
Launching Book About Drones in Civil Society

Civil drones are about to become a billion dollar industry in Norway. What consequences will this have for privacy and security?

Droner i sivilsamfunnet

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This is one of the questions that will be discussed when ViSmedia welcomes everyone to a launch their book «Droner i sivilsamfunnet» (Drones In Civil Society). The launch will take place on April 10 at Media City Bergen. The book discusses how we can make sure that drones will be used responsibly in our society.

More than 230.000 Norwegians now own a drone. And more than 800.000 are considering buying one. In the Norwegian government's new drone straegy, Norway is described as especially suitable for large-scale experimentation with drone technology. The fast-paced development within this technology suggests that drones soon will be an integrated part of our daily lives.

Many of the authors of this ViSmedia book will be present at the event to contribute with enlightening talks on the latest drone development – from eight different perspectives. These are ViSmedia and UiB's own  Astrid Gynnild, Frode Guribye, and Øyvind Vågnes. In addition, Åke Refsdal Moe (Norwegian Board of Technology), Helge Veum (previously at The Norwegian Data Protection Authority (DPA)), Elisabeth Krauss Amundsen (previously at DPA), Rune Ottosen (OsloMet), and Knut Torbjørn Moe (chairman at UAS Norway) will be present. 

You can also meet drone students rom Media and Interaction Design at UiB and their experimental drone videos.

The last of the eleven authors, and those who will not be with us at the event are Bente Heggedal, Nils Øy and Lars Nyre.

The launch will take place from 3PM to 4.30PM here:

📍 The restaurant, Media City Bergen

The event is free of charge. Light food will be served.