Project Events

LINGCLIM activities
2019.09.26: Kjersti Fløttum participated in a panel debate hosted by the National Science Week at the public library in Bergen. The debate was entitled "Apokalypse snart - eller regner bekymringene vekk?"
2019.09.06: Professor Mike Hulme, University of Cambridge, author of the seminal book “Why we disagree about climate change”, gives an open guest lecture with the following title: "Still disagreeing about climate change … but what have we learned in 10 years?". Egget, Student Centre, University of Bergen
2019.08.12: Runa Falck Langaas held a speech for the new students at the Faculty of Humanities. Grieghallen, Bergen.
2019.05.20: LINGCLIM guest researcher Dimitrinka Atanasova, Lancaster University, presents her research at HUMKLIM: “Metaphors and frames of climate change, sustainability and nitrogen pollution across “mainstream”, “social” and “constructive” media”
2019.05.13: LINGCLIM participation at conference summing up cross-disciplinary findings from the University of Bergen and NORCE project “Pathways to energy transition”: Perspectives from the social sciences and humanities on pathways to energy transition
2019.05.09-10: LINGCLIM internal workshop – co-production of new papers
2019.05.08: Article in the French newspaper LIBERATION with reference to Fløttum, Gjerstad & Gjesdal’s paper «Avenir et climat» in the journal Mots. Les langages du politique, n°119, and interview with K. Fløttum
2019.03.12-15: Kjersti Fløttum keynote speaker at COST Action CA17132 – APPLY - European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis, Lisbon
2018.11.22-23: LINGCLIM participation at French-Norwegian research conference in Caen, France
2018.11.05: LINGCLIM at «Temadag klima og energiomstilling», Universitetet i Bergen
2018.10.27: LINGCLIM participation at Concerned Students Norway’s conference «Climate Change Insights», Bergen
2018.09.17-19: LINGCLIM participation at Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice conference, University of Cardiff, UK
2018.07.05: Kjersti Fløttum keynote speaker at the conference “Les Mots du Climat” at Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire (MTES), Paris
2018.04.28-29: Kjersti Fløttum keynote speaker at International Conference on English for specific purposes (ESP): Revolution and Innovation, at Shih Chien University in Taipei, Taiwan
2018.04.05-06: LINGCLIM participation at Table ronde internationale de la création, de la diffusion et de la recherche sur le nord et l'arctique, IMAGINAIRE|NORD, Montréal, Canada
2017.09.06: LINGCLIM presentation at conference organised by the Norwegian Ministry of Culture
2017.06.28-30: Kjersti Fløttum keynote speaker at the 21st Conference on Language for Specific Purposes 2017, Interdisciplinary Knowledge-making: Challenges for LSP Research, at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), Bergen
2017: Tvinnereim, E., Fløttum K., Gjerstad, Ø., Johannesson, M.P., Nordø, Å. D. 2017. Citizens' preferences for tackling climate change. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of their freely formulated solutions. Global Environmental Change, 46, 34-41.
2017: Fløttum, K., Gjerstad, Ø. Narratives in climate change discourse. WIREs Climate Change, 8:e429. doi: 10.1002/wcc.429
2016: Fløttum, K. 2016. “Linguistic Analysis in Climate Change Communication”. In: Climate Science: Oxford Research Encyclopedias. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.013.488 -> ORE Climate Science
2016.11.23-25: Kjersti Fløttum keynote speaker at NORDISCO 2016, Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction, Oslo
2016-2019: LINGCLIM part of the project “Pathways to energy transition”; Kjersti Fløttum and Endre Tvinnereim responsible for WP2: “Norwegian citizens’ understanding of and opinions on energy and energy transition”
2015.10.16-17 "The Human Side of Climate Change" - LINGCLIM conference
2015.02.01 Endre Tvinnereim and Kjersti Fløttum published in Nature Climate Change
2014.09.20-21 LINGCLIM a part of National Science fair in several Norwegian cities
2014.05.16-17 LINGCLIM hosted the PhD seminar: Climate exchanges: Language, Media and Politics in Paris
