The Rosarium
Over 500 different roses make this collection the largest in Norway and one of the largest in the Nordic countries

Main content
On the southern slope facing the Fana Fjord lies the Arboretum's Rosarium, a collection of over 500 different roses (genus Rosa).
The Rosarium shows the variety, diversity, and history of the roses. We mostly limit our displays to roses that grow well in Western Norway. However, we do include some roses that are more troublesome in cultivation here, where they represent milestones in the history of rose cultivation or traits that are important for understanding the roses' relationships. Some must be grown in pots and taken in during the winter months, either because they cannot withstand frost or because they are susceptible to fungal attack during long rainy periods.
The Rosarium is divided into three parts: The Wild Rose Walk and the Historic Walk, leading down to the Rose Garden with the modern roses. The species roses are displayed according to a botanical classification (Rehder 1940, Smulders et al. 2011), while the garden roses are arranged according to a horticultural classification, following the American Rose Society.
- Rehder, A. 1940. – Manual of trees and shrubs, Hardy in North America. – 2nd ed. Dioscorides, Portland, USA.
- Smulders , M.J.M., Arens, P. Koning-Boucoiran, C.F.S. Gitonga, V.W. Krens, F.A. Atanassov, A. Atanassov, I. Rusanov, K.E. Bendahmane, M. Dubois, A. Raymond, O. Caissard, J.C. Baudino, S. Crespel, L. Gudin, S. Ricci, S.C. Kovatcheva, N. Van Huylenbroeck, J. Leus, L. Wissemann, V. Zimmermann, H. Hensen, I. Werlemark, G. & Nybom H. 2011. – Chapter 12. Rosa. – pp. 241-275 In: C. Kole (ed.), Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources Plantation and Ornamental Crops, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-21201-7_12, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg