Det psykologiske fakultet
Deltagere på YFL kull 4

Rannveig G. Sæle

Rannveig G. Sæle, førsteamanuensis, UiT


  • Educational dropout
  • Student learning
  • Teaching methods
  • Mental health among adolescents

Research interests:

I started my research career working on two longitudinal studies dealing with academic achievement and educational dropout in upper secondary and in higher education. A range of variables was included in these projects, but the predictors I have been most interested in are related to mental health and learning strategies/processes, and their associations with grades and dropout. My main research interests have kept following these two tracks afterwards: educational research and mental health among adolescents.

I am concerned about how students learn and how faculty can teach in order to help students learn most efficiently. First-year students are of special interest to me, because many find the transition from upper secondary – or work life – to university studies difficult. Even if students in higher education are expected to be relatively independent, the increasing number of students entering university creates a larger variation in the student population. I am interested in identifying the most effective teaching methods that support student learning and prevent dropout, without increasing the burden on teachers.  

I am also involved in research on adolescents’ mental health and how mental health affects achievement and dropout, as well as how parental education and socio-economic status are related to mental health literacy among adolescents.

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