Going abroad as a VET apprentice
As a VET apprentice at the Univeristy of Bergen, you can take part of your apprenticeship abroad.

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You can take part of your VET apprenticeship abroad through Erasmus+
The exchange can last between 1 to 3 months, and usually takes place during the second year of the apprenticeship.
Good reasons for taking part in Erasmus+ is that you will:
- Gain work experience in an international environment.
- Gain extended professional knowledge.
- Gain extended intercultural competence.
- Gain extended language experience.
- Gain inspiration and motivation to contribute to quality development in teaching and training.
- Have the opportunity to exchange experiences and knowledge with colleagues in an international context.
You can get financial support for travel and accommodation, while keeping your salary at UiB. We will organizes a gathering for our VET apprentices, where you can explore the possibilities for going abroad.
About Erasmus+
Erasmus+ is the largest educational program in the world, and more precisely the EU's program for education, training, youth and sport. Learning mobility for apprentices should, among other things, contribute to promoting the merits of diversity and inclusion, as well as tolerance and citizenship.
Mobility periods shall strengthen the European dimension of vocational training by:
- Promoting values such as inclusion and diversity, tolerance and democratic participation.
- Promoting knowledge of shared European heritage and diversity.
- Supporting development of professional networks across Europe.
- Increasing the quality of initial and continuing vocational education and training .
- Strengthening key competences and transversal skills, in particular language learning and digital skills.
- Supporting the development of job specific skills needed in the current and future labour market.
- Sharing best practices and promoting the use of new and innovative pedagogical methods and technologies, and
supporting the professional development. - Fostering the quality, transparency and recognition of learning outcomes of mobility periods abroad.
Read more about Erasmus+ on their website.