Department Council
The Department Council is an advisory body for the Head of Department in matters concerning the direction of, or are of fundamental importance to the department's activities. The council shall act as an information and liaison body between the department's management and the staff and students.
The Department Council can be contacted at
Antonella Zanna | Head of Department, Head of the Council |
Lill Knudsen | Head of Administration, Secretary |
Morten Brun | Group A: Permanent scientific staff
Renè Langøen Ingrid Kristine Jacobsen Francesco Ballerin, deputy | Group B: Temporary staff
Kristine Lysnes Marianne Jensen, 1. deputy | Group C: Technical and adminstrative staff Duty period: 01.08.2021-31.07.2025 |
Lukas Reidar Knudsen Randi Therese Eskeland Karoline Holand, 1. deputy | Group D: Students Duty period: 01.08.2022-31.07.2023 |
The representing members and deputy members for groups A and C are elected for 4 years, while members for groups B and D are elected for 1 year.
Reglement for styringsorganene ved fakultetene og instituttene, vedtatt av Universitetsstyret 27.9.18