Masteroppgaver levert i 2007
09.02.2007 Karen Anita Aa (A.Goksøyr, B.E.Grøsvik/A.B.Kjersem): "Effektar av produsert vatn på Atlantisk torsk ( Gadus morhua L. ), biomarkørstudiar ved hjelp av proteomikkbaserte og immunkjemiske metodar".
16.03.2007 Lars Ertesvåg Breivik (K.E.Fladmark, T.Solstad): "Peroxiredoxin 6 Phosphorylation, bindingpartners and function in nodularin-induced apoptosis".
28.03.2007 Natalia Godø Rønneberg (R. Aasland, G.Bjerga): "An investigation into the interaction between the PHD finger and bromodomain of p300 and nucleosomes".
09.05.2007 Sverre Ulvik (B.T.Walther). "On the Evolution of the Genetic Code".
22.05.2007 Svanhild Haugvaldstad (J.R.Lillehaug, T.Arnesen): "Post-translational modifications of the C-terminus of the human protein N-alfa-acetyltransferase hARD1".
13.06.2007 Linda Sleire (A.Fjose, Ole D.Lærum/T.S.Huang): "Investigations on Clock Gene Expression and Circadian Variations in Human Stem Cells in vitro".
13.06.2007 Gunnveig Grødeland (A.Fjose, Ole D.Lærum/T.S.Huang): "Induction of gene expression and clock-related proteins in serum shocked primary human mesenchymal stem cells in culture".
20.06.2007 Kristian Kobbenes Starheim (J.R.Lillehaug, T.Arnesen): "A study of novel N-α-acetyltransferase complexes NatB & NatC".
20.06.2007 Halvard Haugen (J.R.Lillehaug, T.Arnesen): "Phosphorylation of the human protein N-terminal acetyltransferase hARD1".
20.06.2007 Ole Jakob Nøstbakken (A.Goksøyr, R.Male): "Ligandinduserte protein-protein interaksjonar mellom Aryl hydrokarbon reseptor (Ahr) og Aryl hydrokarbon reseptor nuclear translocator (Arnt), frå laks (Salmo salar)".
25.06.2007 Toril Anne Grønset (K.E.Fladmark, R.Kellmann): 2Cellular targets of the marine algal toxin Azaspiracid-1".
25.06.2007 Ann Cathrine Kroksveen (K.E.Fladmark, F.Berven): "Proteomic studies on the low molecular weight cerebrospinal fluid proteome with emphasis on methodological optimisation, pre-analytical influence and biomarker discovery in multiple sclerosis".
14.09.2007 Aina-Cathrine Øvergård (A.H.Nerland, S.Patel/I.Hordvik):"Molecular cloning and characterization of CD8 in Atlantic Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)".
23.11.2007 Hege Iversen (H.Holmsen, B.T.Walther): "Phospholipid signalling molecules. Identification of minor metabolites in platelets".
19.12.2007 June Iren Bagstevod (H.B.Jensen, O.A.Karlsen): "Protein-protein interactions in the outer-and inner membrane of Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) analysed with Blue Native PAGE".