Hosting a VET apprentice
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Some of our apprentices want to get international experience while working at UiB.
Do you want to learn more, or consider hosting an apprentice?
Please read on.
What is a VET Apprentice?
In short, the UiB apprentices are Pupils currently enrolled in vocational education and training (VET) at UiB.
Our apprentices are not students at the university. They are pupils for two years at the upper secondary school, before they enter into practise for two years*. The apprentices work (practical training) at the university for two years, before they sit for an exam and graduate from VET. Our apprentices are usually between 18-20 years old.
UiB offer apprenticeships in several subjects.
Most of our apprentices do:
- IT development and maintenance.
- Service and office management.
At the end of their four-year education and training, and after sitting for their final exam, they will be issued a trade certificate as a skilled worker. This documents that they have acquired the necessary level of skills and competences.
Here is an example of a certificate for office and administrative workers::
“The skilled office and administrative worker has shown competence in planning and carrying out customer service and office administrative tasks at public and private offices and businesses. The office and administrative worker is able to carry out office work and information processing using equipment and software for office support and administrative aids and tools. This competence includes knowledge and information organisation skills and tools, information flow, cataloguing and storing information using digital tools. The office and administrative worker has knowledge of the rules for personal privacy protection, requirements for access to information, transparency and routines for personnel administration and management. He or she is able to carry out basic administrative procedures in accordance with instructions, routines, procedures and current rules and regulations. The use of customer follow-up systems, economic systems and guidance in the use of IT services are included in the office and administrative skills trade. The office and administrative worker is able to assure the quality of office and administrative work, and document this. The office and administrative worker is able to carry out work in accordance with current rules for Environment, Health and Safety..”
The European Qualifications Framework (EQF)
The certificate of UiB apprentices are at EQF level 4.
The EU developed the EQF as a translation tool to make national qualifications easier to understand and more comparable. The EQF seeks to support cross-border mobility of learners and workers, promote lifelong learning and professional development across Europe. For more details, read more about EQF here and see the Norwegian table of qualifixations (NQF).
About the apprenticeship
The apprenticeship is part of the Erasmus+ VET mobility programme.
Every year, VET pupils and apprentices are encouraged to carry out a work placement in another European country as an integrated part of their education and training. The aims for the work placements are for the apprentice to develop their skills and competences, and to gain important intercultural competences. In addition, the apprentice will become more aware of the importance of mobility in Europe, and it will give them the opportunity to build a professional international network and career.
It also increases self esteem and intercultural competencies. International experience is important to learners as most workplaces nowadays are international and covers a magnitude of skills.
These types of work placements are financed through the EU programme Erasmus+ VET Mobility. The apprentices participating in the programme are given an Erasmus+ grant and the salary will continue to be coverd by UiB. The receiving companies do not have costs of salary, travel to/from Norway and accommodation for the apprentice.
The period of placement in a foreign workplace can be from 2 weeks and up to 3 months.
For the host/receiving institution
For the receiving institution, it is important to welcome the apprentice as any other employee, however, they hold a specific kind of employment as learners. They need to fulfil several learning outcomes to pass their test at the end of year two.
The apprentice that receive the Erasmus + fellowship grant have the cost covered for travel, accommodation and salary. So for the host organization it does not comply any extra funds.
The host institution needs to provide the apprentice with the necessary instructions and support to be efficient during the period of the work placement. We further believe it can be good support for the apprentice to have a sort of a mentor appointed during the period abroad, but this is for the host to decide.
As an initial agreement, the institution abroad and the sending institution (UiB) sign a letter of intent. If after further communication both parties wish to continue, the learning agreement is filled in. The apprentice instructor at UiB in cooperation with the hosting institution selects the areas of learning outcomes to be fulfilled abroad.
The main responsibilities for the company/organisation that agree to receiving the apprentices are to:
- Sign the necessary documents corresponding to the work placement/Erasmus+ VET mobility programme.
- Provide the apprentice with a safe and healty work place.
- Give the apprentice tasks and responsibilities to match their educational level (knowledge, skills and competences).
- Supervise and guide the apprentice when carrying out the given tasks.
- Appoint a tutor/mentor to the apprentice, and a clear contact point for the apprentice.
- Give feedback and assess learning outcomes and the work placement to the apprentice along the way and at the end of the period.
- Give feedback and communicate any challenges and potential problems to the UiB contact.
- Foster understanding of the culture and mentality of the host country and provide practical support if required.
* Illustration of the Vocational education and training structure in Norway

Most upper secondary VET programmes follow the main 2+2 model. The model entails two years of education in an upper secondary school followed by two years of apprenticeship training and productive work in a training enterprise or public institution. The final exam is a trade or journeyman`s test leading to an EQF level 4 qualification. The upper secondary schools are responsible for the first two years of education and training, while the enterprises are responsible for the final two years.
During the two years, the VET student is given a general introduction to the vocational field and an opportunity to specialise in a chosen craft or trade. The teaching focuses common core subjects (Norwegian, English, mathematics, physical education, natural sciences and social sciences), and common programme subjects which cover trade-specific theory and practice. During the first year (Vg1-upper secondary level 1) these subjects offer a general introduction to the vocational field. During the second year (Vg2-upper secondary level 2) these subjects become more specific as VET students decide which trade they want to pursue. The apprenticeship period gives the apprentice an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge in a vocational field and prepare for the trade or journeyman’s test. The two-year apprenticeship is formalised through a signed contract between the apprentice and the training enterprise. The county authorities have an overarching responsibility for all aspects of public upper secondary education and training, including apprenticeship training. Thus, the apprenticeship contract must be approved by the county authorities.
Letter of intent
Learning agreement
Short facts
What is a VET Apprentice?
A pupil currently enrolled in vocational education and training (VET) at UiB.
UiB offer apprenticeship in several subjects. Most of our apprentices do:
▪ IT development and maintenance.
▪ Service and office management.
Period of apprenticeship placement abroad. The period of apprenticeship in a foreign workplace can be from 2 weeks and up to 3 months .
Salary and funding
The receiving companies do not have to pay the VET Apprentice any salary during the placement period. UiB and the Erasmus+ grant will provide for the salary, as well as funding for travel and accommodation.
The European Qualifications Framework level. The EQF level of our apprentices are at level 4.