Institutt for biovitenskap (BIO)

Masteroppgaver levert i 1998


Vår 98 Janne Molnes L. Haaheim: Antigenic drift in the HA1 domain of influenza A(H3N2) strains isolated in Norway in 1992-6 and relationship to vaccine and reference viruses

Vår 98 Ernest Amankwah Rune Male: Activity of a Pit-1 POU-domain Mutant and the Cloning of a LIM-domain fragement

Vår 98 Bushiri Tamim Dag Helland: Safety Aspects of DNA Mediated Vaccination: Horizontal and Vertical Transmission Following Intramuscular and Intravenous Administration

Vår 98 Matthew G. Addo R. Male: The effect of polychlorinated biphenyl on cod (Gadus morhua) zona radiata, prolaction and cytochrome P4501A gene expression.

Vår 98 Erik Stensrud Dag E. Helland: Secretion and transcellular trans-activation of Tat from cells infected with primary HIV-1 isolates

Vår 98 Torgeir Holen Rein Aasland J.R.Lillehaug: Mamalian Polycomblike genes

Vår 98 Torill Høiby Lage Aksnes J.R. Lillehaug: Effelter av calcitriol og retinsyre på veksdt, vitamin D receptor og 24-hydroksylaseaktivitet i brystkreftceller

Vår 98 Per Olav Brækkan H.B. Jensen: Forsøk på kloning av fomA, genet som koder for ytre membran porinet FromA i Fusobacterium periodonticum

Vår 98 Astanand Jugessur Hans Geir Eiken R.Aasland: Breast-canser-1 (BRCA1) gene mutation analysis. Metodological development and investigation of genetic predisposition among 73 Scandinavian breats/ovrian cancer patients.

Vår 98 Lill Knudsen Anders Fjose: Studier av bindingsseter for homedomener og paired domener i UTR sekvenser av sebrafisk genet hlx-1

Vår 98 Frode Hatten Dag E. Helland: A study of antibody content in gut mucus from Atlantic salmon and degradation of serum IgM by mucus proteases

24.08.1998 Tapati Datta Arnt J. Raae: The molecular cloning of genes from Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua L) Attempts to clone the gene for the cod psychrophilic chymotryptsin

26.0819.98 Bjørn Olaf Kvamme Arnt J. Raae: HIV-1 INTEGRASE; Preliminary stdies on purification and structure characterisation of the N-terminal domain

10.09.1998 Børge Andrè Kristoffersen B. Walther: Hatching of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos: Anlysis of zonalysis, and induced secretion of zonase

17.11.1998 Olav Vestrheim E. Slinde D.E. Helland: Variabilities in Electrophoretic Karyotype of Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous; a Yeast that Produces Astaxanthin

14.12.1998 Rolf B. Edvardsen A. Fjose: Analysis of DNA-binding properties of the zebrafish Pax6 protein and its possible involvement in autoregulation

23.12.1998 Bjarte Furnes D.E. Helland: Application of the yeast two-hybrid system to study HIV-1 integrase and reverse transcriptase interactions

23.12.1998 Hanne Nakkestad L. Haaheim DE. Helland: Genetic vriation in the HA1 domain of influenza A (H3N2) viruses in Norway (1992-98)