Immersive Journalism seminar
Ready for «the most powerful storytelling ever»? Welcome to a kick-off seminar on virtual reality, augmented reality and 360 video.
Main content
The first wave of immersive journalism is here, with journalists and researchers testing out new tools for extended visual news coverage. In this seminar, journalism scholars from the UK, the US, Finland and Norway will give short talks on their emerging studies in this expanding field. The main purpose of the seminar is to start critical discussions about the benefits and challenges as well as potential pitfalls of using immersive technologies in journalism. The seminar springs out of the ViSmedia project at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies, UiB.
Presentations by: Esa Sirkkunen, Sarah Jones, Astrid Gynnild, Turo Uskali, Siri Flatlandsmo, Lars Nyre and Deborah G. Johnson.
Date: Wednesday, September 19 Time: 15.00-17.00 Location: Media City Bergen, Media Lab (Tower 3, 9th floor)
15.00 — 15.15
Opening session Coffee and snacks
15.15 — 15.30
Towards Immersive Journalism: The biggest challenges so far Turo Uskali, Head of Journalism, Department of Language and Communication, University of Juväskylä, Finland
15.30 — 15.45
Exploring the first wave of 360 video journalism Esa Sirkkunen, Researcher, University of Tampere, Research Centre Comet, Finland
15.45 — 16.00
Ethics in virtual reality journalism: A case study Siri Flatlandsmo, journalist, Avisa-Hordaland, Norway
16.00 — 16.10
Pause Coffe and snacks
16.10 — 16.25
New Journalism 2.0: changing how stories are told to embrace new technologies Sarah Jones, Head of the Birmingham School of Media at Birmingham City University, United Kingdom
16.25 — 16.40
Exploring the expressive register of VR journalism with innovation pedagogy Lars Nyre, Professor, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, UiB
16.40 — 16.55
Visual Surveillance Implications of Immersive Journalism Deborah G. Johnson, Professor, University of Virginia, USA, and adjunct professor, UiBAstrid Gynnild, Professor, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, UiB
16.55 — 17.00
Wrap up