Det medisinske fakultet


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Core Facilities at the Faculty of Medicine

The core facilities at the Faculty of Medicine are collections of scientific equipment and highly qualified technical staff, made available to the research community. The core facilities at The Faculty of Medicine cover important needs at the University of Bergen as well as regionally and nationally.

Core facilities


List of core facilities

Other reserach infrastructure at the Faculty of Medicine:

Governing principles

The core facilities at The Faculty of Medicine are organised in accordance with the faculty's principles for core facilities.  
The idea behind core facilities is to ensure that available resources are used as efficiently as possible. User payment covers parts of the total costs, but exactly how much varies between the different core facilities. Buying new equipment or hiring new staff is covered by the owner institutions. Commercial users can use the core facilities in accordance with the University of Bergen's policy for contract research. 

The Faculty of Medicine has a separate policy for division of costs and the difference between providing a service and research collaboration which clearly states that user payment has no implication for whether or not co-authorship should be considered. 
To allow the core facilities to provide the best possible service to the research community, it is important that they are closely connected to leading researchers within their field. This makes using a core facility a more attractive option than buing one's own equipment and hiring personell, both in terms of costs and also in terms of methodological quality. In our experience, core facilities are a good way of giving the Norwegian research community access to state-of-the-art equipment which is well maintained, to methods that they don't know and to equipment and personell they would not have been able to afford on their own. 

The core facilities' organisation is based on the experiences from the FUGE-programme, funded by the Norwegian Research Council.  The core facilities are run and financed by The Faculty of Medicine in close collaboration with NRC, UiB, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (UiB), Haukeland University Hospital, The Western Norway Regional Health Authority, The Bergen Resarch Foundation, as well as the involved departments and research groups. 

Acknowledging core facilities

When publishing, users must acknowledge the core facilities if the publication includes result of work performed at a core facility to make them visible. When registering in Cristin, the code for the core facilities must be added in the same way as the source of funding/partners.  

Core facilities at other Norwegian institutions

our core facilities