University of Bergen.
Eivind Senneset/UiB

Main content

The course in the Theory of Science and Ethics, for which the Center for the Study of the Sciences and Humanities is responsible, is a mandatory part of the doctoral education at the Faculty of Humanities and of The Grieg Academy - Department of Music, at the Faculty of Art, Music and Design at the University of Bergen, UiB.PhD candidates can choose between either VITHF905 or VITHF900 in order to fulfill this requirement.

In 2023 the Faculty Board decided to discontinue VITHF905, and the course will only be offered to PhD candidates who started the PhD program before 20.06.2023 during an transitional period. 

VITHF905 will be taught for the last time in spring 2024. The last semester for passing the course will be the fall semester 2024. 


Ph.D.-course: Theory of Science and Ethics (VITHF905)

VITHF905(5 ECTS) engages Ph.D. candidates in research ethics, and in key areas of theory of science with an emphasis on the humanities and the relationship between research and society.

VITHF905 is a mandatory part of the researcher training at the Faculty of Humanities and the Grieg Academy’s Institute of Music at UiB.

The course is only open for Ph.D. candidates at the Faculty of Humanities and the Grieg Academy - Department of Music at the University of Bergen, UiB.

The course is held by The Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (SVT) in the Spring semester. The five-day seminar is usually held in January.

The course is in English.

  1. A five-day seminar with lectures and discussions on theory of science and ethics.
  2. Paper (2500 words) which discusses ethical and/or methodological or scientific problems with relevance for the candidate’s PhD-project.

Note that candidates who has taken VITHF905 are eligible to take Supervised Paper in Theory of Science and Ethics, VITHF910 (5 credits). The candidates can thereby extend the shorter paper from VITHF905, or write a new and longer paper in theory of sciences or ethics with relevance for their field of research or Ph.D. project.

Course description





Namn på emnet, nynorsk

Vitskapsteori og etikk

Namn på emnet, bokmål

Vitenskapsteori og etikk

Namn på emnet, engelsk

Theory of Science and Ethics

Studiepoeng, omfang


ECTS Credits


Studienivå (studiesyklus)


Level of Study










Semester of Instruction




Place of Instruction


The Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (SVT). Two of the four seminar days are normally held outside of Bergen.

Mål og innhald





Objectives and Content

The aim of the course is 1) to engage Ph.D. candidates in key areas of theory of science with an emphasis on the philosophy of humanities and research ethics, as well the relationship between research and society, and 2) to offer candidates an arena for critical reflection upon their own field of research and their Ph.D. projects. and 3) to develop this into a paper.










Learning Outcomes


Upon completing the course and the presentation and discussion of the paper, the Ph.D. candidate is expected to have demonstrated: Knowledge of general problems of theory of science and ethics, and an ability to identify and discuss such problems as applying to the candidate’s  field of research and to presuppositions for his or her Ph.D. project.


Krav til forkunnskapar

Masters degree, or equivalent.


Tilrådde forkunnskapar                                      




The course overlaps with VITHF900 (5 ECTS)

Krav til studierett


Ph.D.-candidates enrolled in the Ph.D. program at the Faculty of Humanities and at the Grieg Academy - Department of Music at the University of Bergen, UiB.

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer








Teaching and Learning Methods


Lectures, plenary discussions, group discussions.

Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet


Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

1. Prepare for (read text compendium) and take part in the four-day seminar in the theory of science and ethics at the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (SVT). The course takes place annually in January and February. Attendance at seminar: min. 80%.









Forms of Assessment


A paper (2500 words) on a self-chosen topic on a problem in theory of science and/or ethics with relevance for the candidate’s field of research or own project. The paper must be recommended for submission before it can be submitted.


The paper should be submitted within 6 weeks after the four-day seminar.




Hjelpemiddel til eksamen


Examination Support Material








Grading Scale

Approved/not approved




Assessment Semester












Reading List

 Will be made available before December 1st.




Course Evaluation


Participating candidates will evaluate the course in accordance with the University’s system of quality assurance.



Course Coordinator


Programstyret har ansvar for fagleg innhald og oppbygging av studiet og for kvaliteten på studieprogrammet og alle emna der.


Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (SVT)

Administrativt ansvarleg


Course Administrator


Adviser, Idunn Tandstad






Contact Information

Adviser; Idunn Tandstad


More course information

Vitskapsteori og etikk (VITHF905)………………. (Namn på emnet, nynorsk)

Vitenskapsteori og etikk (VITHF905)………………. (Navn på emnet,, bokmål)

Theory of Science and Ethics (VITHF905)……. (Name of the course,  English)


Emnebeskrivinga er godkjend av (Fakultetet brukar nemningar for godkjenningsorgan i samsvar med eigen praksis.):         

Programstyret:  …………………………………….(dd.mm.år)


Institutt for …………….. :     .………………………(dd.mm.år)

………… fakultet: …………………………………….(dd.mm.år)


Emnebeskrivinga vart justert:            …………………………………….(dd.mm.år) av ……………………………………………………………….



Emnet vart sist evaluert: …………………………………….(dd.mm.år)

Neste planlagde evaluering:     …………………………………….(dd.mm.år)