Institutt for sammenliknende politikk


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Ask, Vegard: ‘No Country for Green Men?’ A case study of the Green Party of the United States

Bjånesøy, Lise Lund: Populist Radical Right Voters in Contemporary Democracies in Western Europe: Operationalizing and Testing the Three-Dimensional Political Space hypotheses

Dalsbø,Thomas: History Matters – a Comparative Analysis of Historical Legacies and Post-communist Corruption

Einarsen, Benedicte: Women’s Substantive Representation in Parliament. A Comparative Analysis of Legalising Abortion in Argentina and Uruguay

Espelid, Kristian Løseth: Judicial Independence in China: A Post-totalitarian Story

Fremmerlid, Lisa: Community policing in South Africa – Mission Impossible? A qualitative case study of police reform failure in South Africa after the 1994-transition to democracy

Galaasen, Ane Thea Djuve: The banning of extremist political parties: Constructive or counterproductive? An empirical analysis of party bans in European democracies since 1945

Gravdal, Terje: The road towards 2020: A multiple case study on the implementation of the RES-Directive in Estonia, Latvia and Norway and the factors affecting their performance towards meeting the 2020 renewable energy targets

Hagesæter, Magne: Achieving justice by starvation: a quantitative analysis of hunger strike outcomes

Haugen, Sunniva Christophersen: The Hungarian Judiciary: A Guardian in Need of Rescuing? A study of judicial independence in Hungary since the transition to democracy in 1989

Hvattum, Ingvild Thue: State Capacity, Internal Conflict and Democratic Breakdown – A Comparative Study of Mali and Ghana

Johannesson, Mikael Poul: Close elections and turnout. The margin of victory and horseshoes in comparative perspective

Kallager, Per Kristian Roko: Globalisation and the Welfare State – A Meta-Regression Analysis

Kalstad, Monika: Trust beyond borders – The Norwegian welfare state, social coordinated security schemes and the free movement of labour

Kisen, Ragnhild: Felles makt – felles ideologi? En sammenlikning av lovgivning i Stortinget og rettsutvikling i Høyesterett mellom 1976 og 2013

Lauritzen, Lars Sindre Moen: Samvirkebonden: En empirisk undersøkelse av en gruppe melkebønder i Hordaland

Norvalls, Vidar Bergstøl: UK Independence Party – Ny politisk kraft i et definert politisk tomrom? Et casestudium av partiets fremvekst i britisk politikk

Petersen, Christian Siegwart: Money for nothing? Arguments for basic income, universal pensions and universal child benefits in Norway

Roaldset, John Martin: Hva skyldes forskjellene? En vekstkurveanalyse av politisk representasjon av kvinner i 20 demokratier over tidsperioden 1970–2013

Sherling, Alexander Revheim: China in Africa: New Colonialism or Sustainable Development?

Sollid, Maja Finnes: From state capture to business capture: A qualitative analysis of institutional development in post-Soviet Russia

Syverud, Vetle Nordli: Why the Saddest Tragedy is Greek. A Comparative Study of the Financial Crisis and its Origins in Greece, Spain and Portugal

Thorsen, Marie Koksvik: Reaching sustainability: Combining sustainable development with emission reductions in the Clean Development Mechanism. A study of the sustainability contributions in the CDM projects with Norwegian investment

Vangen, Kristian Kolrud: Eksterne tiltak for å begrense politisk ustabilitet i konfliktområder