Geodynamikk og Bassengstudier

Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Corinth Rift: A comparison of rift margin and rift axis domains

PhD candidate: Natacha Fabregas

Natacha Fabregas
Natacha Fabregas



Professor Robert Gawthorpe (Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen), Professor Mary Ford (Université de Lorraine), Doctor Richard Collier (University of Leeds), Doctor Martin Muravchik (Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen)




This project will develop a rigorous understanding of the location, geometry and sedimentology of syn-rift basin margin and basin axis depositional systems in the Corinth Rift. This work is divided in two Work Packages (WP).

WP1: Basin margin depositional systems. This work package focus on the central-eastern part of Corinth Rift’s southern basin margin. The specific objectives undertaken in this work package are:

1)        To map and analyse the sedimentology and stratigraphy of Late Pliocene to Pleistocene delta deposits in the hanging wall of the southern border fault of the Corinth Rift – Work in progress

2)        To correlate the different stratal units using sequence stratigraphic concepts and reconstruct the environments of deposition – Work in progress

3)        To investigate the structural style of normal faults, sediment source areas and evaluate structural controls on the depositional systems – Work in progress

4)        To establish an age model of the depositional system and to evaluate the environmental controls on sediment supply and the evolution of the depositional systems – More field data needed

5)        Integrate results from WP1 with ongoing work in UiB on numerical modelling of landscape evolution and normal fault network growth to investigate temporal and spatial variations in sediment supply and sites of deposition

WP2: Rift axis depositional systems. This work package focusses on Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5 to 7 using the IODP Expedition 381 cores from Sites M0078 and M0079. The specific objectives undertaken in this work package are:

1)        To investigate the sedimentology of basin axis turbidite and associated deposits – Work in progress

2)        To investigate stratigraphic and spatial variations in turbiditic sedimentation. – Work in progress

3)        To interpret the MIS 5 to 7 palaeoenvironment of the basin axis related to fluctuations between marine and non-marine conditions – Work in progress

4)        To establish a high-resolution age model for the MIS 5 to 7 in the cores – Work in progress

5)        To integrate the above objectives to evaluate environmental controls (e.g. sea-level, climate and associated sediment supply) on the evolution of the turbidite depositional systems.


The palaeoenvironmental interpretation of each work package will be used to integrate basin scale observations and interpretations to propose a model for syn-rift sedimentation subjected to fluctuations between marine and lacustrine conditions.