What is 5G? Connecting and Radiating Future Society
«New year, new technology»
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Updated: 15.05.2023 (First published: 16.09.2021)
5G will probably revolutionize our homes and lives.
Should we expose ourselves to radiation, and are we ready for this new technology? Welcome to our breakfast seminar on 5G! Meet two of Norway's foremost experts on 5G. Learn about digitizing societies by Patrick Waldemar, Telenor, and radiation by Tone-Mette Sjømoen, Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority.
Date: Thursday, January 10th
Time: 08:15-10:00
Location: Media City Bergen, Media Lab (Tower 3, 9th floor)
08.15 — 08.30
08.30 — 09.00
5G – Digitizing SocietiesPatrick Waldemar, Vice President Telenor Research at Telenor ASA
09.00 — 09.30
5G and RadiationTone-Mette Sjømoen, Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA)
09.30 — 10.00