Tre forslag til CET Akselerator tildelt midler
Den første utlysningen av CET Akselerator ga fem forslag, hvorav tre ble tildelt midler. Les mer om tildelingene her (på engelsk).
The CET Accelerator is a mechanism to stimulate activity within the overall scope of the CET centre. CET affiliated researchers can apply for seed funds to develop larger research applications, or strategic projects within research, publication, teaching or communication. NOK 50 000 – 150 000 per proposal was available in this call. The next CET Accelerator call is planned for September 2018.
The following projects were granted funding:
#1: The Architecture of Climate Change Mitigation (CLIM-ARCH) Michaël Tatham, Prof., UiB, Dept. for Comparative Politics Seed money (research assistant) to prepare for submitting an application to ERC Consolidator Grant. |
#2: Researchers in dialogue: Learning actionable knowledge Stina E. Oseland and Kristin Kjærås, PhD candidates, UiB, Dept. of Geography Create a platform for productive dialogue between researchers and practitioners by convening novel gatherings of people, topics and dialogue forms. The dialogues will be recorded and constitute a podcast series for CET. |
#3: Zero-emission transportation and intelligent traffic management Endre Tvinnereim, Senior researcher, Norce Rokkansenteret Employ research assistant to analyse data, collate results and draft text for articles. |