2014.04.25 LINGCLIM participated on the Christie Conference with an exhibition of project activities
2014.02.04 Climate Gathering with high school pupils arranged by LINGCLIM
2013.11.11 Norwegian Citizen Panel
2013.10.31 Desire for climate consensus impedes action- Professor Mike Hulme
2013.10.25 Kjersti Fløttum named Honoary Doctor at Uppsala University
2014.04.02 Presentation of results from LINGCLIMs school surveys
Other LINGCLIM events
Date | Event | Venue
| LINGCLIM participation |
2014 12.12 | Sèminare linguistique et discursive (Le projet LINGCLIM) | Université de Nice psophia Antipolis, Nice | Kjersti |
2014 27-28.11 | Energy, environment and ecology and the intersecting contributions of specialized languages, discourse, cultures and disciplines | Universitè Grenoble | Kjersti |
2014 29.10 | Plankonferansen i Hordaland 2014, «Klima, utbyggingsmønster og transport» | Bergen | Kjersti |
2014 19-26.09. | Forskningsdagene/Forskningstorget/Forskning Ung | Bergen, Oslo, Stavanger | Elisabeth, Kjersti, Trine and Vegard |
2014 12-15.08 | XIX Congrès des remantistes scandinaves | Université d’Islande | Øyvind |
2014 21-22.07 | Changing Climate Change Communication | Amsterdam | Kjersti |
2014 0616-17 | Climate exchanges: Language, Media and Politics
PhD course | PARIS Centre franco-norvégien en sciences sociales et humaine ( & LINGCLIM, CLIMPS, University of Bergen, and UniRokkansenteret
| Anje, Kjersti, Helge and Vegard |
2014 05.06 | Ungdommens fylkesutval | Bergen | Vegard |
2013 1028-29
| LINGCLIM seminar Climate change - public opinion and attitudes | Bergen Invited persons: Dr. Wouter Poortinga, Pr.Reiner Grundmann, PhD Camille Debras Pr. Marianne Ryghaug | All |
2013 0624-26 | Le Français parlé dans les médias IV; Discours, média, technologie : Que change le numérique ? | MONTPELLIER Université Montpellier III | KF & Øyvind Gjerstad, paper |
2013 0621-22 |
| PARIS Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 PRISMES | Kjersti Fløttum - keynote |
2013 0621-22 | The mediation of expert discourse: linguistic perspectives Conference
| PARIS Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 PRISMES | Kjersti Fløttum - keynote |
2013 0619
| BSRS 2013
| BERGEN | Kjersti Fløttum - keynote |
2013 0522-23 | ECCO kick-off conference: Gearing up for AR5 | ASKER
Cicero | Kjersti Fløttum |
2013 0426-27 | KICK-OFF for LINGCLIM: Workshop on survey design for the Norwegian Citizen Panel - with invited Professor Jon Krosnick, Stanford University
| BERGEN LINGCLIM with Dep of Comparative Politics, UiB & UniRokkansenteret, Uni Research | Gisela Böhm Trine Dahl Kjersti Fløttum Elisabeth Ivarsflaten Endre Tvinnereim |
2013 0418 | Linguistics seminar,256.html
| CAEN Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, | Kjersti Fløttum |
2013 0412 | MeCCSA Climate Change and the Internet: Challenges and Opportunities for Research - Conference | LEICESTER University of Leicester | Trine Dahl Kjersti Fløttum Andrew Salway (paper with Dag Elgesem) |
2013 0321 | Bergen program for Governance and Climate - Seminar: | BERGEN UiB Guest lecture by Dr Sandra Zicus University of Tasmania Hobart, Australia
| LINGCLIM-group and
2013 0309 | Individual and collective representations of climate change: interdisciplinary perspectives - Workshop | PARIS GIS – Climat, Environnement, Société, CNRS + LINGCLIM | Presentations/papers by Gisela Böhm Kjersti Fløttum Nelya Koteyko Chantal Pacteau |
2013 0314 | Energi for framtida – i norsk, samfunnsfag og naturfag - Kursdag for lektorer i vgs Hordland
| BERGEN Skolelaboratoriet i realfag, UiB
| LINGCLIM-presentasjoner fra klimavitenskap, lingvistikk, psykologi, statsvitenskap: Gisela Böhm Trine Dahl Helge Drange Kjersti Fløttum Elisabeth Ivarsflaten Endre Tvinnereim |
2013 0124 | CLIMPS seminar
| BERGEN CLIMPS forskergruppe, SV-fakultetet, UiB
| Kjersti Fløttum: Presentasjon av LINGCLIM + artikkelpresentasjon |
2013 0115
| Klima på dagsorden Workshop om klimaformidling
| OSLO Miljøverndepartementet / Klif | Kjersti Fløttum: ”Hvordan virker ordene – trenger klimadebatten et nytt språk?”