
MUCS - Mediebruk i krisesituasjoner


MUCS project logo

MUCS (Media Use in Crisis Situations: Resolving Information Paradoxes, Comparing Climate Change and COVID-19) studies media use in complex societal crisis situations, comparing the pandemic and the climate crisis. The project is a collaboration between media studies, human geography and journalism studies. We analyze how people in Norway encounter these issues in everyday life and in the media, where information is abundant across digital platforms.

New research
bilde av klimademonstrasjon

New Research on Climate News: 'Something About the Climate is Hard to Put into Words'"

News about climate change can seem intangible and difficult to grasp. Two new studies reveal how we understand and interpret climate news.

New research
elderly man sits by laptop

When The Elderly Navigate the Digital Landscape

New research from MUCS uncover the challenges faced by elderly people as they navigate the internet and digital services in their everyday lives.

News avoidance
thumbnail from  podcast

Feelgood media in times of crisis

Do we need feelgood media right now? Professor Hallvard Moe visited NRK P2 Arena to discuss news and media use during times of war and societal crisis.

Kvinne med munnbind på trikken og mobil i hånden

Media use Research about the Covid-19 pandemic

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic much research has been carried out on how the pandemic has affected society. Here you will find an overview of publications related to media use and the pandemic, by the scholars in Bergen Media Use Research Group.

Man stands in pile of plastic litter and takes a photo

Researcher Solveig Høegh-Krohn on her role and progress in the MUCS-project

Master`s graduate from the University of Bergen, Solveig Høegh-Krohn, on her role as researcher and the recent developments for the qualitative research conducted in the MUCS-project.