
Conference: Future Predictions and Final Goodbyes

Main content

Visual Futures of the Media 2021 introduction

Visual Futures of the Media 2021 introduction

Scenario I Ubiquitous News Surveillance from Above

Scenario I Ubiquitous News Surveillance from Above

Surveilling Climate Change from Above by Paul C Adams, University of Texas EN

Surveilling Climate Change from Above by Paul C Adams, University of Texas EN

Satellite Storytelling in Journalism by Turo Uskali, University of Juvaskylää EN

Satellite Storytelling in Journalism by Turo Uskali, University of Juvaskylää EN

Traffic Surveillance as Entertainment and Activism by Thomas Wold, Nord University EN

Traffic Surveillance as Entertainment and Activism by Thomas Wold, Nord University EN

Interactive panel discussion Moderated by Hilde Sandvik, Anja Salzmann & Kjersti Løken Stavrum

Interactive panel discussion Moderated by Hilde Sandvik, Oddrun Samdal & Barbara WassonEN

Scenario II Visualizing Alternative Truths

Scenario II Visualizing Alternative Truths

Scenario III Experimental Learning in Immersive Environments

Scenario III Experimental Learning in Immersive Environments

What Should Technical Experts do About Deepfakes?

What Should Technical Experts do About Deepfakes?

Interactive panel discussion Moderated by Hilde Sandvik EN, Térence Jarosz & Frode Guribye

Interactive panel discussion Moderated by Hilde Sandvik EN, Térence Jarosz & Frode Guribye

Innovation Pedagogy for Experimental Journalism by Lars Nyre, University of Bergen EN

Innovation Pedagogy for Experimental Journalism by Lars Nyre, University of Bergen EN

Virtual Reality as a Metamedium by Joakim Vindenes, University of Bergen EN

Virtual Reality as a Metamedium by Joakim Vindenes, University of Bergen EN

Interactive panel discussion Moderated by Hilde Sandvik, Oddrun Samdal & Barbara WassonEN

Interactive panel discussion Moderated by Hilde Sandvik, Oddrun Samdal & Barbara WassonEN