Composition, tectonics, and stratigraphic variation of the zechstein supergroup in the central North Sea
PhD candidate: Tarek Mohamed Ibrahem Ali Galhom

Supervisors: Prof Robert Gawthorpe, Prof Atle Rotevatn, Prof Christopher A-L. Jackson, Dr Oliver Duffy and Dr Mar Moragas
Project period: 3-4 years
Funding: NFR (The Research Council of Norway - NFR Project no 326965 ), Harbour Energy and DNO Norge & ZechTec Project.
Aim of the PhD Project: Study the spatial variation in the composition of the Zechstein Supergroup and its influence on salt tectonics. The initial study will focus on the Sele High and Ling Graben regions on the Norwegian side of the Central North Sea.
a) Mapping key horizons in the ZSG and post-ZSG to study the lateral and vertical lithological variations.
b) Petrophysical evaluation of the ZSG in the study area.
c) Determine the origin of structural styles associated with syn- or post-deposition of ZSG, determining how these relate to compositional variations within the unit, and local and regional tectonics.
d) Use results from the ZSG to understand how evaporite-associated lithological and stratigraphic variability impacts on structural style and evolution of salt-related structures.