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Administrative procedures at the relevant faculty


(ref. article 6 of the rules of the Integrity Committee at UiB)

Cases of dishonesty or breaches of good scientific practice should be reported to the dean of the relevant faculty.

Cases should be presented in writing and should explain the basis for asserting, or why it is likely, that the alleged dishonesty or infringement of good scientific practice has taken place. Documentation shall be kept showing that the person the complaint concerns has acted as claimed and that the person concerned has had an opportunity to make a statement.

Should the dean find there is a basis for resolving the matter in a manner acceptable to the parties involved, the case shall be concluded in this manner and the dean shall send a brief report on this to the Integrity Committee.

Should the dean reject the case, a brief report will also be sent on this to the Research Ethics Committee.

Should the dean find there is no basis for resolving the matter in a manner acceptable to the parties involved, but finds there are grounds for proceeding with the case, this shall be prepared and put before the Research Ethics Committee.