Our subjects
Read more about our subjects.

Main content
As of today, UiB has VET apprentices in the following subjects:
- Service and administration
- The IT operations
- The construction management profession
- Animal science
- Gardening
Read more about our subjects
Construction management
As a building operator, you are responsible for ensuring that buildings and facilities are maintained in a sustainable manner, as well as that the systems work for those who will use them.
The construction industry subject is a special course, which means that you have one year at upper secondary school and three years in apprenticeship.

Construction management at UiB
As an apprentice in the construction management subject at UiB's Real Estate Department, you can work with a building mass that ranges from museums to advanced laboratory buildings, from new technological buildings to protected cultural monuments. You can also take part in a collaboration with skilled professional groups on important development tasks for the entire university. You can expect workdays with varied and exciting tasks.
In our operating areas, people with a high level of competence in several fields are employed. You will work with colleagues who have a background in, among other things, carpentry, plumbing and electrical engineering.
As an apprentice, you will develop a comprehensive understanding of technical installations in buildings and how they work. You will also gain an insight into how to operate and maintain buildings with a focus on environmental and energy saving measures. Apprentices with us develop a broad network and get to know many people in relevant fields.
Important characteristics
You should be practical and able to solve small and large tasks in a rational manner. As a construction manager, you must be able to work in a structured, independent manner, but also have the ability to collaborate with others. We want apprentices in construction operations who have motivation, a desire to perform, as well as curiosity and a desire to learn more.
Read more about the construction management profession at utdanning.no (norwegian site, link opens in a new window).
As an apprentice in Horticulture at UiB, you will work outdoors all year round at the university gardens. The university gardens consist of Muséhagen, the Arboretum, and the Bergen Botanical Garden - also known as Bergen’s three botanical gardens.
Tasks may include:
- Production and maintenance of plant growth outdoors and in controlled climates.
- Work management, production planning, crop accounting, and logistics.
- Climate control, watering, fertilization, and propagation using various techniques, adapted to different stages of plant growth and development.
- Use and maintenance of efficient technical equipment tailored to each production.
- Quality assessment, harvesting, packing, and storage of plant products.
- Planning, facilitation, and implementation of integrated plant protection.
In the gardens, both gardeners and researchers at UiB work. We curate and develop the collections as research projects at the University Museum, UiB, and externally. We showcase the most beautiful plants, preserve endangered plants for the future, and use our plants in communication and teaching.
Read more about the university gardens here: The University Gardens (link opens in a new window).
IT operations
The IT operations subject is about operating stable, secure and efficient IT services that enable value creation and the development of businesses. It is also about skills in user support to promote the company's efficiency and competitiveness.
The subject will provide you with knowledge of up-to-date technology, contribute to an understanding of IT as a tool and how IT is used constructively through practical work tasks. The IT operations subject is about designing and operating IT solutions in society, in a way that safeguard information security, privacy, user friendliness and accessibility to necessary services.
The IT operations subject at UiB
The University of Bergen has long experience of having IT apprentices. You will receive training and assignments arranged according to the curriculum of the IT operations subject.
UiB needs good IT solutions, and not least good employees who can operate them and provide guidance in them. This can be anything from wireless networks, storage services, access and login solutions and network servers to software.
Work tasks can be to
- assist and guide those who will be using the IT systems
- monitor, operate and troubleshoot the infrastructure (servers/network)
- help further develop the company's IT systems
- install and maintain various software
- document and create routines for how the IT systems are to be used
Important characteristics
You should be service minded and solution oriented. You need to be interested in technology, possess a technical understanding and a curiosity to learn more. You must be able to work with others and be good at communicating, while at the same time being able to work independently. In addition, you should be structured in your work and have a motivation and desire to perform.
Read more about the IT operations subject at utdanning.no (norwegian site, link opens in a new window).
Service and administration
Service- og administrasjonsfaget handler om å koordinere og utføre administrative driftsoppgaver. Videre handler faget om å tilpasse informasjon og kommunikasjon til ulike brukere, medarbeidere og ledere i en virksomhet. Basert på målene og kjerneoppgavene til bedriften man jobber i, skal faget bidra til å utvikle administrative tjenester som dekker behovene til dens brukere, virksomheten og samfunnet.
Faget skal bidra til å utdanne selvstendige og omstillingsdyktige service- og administrasjonsarbeidere som planlegger, gjennomfører, dokumenterer og vurderer eget arbeid, og som kan bidra til en effektiv og bærekraftig drift av virksomheter.
Service- og administrasjonsfaget ved UiB
Based on the goals and core tasks of UiB, the subject will contribute to developing administrative services that meet the needs of our users, the business and society.
As a VET apprentice at UiB, you can have very different tasks depending on which unit you work in. But mainly it is about service, customer service and office administrative tasks.
Tasks can be to
- answer e-mails and telephones
- handle mail
- service, customer care and user support
- simple case management
- place orders
- financial and accounting work
- plan events, courses and conferences
- register time sheets, invoices and the like
It is necessary to have good computer skills within e.g. word processing, spreadsheets, presentation and office support tools, as well as knowledge of regulations. However, necessary training will be provided.
The training and work tasks during your time with us, will be adapted to you and your apprenticeship according to the curriculum for the Service and administration subject.
Important characteristics
In the field of service and administration, you must be able to work in a structured and efficient manner. At times you may experience time pressure and short deadlines, and it is important to be able to handle this. You work in a service profession and must like to help others, both colleagues and customers. Service and administrative employees must also be able to express themselves well in writing and orally, and be able to work independently and systematically.
Read more about the service and administration subject at utdanning.no (norwegian site, link opens in a new window).
Animal science
This is a profession that involves the care and practical handling of animals (outside of traditional agricultural production) where good knowledge and experience of animal welfare and animal health is necessary.
It is about running a business with experiences, services and products related to animals and animal husbandry. The subject will prepare you to deliver quality to both clients and customers, and provide security for animal welfare and public health. The subject will also give society access to services and products that cover the needs of everything from private animal husbandry to important societal functions with animals. The subject will also train adaptable apprentices who meet the animal industry's need for competent labour, and who meet the administration's requirements for competence in working with animals.
Animal science at UiB
Vårt arbeid med dyr er basert på høye etiske standarder. Dette sammen med human behandling av dyr, bidrar til bedre forskning og undervisning ved UiB. Vår dyreavdeling er godkjent av Mattilsynet og er dessuten akkreditert av AAALAC International.
At UiB, you work with the practical handling, care and nurturing of animals based on animal welfare and animal health.
Work tasks can be:
- care and nurturing of animals
- work with health-promoting and preventive measures for animals' physical and mental welfare
- operate and maintain similar animal facilities, premises and furnishings
- assess, select, train and prepare animals for different environments, areas of use and activities
- work with services and products related to animals
- provide customer service through communication, guidance and instruction
- administrative work such as record keeping, documentation and reporting
- account for factors that affect finances, customer satisfaction, working environment and quality
Important characteristics
You must be fond of animals, and enjoy being with animals. You have to be patient and caring, and be good at cooperation and customer service. It is also important that you are independent and can make important decisions on your own if something should arise.
You must have good observational skills and a keen eye for the animals' needs. It is important to be caring and adaptable towards both animals and clients.
Read more about animal science at utdanning.no (norwegian site, link opens in a new window).