Find the plants
Do you wish to plan your visit? Would you like to know more about what plants there are in the gardens? Parts of our living collections are now available for public search on the web.

Main content
All plants cultivated in the gardens are databased so we know their origin and status from the time they enter the collections, to their final day. As soon as they are added, the plant or seed is given a unique accession number, and its origin, collector etc are registered. When a plant is planted, moved or dies, this is mapped.
There are about 6000 different kinds of plants in the gardens, and the collections and displays are aimed to further science, research, education, and to stimulate interest for nature and gardening.
We publish information about our plants in the Garden Explorer, where it is possible to search for plants in our living collections. For anyone looking for the best botanical benefit from a trip in the University Gardens, the garden explorer may be very helpful. But it might also be used by those who just want to search for plants and see pictures online.
We will continue to make information about the plants available in the garden explorer. So far, data from the Japanese Garden, the potato and daffodil collections in the Botanical garden, and all collections in The Arboretum are represented.