UBAS International (2005)
Artikkelsamling med 21 artiklar av ulike forfattarar.
Ingunn holm, Sonja Inselset and Ingvild Øye (eds.) «Utmark» The Outfield as Industry and Ideology in the Iron Age and the Middle Ages
Ingvild Øye | |
Reidar Bertelsen | |
Marit Anita Skrede | Shielings and landscape in Western Norway – Research traditions and recent trends |
Susanne Pettersson | |
Ole Risbøl | Protoindustrial iron production in Østerdalen and challenges in managing this heritage |
Simund V. Arge | |
Werner Meyer | |
Maria-Letizia Boscardin | |
Irene Baug | Who owned the products? Production and exchange of quernstones, Hyllestad in Sogn, Western Norway |
Søren Diinhoff | |
Carenza Lewis | Utmark, settlement, marginality and power in medieval lowland, England |
Gro Steinsland | |
Mats Mogren | |
Eva Svensson | Gender and spatial patterns in the Scandinavian farmstead and outland |
Ingunn Holm | The Forest Finns of Norway and Sweden and their use and conception of landscape |
Randi Barndon | |
Inger Zachrisson | |
Jostein Bergstøl | |
Kieran O’Conor | |
Nikolaj Makarov | |
Przemysław Urbańczyk |