Nettverk for kultur, ulikhet og demokrati (KUD) forsker på sammenhenger mellom kultur- og mediefeltet (forstått som publikum, bruk, tekster, institusjoner og politikk) og sosial ulikhet, med spesielt fokus på implikasjoner for demokrati, deltakelse og medborgerskap. Nettverket ledes av Jan Fredrik Hovden og Torgeir Uberg Nærland.
Nærland, T. (2023). “Towards a sociologically enriched understanding of anti-media populism: The case of Enough is Enough!”. International journal of communication.
Hovden, J. F. (2023). “The same everywhere? Exploring structural homologies of national social fields using the case of journalism”. The British Journal of Sociology, 1468-4446.13023.
Hovden, J. F. (2023). “Worlds apart. On class structuration of citizens’ political and public attention and engagement in an egalitarian society”. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 10(2), 209–232.
Driessen, O and Nærland, T.U. (2022). “Mediated recognition: Identity, respect, and social justice in a changing media environment”. (Editors introduction) in Communications, de Greuter
Dahl, J. M. and Nærland, T. U (2022) "Playful recognition: Television comedy and the politics of mediated recognition", Communications, de Greuter.
Nærland, T.U & Dahl, J.M. (2022). “Beyond representation: Public service media, minorities and the promotion of capabilities through entertainment”. Poetics. ElsevierFlemmen, M., Hjellbrekke, J.,
Hovden, J. F. and Jarness, V. (2022). “Stability, Transformation, and Escalation: Norwegian Classes and Class Boundaries 2008–2020”. Class Boundaries in Europe. The Bourdieusian Approach in Perspective. London: Routledge.
Hovden, J. F and Rosenlund, L. (2021). “Class and Everyday Media Use. A Case study from Norway”. Nordicom Review.
Hovden, J. F (2021). “Dårlige borgere? Arbeiderklassen i den moderne offentligheten”. I Ljunggren og Nordli Hansen Arbeiderklassen. Oslo: Cappelen Damm.
Nærland, T.U., Hovden, J.F., Moe, H. (2020). “Enabling Cultural Policies? Culture, Capabilities and Citizenship”. International Journal of Communication