High Displacement Faults Project
Aiming to understand the spatial and temporal evolution of large-displacement normal faults
This study aims to understand the spatial and temporal evolution of large-displacement normal faults, in particular the processes controlling the growth, interaction and abandonment of these faults as well as the development of associated sediment sources and depocenters. We will accomplish this by focussing on the following objectives: i) Determine the 3D geometry and growth of these faults; ii) Analyse which faults in a network become large in size and displacement, iii) Disentangle the factors controlling the spatial and temporal development of these faults in rifts and continental margins; iv) Examine how they affect basin morphology and surface processes (e.g. uplift, subsidence, sediment routing), and crustal processes (e.g. exhumation, core complex formation).
Funding: UiB-Equinor Akademiaavtalen
Project Period: 01/06/2020 – 1/03/2024
Project Leader: Rob Gawthorpe
Involved people at UiB: Rob Gawthorpe & Ritske Huismans
Project Partners: UiB, Equinor