MUCS - Mediebruk i krisesituasjoner

Digital Vulnerabilities

Velkommen til et seminar om digital sårbarhet og mediebruk.

image of woman with phone
Daria Nepriakhina, Unsplash.com


Seminaret vil foregå på engelsk.


In this seminar, three leading Scandinavian media scholars will discuss different perspectives on vulnerability in research on datafied media experiences, digital societies, AI and algorithms. Each scholar will give an introductory talk:

Talk #1: AI vulnerabilities in automated welfare: Infrastructures, Lives and Public Values

Professor Anne Kaun

Anne Kaun is a professor in media and communication studies at Södertörn University, Sweden. Her research interests include media activism, media practices, algorithms, automation and artificial intelligence from a humanistic social science perspective. She has studied political mobilization and protest movements, as well as the notion of media memories and their changing nature in the context of social media.

Talk #2: Digital Orientation: A geographic Turn in Audience Research

Associate Professor David Mathieu

David Matheu is an Associate Professor at the Department of Communication and Arts in Roskilde University. He does lecturing and research in audience and reception studies, as well as in the areas of methodology and planned communication. His interests include not only audience but also social media, participation, discourse, language and cognition, news production and consumption, as well as the interplay between qualitative and quantitative research. His current work focuses on the changing nature of audience in the age of social media.

Talk #3: Digital Vulnerabilities in Personalized Media Experiences

Professor Jannie Møller Hartley

Jannie Møller Hartley is a professor of Communication and Journalism at Roskilde University. In her research she is situated in between the fields of Journalism Research, Audience Studies and Data Science. She is concerned with governance by algorithms, critical data studies, datafied everyday lives and the role of journalism in the age of datafication with a particular focus on democratic publics. She is researching the effect of reccomender systems, diversity in news distribution and algortihms in newsrooms. But she is combining this with research into citizen's everyday lives with algorihmic and datafied media. She is currently co-leading the Centre for Big Data and is the PI of the reasearch project DataPublics.

The seminar is organized by professor Jannie Møller Hartley and postdoctoral fellow Hilde Sakariassen, in collaboration with the research project MUCS - Media Use in Crisis Situations and Bergen Media Use Research Group.